place you're bets lads
Other urls found in this thread:
Most likely a nigger
Isn't MI where they've been importing nigger muslims?
ffs 4 happenings is too much.
This is only the beginning
Man at the end of current year some user needs to make a recap of this year it just has been way too crazy of a year.
There are 20 instances of the word "happening" in the catalog right now. And then there are any number of happening threads that don't have it in the first post.
Too many happenings.
Michfag here St Joseph is next to Benton (harlem) Harbor on lake michigan I am pretty sure all the court proceedings for both cities are in St Jo. The odds are 99-1 that its a nog in the mix up. Have not looked on local tv yet.
The summer of the == CURRENT YEAR ==
Buckle up lads the rides only just beginning.
Maybe year of the fire monkey means that monkeys are going to set the world on fire.
It's a shame those police died, but I really hope that this is used for propaganda purposes to its fullest. Man I hope they catch this nog alive though. Niggers are low-agency, so its sure that someone has put him up to this.
Mental health screening should be mandatory for gun ownership tbh. Some /pollocks/ would be left out cold, true, I still think it's a prize worth paying. In alaska we are taking slow steps toward a more reasonable approach to gun ownership without sacrificing the spirit of the second amendment.
Perhaps the simultaneous happenings are intented to oversaturate us so we lower our guard and become victims to normalcy bias.
So when the happening to end all happenings finally happen, we will think it's just another happening.
We can decipher and analyze one happening at a time.
Not four of them.
we're in happening singularity and there is no escape
There is a problem: if this happens, white supremacy would be considered as a mental health problem and nonwhite supremacy would not.
filtered. one strike policy applies schlomo.
Most gun owners would be banned unless they lied their asses off
You know according to the DSMV being right wing is practically a mental disease.
You let the kikes decide who's mentally ill and you get all there enemy's to be toothless.
Why do you think homosex and tranny's are taken of the list?
wtf is this from? looks like something non pozzed that I might enjoy
But seriously….things are ramping because there's a stench of death and hate in the air. I don't mean "hate" in the way faggot liberals use it. I mean it in the literal sense. People are waking up from their slumber and they're grumpy as fuck.
If they can't cheat their way through a test then maybe they are too dumb to be allowed to carry anyways. Low IQ gunowners is bad for everybody.
If dubs, a white cop or ex-cop will go full-Judge Dredd on some niggers within the next 2 weeks
I'm about to already.
Why can't it be both?
I hope your daughters get raped by niggers, fucking kike.
How many people were injured and/or killed? If it's not at least 4 then it doesn't count as a mass shooting.
The same would apply if you said the Jesuits and the Druids, the freemasons. It's not like antisemites are targeted by the system.
It's from the Hellsing OVA. It's about vampire Brits fighting vampire nazis and stuff.
The vampire nazis and their leader are actually pretty cool.
what anime is that? looks cool
Gas yourself kike
>>>Holla Forums
if dubs CIA
(((Your))) shitty understanding of English gives you away.
Hellsing OVA, nigga.
It's not a mental health issue, it's a nigger issue.
You're a small guy.
Do you really believe this disorder is used against people like yourself and not against chimp out niggers to prescribe them tranquilizers? aliminium hat.
for jews
The nazi leader is a robot nazi though, not a vampire nazi. Fucking Japan.
You're not from around these parts, are ya?
if dubs then niggers
Trump needs to start taking advantage of these shootings. If he scares white America enough he could win the election at the cost of feeding the "hes wacist!!!" narrative leading to martial law.
Oy vey goyim not beliving the holocaust is a mental illness!
read the fucking link you stupid nigger and fuck off.
Im from the sea. I am an Alaskan /pollock/. See:>>6668223
hello reddit
Most shooting happenings are false flags that the jews milk for all their worth.
But in the end, if they're genuine or false matters not as long as they can spin it to their benefit. Shooting happennings = guns bad -> disarm the goyim.
If a dindu does it then he din du nuffins, gettin' his life on track, was goin' to church etcetra but guns are still bad and we have to take them from you.
If a white person does it, then it's "take the guns" + "oy vey hate crime check your privilege black lives matters remember the holocaust" etc…
Genuine or false flags, jews never let a crisis go to waste.
If dubs, cops will form RWDS to protect lives of their relatives from niggers and marxists.
The shooter grabbed the gun from one of the deputies.
hello dickie spencer
Oh you'll enjoy it
this thread is off the rails already
Time to disarm the police! Then no one will have guns and America will be safe for poor black people who dindu nuffin
I have University.
The deputy should be severly punished. A screening for mental ineptitude and lack of awareness should be done on all police.
Hello reddit.
It's a meme ya dip
What are you doing, man.
This probably wouldn't have happened if our police budgets where such shit gotta have mo money fo dem programs. Lots of burger police departments might only get range time twice a year, forget more advanced training.
Your poor English tells us better, retard. English clearly isn't your first language because you're fucking up basic things like the spellings of words and tenses ("is" instead of "was"). You also think aluminum is spelled with an "i" at the end, which tells me you live in the Eastern Hemisphere and probably not Europe. Most countries outside of Europe (and Western Hemisphere) are taught English from old British handbooks
British say al-oo-min-i-um
Americans say al-oo-min-um
Also, you should say "tin foil hat" so you clearly don't even know your shit. I don't even think you're Jewish. Chinese?
That should be illegal!
Sam Hyde on the scene yet?
Exactly this, so…
fuck off kike.
Well he probably died becouse of his stupidity.
Also race already known?
This is taking so loooong.
Guys guys guys, lets not get ahead of ourselves.
What if this unfortunate detainee didn't "intend" to kill those court officers and it was just very irresponsible action by the alleged criminal after the gun jumped out of the court officers belt.
