Daily annihilate all americans thread

daily annihilate all americans thread

they are fat useless despicable sacks of shit controlled by jews while pretending to not be controlled by jews

not only americans suffer from it, but ALL OF THE WORLD


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i liek america

oh check this guy

it's the c.i.a covert american pretending to be canadian

our favourite guest

in every annihilate all americans thread

b…but… TRUMP""1

your post reads like an emotional outburst of self-hate. You despise yourself because American influence touches every facet of your everyday life. You listen to American music, you can name 30+ American actors/actresses, and you know all about American history. You were taught about our great country by your meager education system. You wish you could walk this, God' country for just one day. You wish you could see what we see on a daily basis. You wonder what it's like to live life here in the US. I'm glad i read your post. Thank you user. I had almost forgotten about the internal salt the rest of the world harbors for us. I almost forgot the beauty of your anguish.

your post reads like an emotional outburst of faggotry.

america is a divided country, not even americans will dispute this any longer

through brainwashing there was for a long time an illusion in the head of every american that they were better than people who were not american

but as wage gaps continued to grow even past the point of absurdity

while hard working people saw not a single increase in salary while rich coke snorting assholes increased their wealth by 1000%

this illusion of all of americans being superior winners became harder and harder to enforce

americans are, after all, not stupid by default

every single american has the potential to become an entity that will see through the bullshit when they are born

it is only through systematic brainwashing the rich coke snorting assholes can maintain the status qou

don't hate me for trying to help you

i know you are programmed to hate anyone trying to make you see

but i believe you are greater than that

it takes hard work but it can be done


How long do you think you're shitty countryman and military would stand against our full American military might? An hour? Half a day? You and your shit family would hit your knees on your shitty floor, begging God not to let the American's bring the pain. You would watch your mother's ugly, whore face as she cried out to God asking for mercy. Your fa-g father would be seen with palms in hand, sobbing hard as he soaked his trousers in urine at the thought of American troops storming your 1-story sad excuse for a home. He fears an American occupation of your home, where he is made to make food for soldiers as they drink beer and watch American football in your living room. He sobs as he imagines your mom getting a train of American cock in her tight little holes, he can almost her her orgasmic screams of pleasure. He can almost hear the clapping sound of hard thrusts of sex as an American grips her hips and fucks her from behind while she chokes down another American soldiers dick. Your mother would get 5 minute breaks every half hour to rest and clean up. If she is thirsty she can have a mouthful of American piss whenever she wants. You'd have to sit there to watch and listen to all of this happening. Just when you think another emotional outburst may be coming, an American says to you, "Shhh.. It's only freedom from here on out user.."