What did he mean by this?
Also, a new spiderman already?
Dan Slot
Charge your phone, OP.
Also, stop browsing Twitter. You'll find that your happiness and quality of life will improve, as will the quality of our threads here on Holla Forums.
The big two love shitting on their audience. Not even surprised any more.
I just moved onto their old shit and Japanese stuff. Jack Kirby and Kamen Rider rarely dissapoint
Chances of them making mary jane black too 0%
Back issues are only thing of value left at the Big Two.
Nothing to see here folks
Isn't that Kilgrave from Jessica Jones?
Normal day then.
It's funny Luke Cage is brought up too, because he called Peter the whitest person he knows. There's even a song about the archtype Peter encapsulates.
We already had a thread about this, it's probably still active. And they keep calling her "black" but she's mixed… I didn't even think she was part black at all when I first saw her. What would calm people down is straight up saying this is a MARVEL casting decision and not a SONY one. Because Sony is fucking retarded.
We're all still annoyed by Flash, because the whole intellectual rival/cyber bully or whatever angle isn't what was wanted. We wanted oldschool, physical bully. Because Flash in the movies has never been more than a footnote.
Holy shit, do I hate Dan's fucking passive aggressiveness. Changing someone's race for diversity good boy points is a little different than having Peter and Gwen meet up slightly later. And of course, if you have a problem with it, these types of people tell you to "share your toys". It's always this patronizing, arrogant tone. Everyone else is a child and they're just so so enlightened.
People aren't upset because their favorite characters are being retooled and subverted to push an agenda, they're just evil racists out to keep our hero Dan from saving us poor blacks from the desolate alternate timeline where Mary Jane continues to be white and attractive. And notice, for all their virtue signaling, they didn't even cast an actor that actually has dark skin. They won't take that risk, but they won't fucking hesitate to pat themselves on the back. Fuck these people.
Also, can we please stop with this cuckchan template horseshit?
This and I'm much happier for it too. After all the retcons I find the Japanese to have the absolute most respect for their stories, characters, and franchises because they rarely retcon anything whatsoever. Oh and of course no virtue signaling SJW faggots.
It and "right side of history" are two of the cringiest things I hear these days.
And you're right, they didn't cast a really dark Black Black girl. I didn't even assume she was black at all when I saw her, just sorta brown. Yet anyone who even asks why they changed her is a racist, which throws perfectly normal people into the same "racist" label as KKK dragonwizards or whatever faggot LARPing titles they have and that's just retarded. If you call everyone racist, it just makes it harder to deal with ACTUAL racism when it shows up.
Oh, and no one cared about the change with Gwen because we were already pissed at them rebooting the movies as we were complaining about the casting of PETER, even though his actor was WHITE. It's obvious that fans don't need a racial motivation to ask "why the fuck are you doing that?" so being dismissive when people ask that now is just dishonest.
Saw the news on kikebook, no one was digging the change so far since MJ is not a hot red-head anymore
t. Spic from the land of free helicopter rides
Don't fucking remind me user
Japs cannot into CGI, period
I wasn't just referring to the anime, but how the manga got less dark and how Guts has little witches following him or some crap.
Everything except Berserk on your list is shit or mediocre. However, it's still better than what DC with Marvel are doing, especially when you look at comic books, it's just disgusting on so many levels to the point that you can't say if modern comics are fanfiction or official work. Plus no one use racism/sexism/ism card to justify their incompetent decisions and low quality production or other crap like that nor do they rely on cheap PC controversy to get more attention.
At worst Japanese companies are milking their franchises to death without pushing retarded agenda and without hiring cheap talentless hipsters from tumblr because they want to make money and that's it. Western companies, on the other hand, are exactly opposite. It doesn't seems like they care about money, it feels like they're not Jews anymore. Instead it looks like they just want to kill entertainment industry in general. PC controversy won't bring them more money, that way they just scare away more and more potential consumers. Seriously, these people are just out of touch with the reality.