Pic very much related. As Jung would have put it, we're witnessing the beginning of the resurrection of the collective white unconscious .
How long before this user posts an image with a file name in hebrew?
Nice dubs yourself user.
If MSM wants to avoid increasing the chance of a race war then they'll have to hide the motives of the shooter.
They all look so dysgenic and week. Nature will always correct her mistakes.
Good at least some get punished for negligence unlike H-dawg. Race isn't realy relevant in this case. It usually is but not this time. Probably some crack head.
Even most normalfags are aware of the lügenpresse.
I declare that Coulter's law is officially in effect
normalfags don't have access to the crime scene though, unless you're a reporter willing to put your career on the line, or the chief of police, you're going to be working with breadcrumbs
It's never not in effect.
That's a form of terrorism, tbh. Should be shot on sight.
Problem is that "I'd like to protect my home from youths" could be clasified as a mental issue while "Bix nood, kil whity" might not be.
@6668577 lmfao wish i could upvote twice haha
You know the rule : The longer the race is hidden, the less likely it is to be white.
No, just racial health screenings.
So what is your prediction? Religion of peace? Dindus?
Fuck off shill, you've done enough posting today.
BLM giga dindu
All it takes is for the race of the shooter to be released, then we will all know the motive. Normalfags aren't dumb enough to not see the correlation between recent events and nigs shooting cops. Hopefully the dindu is alive so we can get s court appearance where he goes on an anti-white rant.
Dindus are on a roll right now so i'd say it's a safe bet.
Dundu. Active BLM supporter with a kikebook filled with pages and pages of black pride groups.
It's a nigger.
dindu my man
This is obviously another step for the BLM plan to force martial law, this is the time to be fucking scared
Dindu. It would be too much of a coincidence for a Michigan attack against police to be perpetrated by any other race, given recent events.
That comes later.
Exactly, it's essentially:
It isn't? I've been eating popcorn for 3 days now.
Knowing West Michigan, it was a dindu and the cops were some weak manlets.
While many Michiganders fucking hate cops, Southwest Michigan is full of cucks.
Seriously what is the plan for when the nigger in chief declares martial law after he's been blatantly fucking sponsoring BlackLiesMatter? Can we have a civil war already when it happens?
if only the courthouse was a gun free zone, none of this would have happened
really makes you think
Stolen gun then?
Yep. What is to be classified by modern psychology is basically just a reflection of the cultural Marxist social norms. Islamiphobia and racism will probably be classified as disorders in the next edition of the DSM.
When martial law is enacted, you have Holla Forums's permission to fight.
Have any of you considered this?
What could possibly be the plan for such an event? Surly there is no possible action to take, we should just hand over our arms and bend over.
Are you fucking retarded?
Fox Jews says 3 dead.
Two bailiffs and the shooter. Five shot in total.
Kill you're shelf
What if my mother is already dead?
Jokes on you, my mom's already dead!
You dumb faggot I know it's obvious we are fighting it, but I'm asking about ORGANIZATION AND PLANNING.
All of you are faggots.
Please let her live
@6668865 sorry my fellow 9gagger *upvotes*
meant for @6668865
Dindus dinduing nuffan.
Even during the Civil War, we still had an election.
There is no precedent for postponing the election, even when the country is literally at war with itself. Any government which tries to postpone the election is perpetrating a coup. It's as simple as that.
So yes, if the King Nigger tries to postpone the election, that is justification for Civil War.
But I need my tendies
No, you're a faggot
2:1 it's BLM vs ISIS
ID 8db229 is a derailing shill. Filter him, do not reply to him.
I second this, but in what way might one hypothetically fight? One could theoretically imagine that simple racial cleansing is the best method. Conceivably, people would know which areas that dindus, spics and sandniggers tend to congregate in, and might set fire to their structures and shoot the fleeing animals. Not that I would condone or suggest any of that, but you have to think about these things in order to prepare/prevent them. Because it's possible that even the elderly and the children would be systematically eradicated.
Nice dubs.
Oh lawd, you've turned Sam Hyde's patrol car into a pepe.
The meme farm gets bigger by the day.
Read a book on guerrilla warfare.
We can't fight them head to head so we hit their supply lines, points of interest and VIPs.
If you go into a truck yard with some wire cutters you could snip all the tags on the locks and force the trucks to go back to the origin of delivery for inspection. If you put a car jack under a railroad tie or a brick at a switching station you could derail an entire shipment of arms that would be used against americans.
We would be fighting against an enemy with better training, more supplies and probably more men so our only option would be to fight dirty and sabotage fucking everything. Hypothetically speaking of course.
Intelligent observation fellow /pollock/. I agree. +1
Cut the head off the beast first. Target officials, infrastructure, and supply lines. In particular, cut off cities.
Purges can come later, when we have secured ourselves room to operate uninhibited. Jumping straight to racial purges, while the sitting government is still functional and strong, is doomed to fail.
In the event of Civil War, China and Russia will intervene.
Don't let that catch you off guard. How you use that knowledge is up to you.
I really wanted to reply and say something, but that would ruin everything so I'm going to tell you. please relay this to the poster of the original statement
Haha, I want my mother to die bc she's a bitch. Suck a dick.
you didn't even upboat you
Don't forget to set punji traps and IEDs if you live in a rural area
Basically we're going to be like the white Viet Cong
This video should be required watching for anybody thinking of railway sabotage.
It is harder than you think. Trains are surprisingly fault-tolerant when it comes to fucked up tracks, so you must be smart about it.
What if i'm already dead?