Still not as bad as mainstream comics.
I'd take Naruto over Bendis any day of the week.
But did they retcon even a single thing? And all these things are more popular in the west than in Japan itself. Plus they do show it respect just look at the amazing send off they did for Naruto when it ended.
Is this another situation where nobody cares or is complaining, but twiblr faggots were already primed for a shit storm and act like it's happening regardless?
And it seems like the defense of the act is a million times worse looking than the possible race change itself.
I don't think the Japanese care about tumblr. Once thing very ironic I've noticed as well about Japanese comics and cartoons is that their stories and plots are possibly ironically far more diverse some to the point (even if there are repetitive genres but the gems really more than enough make up for everything) of outright ridiculousness but in a good way. It's just far more enjoyable to me and I think most people really as Japanese manga even in the west like in the US far far far outsell and are more popular than Marvel D. Cuck's shitty comics and cartoons.
When he wrote Spider-Verse, Dan Slott sidelined Takuya Yamashiro and Peni Parker, a non-white Spider-Man and a female non-white Spider-Man, in favor of his awesome new Mary Sue (who was white) from "Earth 0". This was despite everyone preferring those two to his shitty vampire hazubando
Someone with a Twatter throw this in his face.
That was my point, re-read what I said, they don't hire talentless hacks from tumblr. Ironically nobodies from Japan are more talented as well, porn alone is pretty much good quality most of the times when talentless hipsters on tumblr can't do something worthwhile, all what they're capable of is to make terrible fanfic trash which we can see in official comics as I mentioned earlier.
I wish the west did something with this crap already and at least got rid of sick leftists from media, I can't understand how people still tolerate this, especially when these retards don't even hide who they really are. Back then you could be fired for retarded behavior easily.
Don't forget 'It's [Current Year]'
I've never understood why they think telling people what year it is constitutes some kind of argument
This guy has the right idea.
It's shame where we've ended up as if the gap between us, Japan wasn't large enough on so many things and I'm not just talking about the Japanese superior health and life expectancy either.
The whole "Right" side of history they spew is hilarious, due to the fact that if you know your history a lot of evil people used that as an excuse to behave the way they did.
Dear Bendis/slott/other negro loving marvel writers, you will never be a nigger and they will never accept you as one. Niggers hate you and would kill you given the chance.
Please visit Detroit/Chicago/bankhead at night if you don't believe me ;^)
Fuck. The Dan Slott video from B-mask is gone.
Good thing you didn't mention Compton because it's funny there seeing how niggers lost that place to the spics. Whites being gone things might turn out alright because spics are ethnically cleansing niggers as we speak which is why they lost Compton, LA, and a bunch of other places and they don't fuck around.
Top lel
Niggers only still exist because white guilt is a thing. If the whites go, niggers will go the next day. Because without whitey how will they get gibs? And without whitey (libtards specifically) to protect them, the chinks and dunecoons will send them to monkey hell. Whites are the only ones who tolerate these walking tragedies
The kikes aren't very fond of them either if Israel is anything to go by. I guess it's true what they say, nobody likes niggers.
They mostly just kill each other
For fuck's sake, and for the gorrilionth time, NO. People need character that express universal values and morals. They don't need a character who is like them in some superficial way. They need an engrossing story that relates to them on a philosophical level you insufferable cunt.
Yeah, no.
Friendly reminder that the only thing a character needs to do is be interesting.
fuck, i am from Peru
Do you think i want to see a peruvian dude with thights and capes doing weird shit on a comic?
i recall Marvel or DC had a gay peruvian super wizard that got AIDS from a goblin or something, fuck i didn't wanted that
In factmy favourite character was Metle, memes aside, i liked his awkwardness, and he died just to show that the "Arcade" means business in some shitty event.
I find it hilarious that Slott thinks these are remotely equatable. Tons of comics have put Peter, Gwen, MJ and Harry Osborn in High School together. Nobody gives a shit. One of Mary Jane's defining characteristics is that she's an absolutely stunning redhead.
Being more prone to suicide sure is healthy indeed. :^)
So why do you sperge out whenever non-white characters that aren't replacements are made?
can you provide an example of an ethnic character who isn't a progressive replacement for a pre-existing character causing a spergout?
On the converse side I can think of an actual ethnic replacement for a pre-existing character who didn't. Of course, they spent 10 years building him up
He might mean Ken Mack (Mettle), the guy who looks like Red Skull
Literally any original character that isn't a raceswap or taking on another character's mantle. Are you retarded?
I asked you to name one that cased a spergout, not create a recursive statement based on an unfinished sentence. Are you retarded?
The protagonist of Mafia III.
They trying to refer to progress, that's how it is. Ironically of course they think that regression means progression. Keep in mind that these people don't know history either and they're the same people who want to embrace islam, should I even mention the state of society in islamic countries? And the most important part is that every one of them is mentally ill.
You're stupid if you think they believe in their own bullshit they're trying to spread. Deep inside they hate or are scared of niggers just as any other person.
Not even cheap Hollywood kikes care about them. They're doing this crap for two reasons: 1) nobodies from the streets are cheap as hell; 2) niggers or ugly female cast which are likely cheaper can bring controversy what means free attention because of sick leftists in the media, people wouldn't notice white male nobodies or Asians about which these hypocrites don't really care, people care about famous celebs who are too expensive for kikes or they care about controversy. Although controversy indeed brings quite big attention, incompetent kikes are too stupid to realize that in the end it will cost them shitton of money because attention alone can't bring money, if anything controversy can scare away even more potential consumers, Cistbusters nailed it perfectly well. Good thing that this media tactic with paid positive reviews isn't that effective. Media can't even force people to hate Trump either, they bring him in every their blogpost they call articles no matter what topic it is, even Twitter retards with celebs are trying to promote him and looks like people start to like him even more thanks to infinite attention he's getting.
Ironically back than people knew how to get shitton of money from a movie with low budged and without controversy bullshit because they loved their work and weren't afraid of experiments.
Don't lie.
what a surprise
Wouldn't expect any less from Mirror-Tumblr…
Also I like how you're so retarded the idea of using old images is foreign to you.
Kikes rarely use Asians when they want to get attention, when Disney decided to cast that ugly fat gook chick in their next SW, people bitched about it for a while and then totally forgot about her, I think they stopped caring in few weeks if not earlier. Now that stormtrooper nigger was discussed to death, you could see shitton of threads about him on various boards for more than one year, people couldn't stop even after TFA release and people still use memes with him and people going to continue to talk about him again when new SW happen while they'll talk about gook for a while and then forget her completely. And if some journos going to mention something about Asians in context of diversity, you can say for sure that he/she is american chink or gook.
If you want insane attention, niggers are your best bet and kikes know it.
Ironically, not even porn artists or SF pornmakers are touching Asians, when they want to show that they're not "racist" or want to support race mixing, they're always drawing niggers with almost no exception.
Stories of good versus evil, heroism, struggle, and so on are universally appealing. That's the sort of shit I mean.
Spider-Man resonates with people because he's a funny guy who is struggling to do the right thing. Great power. Great responsibility, etc.
Spider-Man's appeal has little, if anything, to do with the fact that he used to be a scrawny nerd who got shoved into lockers by Chad Thundercock.
Because it's almost always an ideologically motivated action with the express interest of "taking away" a character from one group to give them to another in a less appealing, less interesting, more preachy form.
Case in point: Female Thor's entire character being "GIRLS R STRONG SHUT UP MISOGYNISTS!!"
These characters are then crammed into every available crossover because they are trying to sell them to us on concept alone. Instead of having them do anything that makes a comic interesting, we instead get lectures and lessons about how it's bad to be a poopyhead wrongthinker.
You didn't even read what I said, did you?