You shouldn't do anything. Just let them take over. It's for the best anyway. RWDS would say make a list of cultural studies professors and other know agitators and jews in your area. when SHTF go house to house and eliminate them. Even if they take the federal government, if they don't have their organizers on the ground they'll never hold the country for long
Alright, then it counts as a mass shooting
Look at the other comments by that ID. He's a thread derailment shill. Filter him, DO NOT respond to him.
If cops start quiting their jobs, nigs will start crying all "dey baby's" is being killed by nigs and blaming whitey for quiting their jobs.
I really hope you faggots who think there's even a remote possibility that anyone other than niggers did this aren't Americans.
You'd need to bend the tracks a fair amount to the side to guide it off.
Or just leave the satchel charges and blast the damn engine instead.
And in such a situation it would be immensely advantageous if there was no central command structure and each individual unit were operating independently.
The plan is "fuck shit up and don't get caught." That's it no organization, no command, Hail Hydra.
This fucker gets it.
Pls don't kill my mom.
Pseudo-terrorist gangs are formed from commando/scout units to act the part of real terrorist groups in operational areas to attain these objectives:
1. To locate the terrorist group in a particular area, by pretending to be part of its force.
2. To obtain information from the terrorist group on how it operates in command and political structure.
3. To find out how it enters or is formed inside the country.
4. To locate the terrorist group to destroy its force.
5. To locate the terrorist group, and if it is of a large size, to call in a strike by the larger commando unit.
Pseudo-terrorist gangs are the most dangerous and unrewarding jobs in the new type of guerrilla warfare during the last thirty years. The trooper involved must be better than the regular NATO soldier, the paratrooper, the commando, or the elite special unit soldier.
The man should not be all of these, but a small part of each. He should be able to operate completely by himself. Many elite forces speak of operating in this manner, but in reality they depend on some contact, resupply, or fall-back area. In pseudo-terrorist gangs, there is none.
The trooper must be solely responsible for himself and his pseudo-terrorist gang. He must become that terrorist group.
The pseudo-terrorist (PT) gang members must be masters of surprise tactics.
The PT gang must conform to nothing in the mission except the objective.
The PT gang must press the terrorist group until there is no avenue of retreat except into the PT hide.
The PT gang must operate without the support of any regular army unit. It must realize this.
The PT gang must kill or be killed.
The PT gang must dodge, counterstrike, and pressure increasingly.
The PT gang must always move toward the terrorists’ main command structure.
The PT gang must always strain the terrorist group it is dealing with to the breaking point of point-to-point contact, in most cases fifteen feet or less.
The PT gang must be superior at the point of contact even at the risk of danger of encirclement by other terrorist groups.
The PT gang must always move as though it has nothing to lose, or the terrorist group will see that it is guarded and reluctant in its operations.
The PT gang must always have maximum irregularity to throw the terrorist group off its belief that the PT gang is false. Yet the gang must be articulate in its ambushes of terrorists.
The pseudo-terrorist gang trooper must possess these qualities:
1. A fertile imagination in schemes, ruses, counter-ruses, plots, and resources.
2. A shrewd intelligence, to orchestrate every incident to his gang’s benefit. (Demonstrate loyalty to fellow troopers.)
3. A steady confidence, unmoved by anxiety, and a continuous sense of humor.
4. An apt memory to remember all the customs, cut-signs, and tricks that the terrorists use to detect him.
5. An alert, sturdy, and tireless constitution, to endure all physical obstacles as part of a job without a light at the end.
6. A rapid and accurate glance, which grasps immediately the defects and advantages, obstacles and risks presented by terrain, objective, or surprise contact with terrorists.
7. No sentiments regarding the political situation at any time.
8. An unquestionable ability to lie, even in the face of death, to protect the gang.
9. The ability to act the part of the savage to the extreme, but not to let the circumstances turn him from decency.
Lacking such aptitudes, success in this profession is impossible. It is useless for anyone to rely on some other talent such as prior regular army experience, police or security work, or elite unit service, or to flatter himself that, by taking pains or good fortune, he may expect to win the confidence of the turned terrorists in his gang. Reason and the facts deny such a presumption without fail.
The trooper cannot rely on previous military experience because the deeper the discipline, the lower the efficiency and average performance. The pseudo-terrorist must be a savage. He must make do with less food, and exercise greater economy of thought and action. He must not let heat or cold or any ailment affect him. The terrorist group will see that. What the pseudo-terrorist wants is to lower himself into the terrorist’s bowels and become the terrorist’s worst fear: a man more savage and ruthless than himself.
Try a few pry-bars and removing the rail entirely. Bending a rail would require way more effort.
So the be a PT you have to be an IRL Mary-Sue. Good to know.
Wew, be careful lads you're going to end up memeing Sam Hyde into an actual police officer.
"pseudo-terrorist" is terrible branding.
Yes, branding matters.
And the grand wizard of the KKK
The concept of ‘pseudo’ insurgents, i.e. members of the counter-insurgency forces posing as insurgents, is a well established, if lesser known, method of gathering intelligence and one often used by police units involved in crime detection.
In practice, select members of the Security Forces are trained in the habits and modus operandi of their enemy down to the smallest detail. Groups then infiltrate known insurgent areas, attempting to establish themselves as genuine insurgents. In counter-insurgency terminology this phase of the operation is known as ‘validification’ and is aimed both at convincing insurgents and members of the local population of the authenticity of the group.
Once a pseudo team has established its credentials as insurgent forces, the focus shifts to gathering all available information on insurgents and local support for them in the area. In this way pseudo operations can contribute substantially to the total Security Force intelligence picture. In an area where insurgent presence has already been established, as was the case in north-eastern Rhodesia in 1973, and where traditional Security Force intelligence sources have been eliminated through popular support for the insurgent cause, pseudo operations may prove to be the only reliable source of intelligence.
Within the cycle of any pseudo operation, validification and the acceptance of both local population and insurgents of the pseudo team, invariably proves to be the most difficult. To succeed, pseudo teams need to emulate insurgent forces in every respect. Furthermore, the insertion of these teams into an area is in itself a very delicate operation.
you need to be able to larp as a liberal nigger loving commie if you seek to eradicate them
if you want to read about irregular infantry tactics and shit that the Burger military hasn't been taught or taught to fight against for decades, checkout H. John Poole.
he has books that go through all types of light infantry tactics and counter-insurgency. learn how to fight as well as how your enemy will fight you.
So . . . in order to defeat the nigger you have to become the nigger?
Any camouflage tips? Boot polish?
MORE BAIT FER MARTIAL LAW. IN B4 ODED YINON PLAN EXECUTED BY DONALD THE SHUMP. Oh yeah, we got that stump baby. See you in a FLASH WITH a sword, and many swords, and many many swords, will be written 5 on one collar and 5 on another. And on his SWORD! will be written 1:11 or 1011 or 1/11 or 1 one one collar and 11 on another!
To be honest, I'm a bit worried some nigger will try and murder him one day for a mistaken identity.
I'm not sure how applicable all of this is to our current situation.
The enemy in our case isn't an insurgency, but rather a sitting government.
The annoying college communists which we do troll battle with on the internet aren't going to be forming their own death squads any time soon. They're all effeminate faggots who can't even do regular manual labor, let alone fight a civil war.
The leftist groups that will become militant will be nigger groups like the Black Panthers, but good luck infiltrating those. That will only be possible if we find blacks who are sympathetic to the right wing cause and are willing to put themselves into that sort of situation.
But even those groups won't be our primary enemy. They are an annoyance.
Fuck off
Can you share any highlights with us?
filter, report, ignore. Do not respond.
I don't think you understand - YOU are going to be the terrorist insurgents, user. When they move, they'll move swift and with a definite plan that will most likely work. If you can't stall at that point, and there's only one possible way of doing that, then you'll be the insurgent terrorists, and they'll be infiltrating you.
And remember they prey on weak-willed pusillanimous people, so they could be getting info from someone you've known for quite some time. Traitors will abound out of fear for themselves and their children.
maybe bc I know their plan :^) Exactly. I do. You shouldn't do anything bc that's what is best for society.
Exactly why there should be no command structure, just go underground with only people you know and trust. No new members for you little family and no ties to other families.
Sure there will be groups that accept new members and those groups will become intimate with drone strikes.
Fuck you
Juvenile Delinquency cases is all they had scheduled at the court today
there's so much shit that it would be a long process to outline. basically Western military has relied on superior technology/firepower to win. proper use of distraction, concealment, prepared defensive positions multiplies the infantry squad.
his books are on a couple different subjects:
But Moonman, Moonman, black lives matter…
Yeah, no shit. It's called going undercover.
You don't need all the ridiculous shit you've listed. Half of it is complete Mary-Sue fuckery (3, 5, 6, 9, and being able to somehow do all that with no military or police training) and the rest hurts more than helps particularly 3, because you don't want to stick out, retard.
Basically what you just put forth is "be a complete savage but you know still a decent human been, but you gotta be like invincible when it comes to sickness and hunger and weather, oh and also super good at schemes and planning and counter-planning like a super secret agent genius, and and and oh suuuuper funny always and never anxious, and confident like alllll the time. And all of this without military or police experience or training, because they suck and it's just something you know how to do, because apparently you're a main character straight out of a fucking anime."
I mean goddamn. You're just independently going undercover. Corporations to school clubs to police to nations do it every day, and successfully. It's really not that difficult to do. Not that I don't appreciate your effort and brainstorming, but wew lad.
We likely couldn't win a head to head war so we would have to force it into a war of attrition, I will admit they have a larger pool of resources but that doesn't mean their resources will stay theirs. I don't know about you guys but I really don't want to kill anyone that is serving our country no matter how misguided they may be.
Confirmed for youth?
Seems as though we will have to deal with an attempt at a socialist revolution first while the zog uses that opportunity to paint any further resistance as communist to keep the jackboots in line and loyal. That is why they backed off at bundy ranch. They need the suicidal marxist uprising first. We need to nip it in the bud as fast as possible while simultaneously dealing with the zog. Tough times ahead.
I would much rather make him go hungry for a few days or deprive his guns of ammo.
Now this could be a rather serious problem.
I think concealment will be much more important than defense.
If you have a defended position that the enemy is aware of, how defended could you actually truly be? What's to stop them from raining hellfires on you?
I agree with all of that, but you won't be able to stop them at that point. I don't think you understand how deep (and wide) the conspiracy goes or how much "power" (in the Foucaultian sense) they know how to exert, and in what ways they'll be exerting it. It has to be still-born or its over imho. This isn't the French Resistance. This'll be more like the French Revolution. You won't be getting help from outside. Heads will roll and the old system will be gone for good. Just saying.
I, personally, welcome the brave new world of freedom and equality that we'll be living in. I'm just telling you this bc I think it would make for great TV. Did I mention I'm totally for it (though obviously not actively participating)? bc I am.
Just to mention again, I plan on sitting in my house and watching TV and doing nothing whatsoever except tacitly in my mind supporting the great new future we'll be living in. Whoever runs the government is who I obey. Now and always.
quite the rusemaster
they're worth less than fecal matter
It won't come. The lefties are all effeminate faggots. They aren't even true to their principles, they are more than willing to gleefully gobble up capitalist corporate cock if it pays a little lipservice to their lifestyles and pet causes.
See: Apple.
What college communist doesn't love Apple? Apple panders to them a bit, and they fall for it hook line and sinker. Large international corps have got this figured out. They have it down to a science.