I don't mind them doing minority characters as long as they explore their background and culture. What bugs me now days with Marvel is that when they do a character who is a minority they're very americanized. Like if you do a character from Tahiti actually show Tahitian culture and not make them some average American cuck.
It's 5am. Cut me some slack.
In most cases, the replacements are new and original characters, like Miles Morales, but they are given the mantle of established heroes.
Otherwise, Marvel hasn't created any new minority heroes that have raised much of a fuss around here.
For them to do that, they'd actually have to do their research or the culture in question would have to be the trendy thing to virtue signal about and defend. Case in point: Muslims.
They'll give us plenty of Muslim characters with the intent of showing "they're just like us!", but not a single one will ever mention all the beheadings, stonings, and free trips off the rooftops that Muslim culture is quite okay with.
Go to bed user.
I'm not referring to comics only.
Examples? I'm assuming you mean stuff like Ghostbusters or Star Wars, but in a lot of those cases, the directors and writers spend months gallivanting around, doing awful interviews where they whinge about how we need more feminism and diversity for it's own sake.
makes me wonder if we can do a character who is muslim or christian and fled from the middle east because of isis or something. Or maybe some tuareg who roams the desert.
Mafia III
Hell no, those were forced as hell. Although I will say it's funny how everybody whined about Finn and that it turns out Rey was the one in movie that was the special creator's pet.
I remember Holla Forums making a few jokes about ANGRY BLACK CRIMINAL the video game, but there wasn't a huge outcry over it.
They got triggered because they didn't read the article in OP and whined about "dindu nuffin".
spider-ZE when?
Are you implying the truth isn't they completely changed the context and plot of a videogame series to make space to dindu nuffin?
Last time I checked the series is still about organised crime. Like the SJWs anons claim to hate, they sure do find a lot of things to get triggered by.
Western society telling people that failures shouldn't kill themselves, that they have so much to live for, that's the unhealthy attitude
When they do stuff like this it's never about black people or minority representation or any of that. Mainly because the producers or the execs or whatever don't actually know many black people, and the ones they do know are usually middle or upper class and the token minorities in their upper class liberal hipster set.
No, at worst they do this to bait controversy because they know they can't sell the movie on its quality alone. At best, they do this so that their white liberal hipster set can pat them on the back and have a circlejerk about how forward thinking and progressive they are.
It's never about genuine concern for minorities or actually wanting to see more blacks in movies. If anything, black people should be just as offended at the race swaps as white people because it just means that black people, in their minds, only exist to shield them from accusations of racism and nothing more.
Well, Amy Pascal is the one spearheading this. During the Sony hacks it came out that she intentionally tried to lowball actresses and other female employees when compared with their male counterparts. This is in spite of her public persona as this feminist who constantly complains that women aren't represented enough in Hollywood, that they're not getting paid enough. The leaks also revealed that, when asked what movies Obama might enjoy, she asked 'Should I ask him if he liked Django? Or The Butler? Or Think Like A Man?'
But I'm betting if you made their precious miles Morales into a whitey they would chimp the fuck out
I used to like Dan Slott during the first leg of his She-Hulk run. It saddens me that he's gone straight to shit after they let him write a character people actually read out of some misguided attempt to use a social platform.
Seriously. Why can't he be both? I mean it's 2016 people, everyone can use the Internet. I want him to doxx Peter just to give him a wedgie.
He better start working out.
They have excellent physical health and longevity.
The problem is many of them realize that their dreams will never come true because they're stuck working under the same megacompany taking calls and processing data for the rest of their lives, and therefore the quality of life they have exists not for their own purposes, but as an asset to the company.
Not only that but Japan has a long-standing ancestral tradition of ritual suicide. People would typically commit seppuku if they'd been dishonoured. If you take this concept and put it in a fast-paced, high pressure society what you're going to end up with is a high suicide rate
Kill yourself, niggerwood.
It's not very different from the west then, is it? Modern society for the vast majority is just the wagecuck life. People may live better than they did centuries ago due to modern innovations and conveniences but sure enough but if the historical polls are anything to go by they aren't any happier, much less so, in fact.