Leftists won't be throwing a revolution, they are totally neutered, but think they are winning.
I already told you how to do it and I'm telling you it is the only way. If you want to survive though, I'd sit it out. but if you want to seek glory, that's how you do it
Does anyanon know how to download a whole website in order to browse offline?
Sicker than your average nigger killer
Twist niggers' heads off
Niggers fucking stink niggers and gayers
Chicken wing eating players
I don't think you guys truly realize how bad this is going to be.
You're not going to be Moonman or Benny G effortlessly mowing down the brown hordes with akimbo machine guns.
You're going to be a terrorist/counter-terrorist cell like the Selous Scouts, and you'll be very stealthy and strategic in your actions if you want to maximize your chances of getting out of this shitstorm alive.
This won't just be some LA Riots 2.0 wargame, MILLIONS are going to die if all-out civil war actually happens.
This is going to be like the Balkans x50.
the scouts are the most successful counter insurgency unit that has ever operated. their selection process was grueling and much of their tactics were completely unorthodox. while they were counter insurgents, their forays into enemy territory also made them masters of long range patrols and irregular warfare.
there is a lot to learn from them, but Holla Forumsacks aren't going to be them
if a nigger can do what he did in Dallas, what do you think can be done with a properly prepared defensive position? they sent in a robot to blow his ass up so he wouldn't kill more cops. as a non-government actor, a defensive last stand is a last resort, but a powerful one.
graph of coulters law?
anything over an hour is non white i would guess
I agree completely, these are all just hypothetical thought experiments after all. Who would be crazy enough to even entertain the idea of going against America?
Not much more. Once they figure out where you are, they will send in a rocket-powered flying robot to blow up your ass.
You need to prevent them from figuring out where you are in the first place.
Why do you think there are 30 million illegals in the US, user? You need to start thinking like your enemy.
There was one outtake I heard… I can't remember what it was called… even the other TRS guys were like "woah, that's fucking dark"… I wish I could remember what it was. Idk if it was even on youtube… might have been an episode of TDS.. anyway it was good
But an uprising of Mexicans won't further their goal of branding any white right wingers as communists.
then you blow the IEDs you had planted where you know security forces will stationed. or you call your QRF that's stationed near by to hit them in the rear.
Why do you think masks are growing in popularity at rallies?
you nigger
sage for off-topic
I don't think that's their plan.
Fuck you.
its heeeeeeere
Not taking my chances you baspingo fag
a defensive position with homemade 12ga toe poppers, you have your overwatch team open up, good god the possibilities are endless. first thing in his position was to launch the ambush and then exfil. having another shooter hit them on the outside of the hasty cordon would have facilitated that.
might have to ditch your gear, but fuck it.
God I love summer.
please get out nigger
fuck you fag
As soon as you get into a standoff like that you are already dead. There is a very small chance that you could divide attention enough to get out of there by they have FILRs on every heli.
The point is not getting into a situation like that at all.
My mistake, saw the 47 and assumed it was 8847.
Get out summer.
out out out
What would an illegal mexican uprising do to further their goals? Let's break this down:
Under the liberal regime, the Mexicans have no reason to have an uprising. They're getting what they want, so how would they be whipped into a frenzy?
Under a Trump presidency, an illegal mexican uprising would be treated as an act of war. They would be decisively crushed.
So the only time that a Mexican uprising could conceivably happen and accomplish anything, is NOW. While the liberals are in control, but while the Mexicans are fearful of Trump.
But would the illegal Mexicans getting violent actually help their cause? I assert it could only help Trump. It would prove Trump right, and shift the Overton Window in our favor. It would be like Dallas all over again, disastrous to their narrative, but ripe for our propagandic purposes.
Mexican communists aren't our primary enemy. College communists aren't our primary enemy. And the middle-aged or elderly communists? They don't fight wars, young people do.
If shit goes down, our sitting government will be the primary enemy.
How can the guy take the cops gun? Don't they have lvl 3 holsters? Wasn't they guy handcuffed?
Notice how most of the people responding to him are (1)'s. It is textbook thread derailment. Report, ignore, filter.
he was scheduled to be in court today
die nigger
Speak for yourself.
well yeah, that's why I said a prepped defensive position is a last resort. radios and helos make fighting against modern security forces hard. preplanned routes and populous willing to help are manditory. to have any chance of getting out without outside help you'll have to initiate the ambush and then exfil while you can still escape as part of the crowd.
make sure you're an active member of a shooting range. you might get rolled up, but just shut the fuck up. while I was in, our tests could only confirm powder residue from 6-12 hours or something. make sure you go to the range the day of the op and people saw you.
That sure looks like a juvenile.
unless they have the manpower and intent to take control of every home depot then there is enough radiant barrier material for looting to craft a ton of thermal evasion cloaks. drones will kill the non evolved.
He's 30.
Fuck off, faggot.
I'm a little paranoid.
Don't bring this evil on me
Even with that you still cast a "shadow" if walking over anything that remotely reflects heat.
No, you are a faggot.
Sam Hyde made the scene.
Don't you know? Blacks are children until the day they die.
I don't know, in Europe - especially France - I've heard violent politics are the norm. They've been trained through hellfire. It's not the same here in the US, but it shows they've the capacity for it. The anarcho camp has demonstrated it as well, see: Seattle's 1999 WTO protests
Hiding from helicopters, while at the same time defending a position, isn't going to work. If they know where to find you, they'll be able to kill you.
It is better to remain hidden, strike and run. Always be gone by the time reinforcements get there.
Taking out supply routes to ground helicopters is a high priority. Supply routes are key to everything.
Anyone have links to the scanners?
Modern thermals are capable of seeing straight through that.
There's nothing you can buy at home depot that the taliban haven't tried in afghanistan.
Well fuck.
French Anarchists aren't going to be fighting the Civil War in America.
You guys need to get this through your heads, the left will not be the insurgency. We will be the insurgency. What's going on in France isn't fucking relevant.
Doesn't glass negate thermal vision?
That's what their schedule listed.
Yes but a big fuck off black spot will attract attention.
Modern thermals are of no use when we're setting fire to everything.
You are now breathing manually asshole
You can't see through glass with thermal.
But you'll still see the glass.
Friendly fire you cunt.
What will you do, set fire to the entire country? The entire country?
If the civil war kicks off, and a few dozen forrest fires start throughout Colorado, where do you think government forces in Colorado will focus their efforts once they figure out that the 'rebels' are setting fires to hide from thermal?
Your forest fires will become billboards, broadcasting your general location.
I guess problem solved.
If there's that many of them and that few of us, we've lost anyway.
prove it
Fucking everything is on fire and it was still 40 below freezing.
Guaranteed spastic fits from newfags
excellent bait
They weren't the only ones digging tunnels it seems.
If you're operating in a populated city, you don't need to hide from thermals.
Cities are filled with warm bodies, you are a warm body, so hide among them.
Thermals will be used against anybody who tries to hid "innawoods". That's not to say that going into the wilderness is a bad idea, but if you do that you should still be attempting to hide in plain sight. In that context, hiding in plain sight means presenting yourself as one of many civilians who are hiding from the happening in the woods. Civilians that probably don't hide from thermal, because they're concerned more about roaming nigger rape gangs than they are about the government.
Hiding in plain sight, and hit and run tactics. That's the way to go. Attacking from a hidden defensive position is a death sentence, they'll figure out where you are, and kill you.
Exactly. And all of your arguments fall apart if our sitting government – many Republicans included – are actually "Communists." The uprising serves as a reason to institute martial law. Then the whole state apparatus (ideological and repressive) decides that this is best course of action. Maybe there is a simultaneous attack from outside forces. Most likely they will have a list, and there will be a Night of the Long Knives type event right before martial law is declared in order to take out possible counterinsurgent leadership.
How dare the Mexicans and Blacks (and probably Muslims) kill those Legislators?!? Don't worry, the government will declare martial law and get you through this! The Army is thus duped into doing the bidding of the Revolutionaries. Again, this could be coordinated with outside attacks on US interests either from China, Russia or the elusive "terrorists" that we seem to be funding. Why have we been giving them billions worth of explosives again? Hmmmmm….
What Holla Forums doesn't get is that the strategy is to create a state inside the state ready to take over at any given notice. This includes important infrastructure as well, like things like psychiatrists, the media, etc. anything used to pacify, categorize, organize, direct etc the population. The CEOs can't/won't do shit personally, so they'll either be offed or bow to the new leadership. That is the lynchpin. That is where they realized they've fucked up in the past. They've either had to kill all the educated people (Pol Pot) or use the existing educated individuals who will then form an underground insurgency…. both options don't work well.
Also, your ideas I think are flawed in the sense that you think Trump would be "against" this. That may – may – not be true. Most of the high-up officials and businessmen etc are only "against" being higher or lower on the pecking order. I don't think they have any real commitment to (Democratic-)Republican government. Many of them are actively trying to "tip the boat over" too. Really, the only thing that's kept us from going authoritarian for 60 or 70 years now is widespread belief in something resembling "democracy" (and the fact that elites are scared they won't be on top if a revolution happens, so they are conservative)
You do have a point in the sense that they've probably already won, so all they have to do is just wait for all the old white people to die and new immigrants to get to voting age. So, maybe nothing will happen and we'll get slow-boiled. who knows
Another fucking white killer. smh fam
This. I'd guess trying to hide thermals makes you stick out on thermals.
there are these secret militia tunnels here in arkansas. all in the forests and through out petit jean mountain. it would take weeks to rat out each militia member from those damn things because they're well hidden i only stumbled upon one once but knew that if i entered i probabally wouldnt get out. thats at least what the sign said.
Whether we call the sitting government communists or not is irrelevant. That's just a matter of terminology.
The relevant point I am trying to make is that we won't be fighting insurgents. We will be the insurgents.
You say the sitting government are communists. Fine, but that doesn't make them the insurgents.
chances are that modern thermal vision is better than what these guys could demonstrate but its a chance
I already said that, user. I've been arguing that this whole time.
What I am adding to that is if you let it happen, you'll be doomed. There will be no fighting from an insurgency position. When they move, it'll be swift and it'll be over. I've already told you ITT how to stop it, and its the only way. You're not listening to what I'm saying. I wasn't arguing over terminology but strategy.
y'all are "fighting the last war" as they say. you're looking at this completely wrong
This kind of stuff could be useful for setting up ambushes the proliferation of drones and thermal cameras will change the way routes are scouted out in real time to stop convoys from wandering into ambushes.
But you can't count on this stuff to keep you're secret fortified camp innawoods safe. Once the fighting starts, they'll know what area you're in. At that point continuing to hide is a bad idea, your priority should be to get the hell out and find somewhere to hid again for another ambush.
Dirt bikes and similar all terrain vehicles will be the way to go. They are loud and hot, but you'd keep them off and cool before the ambush. Then you'd get out FAST before they have time to get an armed drone or helicopter into the area.
all my keks
Balkans was a war between two well organized and capapble sides with tanks and artillery. Niggers can't organize a fucking barbecue.
They'd chimp out, run out of food and become little government FEMA zombies getting bussed around the country to do purges on defenseless people while elite government units break any real resistance.