I doubt [unsolicited opinions on israel] is going to have a Muslim or Christian Syrian hero.
In good news, BLM despises israel and kikes are completely anal annihilated about it. Just jewgle "BLM israel".
"Please get mad at us. We have no idea how to advertise otherwise."
Don't you have some fat acceptance rally to attend?
If you guys ran out of things even remotely Holla Forums related to talk about, just sage.
that guy
So American Psycho 2 is a good sequel because it's still about an american psycho.
Go attend to your wife's child, cuck.
You know, you have a point there. The biggest anime in Japan for the past few years appears to be Haikyuu!!, a volleyball one. But, aside from the yaoi scene, I doubt most western otaku have heard of it. Sport is, after all, nationalistic simulated warfare
Quality responses, friendo.
Nice non-sequitur there, buddy.
So Luke cant be played by an Asian actor? You fucking racist.
that makes no sense shlomo
No, it's saying retards that post that moronic image are dumb Holla Forumsacks, you tard.
I can make these edits all day
I'm sorry you're that retarded.
Is there something about Holla Forums that compels all its posters to white knight it to death? Nobody ever gets this pissy when you talk shit about Holla Forums or Holla Forums.
Trips beat dubs, LEFTIST WINS
FIRST Holla Forums, THEN Holla Forums, THEN THE WORLD
Kill yourself commie scum.
Don't be mad at me because you can't get doubles on this slow-ass board.
People tend to think their political beliefs are flawless, and are deluded into thinking they're saving the world by voicing their beliefs at every turn. So there is an obsessive pride that you won't see from Holla Forums or Holla Forums (where disagreements are more common). Think about it this way, we do have Holla Forums and Holla Forums instead of a single board. Why? Because people in each don't react well at all to contradictory opinions, and despite their strong beliefs people will 'settle' into one side or the other just due to be less uncomfortable. In a lot of ways, it's really fucking childish.
I mean, think about 2007 Holla Forums, when defense of the PS3's $599 price tag meant that every fanboy of the time had charts full of exclusives and critic scores, for a system that years later people would admit took roughly 3 years to get good. Even if they Holla Forums or Holla Forums types here don't even go to those boards, that's what they act like: fanboys. That's why you see a lot of dubious charts and shit anytime politics or race are brought up, because some autistic fuck has a folder full of charts he saved months ago that KNOWS will "really show those mother fuckers!"
So, in short, some people are just fucking retarded and think their political beliefs matter at all, and will defend them to the death instead of just talk about comics and cartoons.
Fuck off back to SU general
Fucking hell who let tumblr in?
For the west, Static Shock. Although based on previous work of Dwayne McDuffie, he was able to make it focus on the teenager demographic and make it truly original.
For the east it's hit or miss but surprisingly there is a small niche of manga about African-Americans.
Sadly they do get canceled but they are entertaining, primarily Me and My Devil Blues and Blaster Knuckle.
Same of the above. Both are mangas about slavery in America but actually does it right without making the archetypical fuck whitey things SJW do. One is actually a loose bibliography of a prominent Black Blues Singer and the rumors of his skill, another is blaxplotation sure but it's an alternate history where the KKK were actual monsters like Vampires and Werewolves and shows that black people were cattle to them but white people were just pawns to the KKK monsters too.
Honestly these are things I'd expect Waid and SJWs to be jumping for joy about/creating, but we know that all they do is bitch and moan. Japan has none of this bullshit and actually creates more poignant pieces about Race relations than the Big 2 can ever do.
i miss Mettle, he was so awkward, i could just relate
Don't be butthurt because you got memed on.
Not sadder than a salty goon.
Has anybody told him that Marvel donates to Trump yet?
Do you have any other counterargument to the jewish question other than "DA JOOZ"? I would love to see how you would actually argue that the Jews DON'T control the media.
It's over, Sloth, has nothing else you can do.
You guys need to keep the shitholes conquered in the first place.