Basically niggers would devolve into a biological weapon.
this is bait
fuck ya'll niggas
Almost all courthouses have metal detectors, probably almost as hard to sneak a gun in there as on a plane.
I feel you buddy, nothing like you're mother disowning you for wanting to be a decent person to drop a red pill in your lap.
Just passing it along; that guy hates his mother and wants her to die.
Sage for offtopic
fuck you nigger
Fuck u
He knew the risks when he picked up the memes.
fuck you
I disowned her for being a crazy bitch. but sorry about your biz too
checked and thanks
Let a liberal take the place of our loved ones.
horrible cunt
daily reminder that this faggot ass shill is posting word for word the exact same shit in other threads
well played asshole
Sleep tight mom
are you speculating or is this the nigger?
I have not
I guess its time for white men to once again show the world they are the best at something.
lads will we get some good happenings tonight? Something must happen to satisfy kek.
kek why
some agency is worried about this thread.
Guaranteed replies
I'm betting it was blm
Dubs prove me right
fuck off cunt
We should only meme up Sam Hyde when a minority gets shot.
Berrien County is Saint Joseph Michigan, A violent black ghetto. Look into Reverend Pinkney a currently incarcerated race hustler.
Joke's on you, ma's already dead.
Just to add to the discussion, thermal is also entirely worthless against glass since it can't penetrate the pane.
proof of that claim needed, shit heap.
An inmate did it.
Dindu likely.
lol wut
If dubs a dindu kills a La Raza judge/attorney and mexicans and niggers kill each other off en masse, the black/mexican race skirmishing in California turns into full blown war.
Not cool.
More like full brown war
What's that?
Fuck off sheldon you nigger.
South-West African Police Counter-Insurgency unit Suid-Afrikaanse Polisie Tien Insurgensie Eenhad, aka, Koevoet (kuh-fuht).
Literally can't stop laugh, hope officers were whites
I don't care as long as officers are getting killed.
Michiganfag here. I hate nigs and I hate cops. I have a Michigan CCW and every encounter with a cop is them heavily implying that they don't want me to exercise my 2A rights. I don't open carry, I look like the average white guy who just got out of church, and I'm very nice and polite to people, including cops.
Michigan cops are anti 2A, so please dindus keep dinduing nuffin against the cops.
The Detroit Chief of Police advocated open-carry for it's residents and urged ALL of Michigan to open-carry as well.
by the way, how's the weather in Jerusalem?
I hate these
Please someone confirm they were whites so I can masturbate
I'm with you user
I don't live in Detroit. I also assume that if you read between the lines, what he means is 'ALL of black Michiganders to open-carry'.
I've been pulled over after officers run my plate and see that I have a CCW. They've said "I'm just doing a check to ensure the safety of everyone involved" or "we routinely stop CPL holders". When I ask what is going on, they drop things like "the harder we make it on CPL holders, the fewer of them renew".
So you can fuck off with your cop worship.
This, except I'd say 90% of the police force in Michigan is shit not 100%. A lot of them actually peddle drugs too, fucking degenerates.
Haha jokes on you my mother died years ago.
Seriously, fuck you.
Checking those triples.
This one?
I know you guys are actually from Michigan, this is probably one of the most corrupt places in the fucking country.
Genesee county needs to be purged, that's for sure.
fuck you
fuck you nigger
Could be worse. Never thought Detroit Cops peddled drugs, I knew LAPD did when I lived there sometime ago. If there's any city worse than Detroit it's LA.
There were supposed to have a press conference 2 hours ago to release the name.
They haven't yet.
I know I'm just taking the bait, but I think he's on the right track. Except instead of mental health it should be IQ. I think anyone with an IQ
fuck you
Fuck me and my superstitious nature!
There's your reply!
hmmm I wonder (((who))) would benefit from withholding that name
Actor Wil Wheaton blames courthouse shooting on NRA; inmate stole deputy’s gun
Honestly they should let us artists own guns
Watched the interview, they're saying they'll release it at the *next* press conference.
Comment on the video:
Mufasa Jabali Ikemba - Please stop being so gullible, how in hell y'all think he got a gun in a courtroom? After this happen with officers being shot, please open y'all eyes. This mess is the perfect move in a perfectly matched chess game. Its a few moves before checkmate, if we don't wise up, rise up. These folks trying to use everything they can to keep African people in order, and under they complete control again. Every war soldiers get sacrificed. Think about it.
Sounds like he thinks he has an idea about the race of the shooter.
Not surprised. That guy is a fucking moron.
Where was this?
Daily reminder that this faggot is a literal cuck.
Taiwan If I remember correctly.
A suspect involved in the April 20, 2016 Berrien County, Michigan police encounter has been identified as Larry Gordon.
On April 21, 2016, Michigan Arrest obtained reports from the arresting agency that Larry Gordon had been charged. Records indicate that Gordon was arrested following the encounter and charged.
When booked, Mr. Gordon was described as a nondescript white man. Few additional details have been provided at this time.
(((Larry Gordon)))
Thanks a lot Larry you fucking piece of shit
You hot heads need to cool down. If anyone mentions that he's white call them racist for caring.
Not a part of the race war, just a con trying to escape
Gordon is a common goyim name.
There's no proof he's Jewish. A handful of Jews with the same surname isn't proof.
It literally doesn't matter if he's tribal. The news is going to call him white.
Call them racist for caring.
If somebody decides to kill Wil Wheaton, do it with a knife.
Gordon is a generic as fuck name.
Why do you think those Jews changed their names to that? You dont think a Jew from eastern Europe was born with the name "Gordon" do you?
5 shot at Baltimore vigil
Why would you post that?
There goes any shift in the marrative that gould have possibly occured. This is going to be exgloited
fuk u
Is this thread being slid? There's no way this many people are coming into this thread to reply to one post.
The happening is over.
It was a white guy.
Excellent bait.
Remember what trump said? We would get sick of winning?! This is the one and only subject in which we must prove him wrong
And if that fails the un is already publishing 'reports' on the 'human rights violations' being experienced by the niggers.
But you venture too far into concern trolling territory.
Even if they have Muslims and niggers go wild and take some people out in an attempt to justify taking out militias that will last 3 seconds before it drives more people towards the militias side.
This scenarios been gamed out so many times that I almost don't want to repeat it.
There is zero chance of the government winning a civil war in the US. There are only a few outcomes. Outright rebel victory, rebels beat the government back but are unable to completely defeat them and the war ends on a cease fire with break away nations being formed, rebels lose ground except for a few key areas which they hold government collapses and warlords rise up in their own break away nations, everything completely falls to shit and the country enters a dark age. Not all of them are happy endings but as long as the federal govt gets its shit pushed in, which it will, its a happy enough one
20150627 - Formosa Fun Coast explosion, Taiwan
http www liveleak com/view?i=0a4_1435421548
https en wikipedia org/wiki/Formosa_Fun_Coast_explosion
did we find out the shooter yet?
By who? The US isn't homogenous, not even regions are. A "civil war" would end with the same government with a new leader.
I told my dad tonight, if the cops and niggers would start fighting jews, then this couldn't get any better.
Who is that supposed to be?
I don't get why so many people to this bait. Do you guys actually have good relationships with your mother or something?
fuk u m8
you absolute cunt
im stupid enough to do it
shut up wesly
Jamal Muhammad Valdez
Immunity Cat is with us!
that dog's perfect for bird hunting, it has a soft mouth
First time posting on Holla Forums because you're a cunt with shit taste in Talmudvision.
Yes, hours before you posted to ask that question. His picture is in the thread for fuck's sake.
Larry Darnell Gordon
Image in
Thanks user
But I love my mommy :
thats been thoroughly debunked.
there will be entire cities and then regions taken by militias and warlords the second the rule of law begins to break down. Entire regions would become homogenous within a year.
Gonna need you to elaborate on this, user.
dubs confirmed prophesy, summer of happenings.
I'm not normally an angry person, at all. I'm very slow to anger, and it's hard to keep me angry. But lately I have been furious about the state of the world, especially after the rapefugee crisis started.
sometimes I actually feel pretty guilty about being so angry and hateful, like my conscience is signaling that I should stop and take a step back. What do?
Strangle your conscience to death in its sleep.
Ebola take you
Why should you feel guilt about being angry and hateful? There are plenty of things worthy of anger about and plenty of people worthy of hatred
Are you sure your guilt isn't about being unable to do anything about how shitty the world is?
But I love my mother!
Hatred really needs a moonman mod
even if they know you're there they still won't be able to shoot at you, because your heat shadow isn't visibly armed :^)
I'm reporting this post to the fbi
fuck off back to 4cuck Holla Forums
Underrated post
Yup, Google Translate can only get you so far.
Worse than that, people could easily be denied for shit like ADD, because they aren't in "perfect mental health."
way to derail the thread faggot
Media implosion after months of muslims and blacks killing people in 3,2,1…
Don't do this to me, user
fuck you faggot
For the first time I grabbed a hold of my autism and didn't click the image. What was it all about that triggered the whole fucking thread?
only one way to find out
If it had to take a guess, I suppose it's a image with something around the lines of "now that you have viewed this image, your mom will die a horrible death" and other shit, based on the remarks and responses. The kind of shit like "thoughtforms" and smiledog.jpg spread the word
Nice thread derailment, faggot
http www freep com/story/news/local/michigan/2016/07/11/courthouse-killer-idd-man-held-sex-assault-charge/86966664/
https saboteur365 wordpress com/2016/07/11/breaking-two-cops-shot-dead-outside-michigan-courthouse/
Gordon did what he did. Maybe he should have, maybe he shouldn't have. But this does not profile to the same BLM mass shooter, the BLM mass rioters, nor the general endless strings of gibsmedatdiddndunothin death beta black male puppets.
http abc7chicago com/news/who-was-larry-gordon-and-how-did-he-get-a-gun/1423012/
so wife jews husband, finally succeeds in march, charges filed in april, he's finally facing prison after 19yrs of marriage, as he's being lead to hearing (sentencing? discovery?) he pulls a conductor.
my only claim being, again, LDG getting rolled into the recent shooting trends selected for publication isn't quite the same as the rest. so it appears at the moment, at least. time will tell.
you are a fucking faggot fuck you!!
i love you mom
Hey, fuck you. My mom just died this night before I could reply to your fucking post.
Now my fucking eyes are red and watery. Hope you got the reaction you wanted, you fucking kike.
What is behind the question mark?
uh huh
I hate you
Have you considered suicide?
fuck off autist
tip: don't open the image
Horrible post dude
Joining the club
i dont want to take the chance
Summer: The thread
Looks like 4chan has been throughly subdued. Now they're moving to Holla Forums with identical tactical shitposting.
there's a captcha failure, on top of a cookie auth failure.
with these two fails, the bots are unimpeded: as soon as there's any post, the bots post a shit quote/snippet from elsewhere so it looks like english/people.
the gate capitulated.
fuck ypu
At least with over in Holla Forums the "tactical" shitposting is quickly noted that it's not from around these parts. They make themselves so easy to tell apart that you wonder why they even make the attempt but then remember they're panicking jews.
kill yourself
if you do not reply to this 8db229 will get eaten by a grue in his sleep tonight
I fucking hate you.
If you don't reply to my reply within 10 min you will be thrown in the golden bull to burn alive.
Gee, ever tried this out?