Post smart mens choice of things

post smart mens choice of things

mental: depression
sport: walking, jogging, power walking
drink: water
beverage: mineral water
fetish: cuckold
tv: documentary

datamining thread

I like apple juice.

I like apple juice.

I too like apple juice.

I like apple juice too.

and I enjoy the juice of apples as well!

I believe in apple juice. I do! I do!

We all believe in apple juice!

I like little girls

apple juice japple juice I drink it on a battle moose, riding in and leaping to freedom I drink apple juice to end the tedium

the juice of the apple makes the americans clapple

If I have a barrel full of apples and I put some more in, how many apples do you have?

answer next post

none, I said I have a barrel of apples, I never gave you any

yo dog yo why are you wearing dat drabble you stepped into your closet and tripped on an apple you stumbled through your drobe like yo yapple dapple and you came out looking like a sad piece of crapple.

apple guy
are u retarded?
dont u have anything better to do?
kill yourself

why are you datamining if you don't want to know how much everyone like apples?

still alive..

can u please

thank you

mental: intelligent
sport: lifting
drink: water with no fluoride
beverage: coffee
fetish: not sharing here
tv: who watches tv?
fruit: watermelon
orange you glad I didn't say apple?

fruit: apple
fruit: apple
fruit: apple
fruit: apple
fruit: apple
fruit: apple
fruit: apple


thank you!..

I saw OP's thread and I went scrapple dapple doo and put on my shoes and ran out the door, I got on the floor and said apple core but then I spotted a shroom. I grabbed it and got in my car vroom vroom and the gas pedal was unctious I drove to a fungus professional and gave them a confessional they said the mushroom was edible so I skipped all the way home and tripped in through my door and prepared a stirfry with veggies galore and a boy walked up to me and said "I want some more!" so we had some lunch and he said thanks chef I hope I see you again but I said hey kid Im vegan and he never came back and I had a heart attack must have overdosed on apples. check it

female: loli

average activities: swimming
preferred sport: baseketball
president: trump
least favorite drink: soda
easiest post I ever made: this one


My favorite juice is eple.

Oh silly me eple is how we say it in Norway, in English it is "apple".

Favorite apple anyone? I like Macintosh.

are you norweigian

What's with the apple juice plebs? Apple cider is way better. It is my favorite alcoholic beverage.

I just like how they spell eple

mental: apple
sport: apple picking
drink: apple juice
beverage: apple cider
fetish: adam's apples
tv: apple documentaries

favorite pony: applejack

oh cool

favorite drinking game: apples to apples

favorite computer: apple

where my grandpa went to rehab: apple rehab

favorite star-trek episode: the apple

where i keep my money: apple bank

who i book my vacations with: apple leisure group

my favorite musical scifi: the apple (and repo! the genetic opera)

im bout to gun yo ass fr

my favorite river: the apple river

my favorite island: apple island

my favorite record: apple media

Apples are shit.

my favorite hong-kong based newspaper: apple daily

my favorite song: apple by eminem

my favorite band is: the apples

own tears
paint stripper
prepubescent boys
the young and the restless (addict)

my favorite crabs are: crabapples

shut the fuck up


what I look for in a woman: Adam's apple

apples are the niggers in the orchard.

please user im dying

apple cider gives me diarrhea.

wow this autistic still on the deck

Whatchu talking about nigger you bumped it like 3 hours after the last person.

yea i was sleepin..

This is the only GM-apple I will eat… it makes my cum glow in the dark.

dark as in your moms pussy?

mental: vision of appel
sport: bab for appel
drink: appel juise
beverage: drink
fetish: adam appel
tv: apple chaenl


On a more serious note apple juice is really good.

mental: apple syndrom
sport: apple ball
drink: apple water
beverage: what the fuck is the difference between drink and beverage?
fetish: apple penetration
tv: apple channel



this autist again…


I like apples.

I to like Apple juice.

I also like apple juice.

Apples are good

..all over my threads?

Did I got dubs?

does pope listen lolicore?

Pope listens to applecore.


mental: niggeritis

sport: stealling
drink: koolaid

beverage:grape drink

fetish: white bois

tv: basketball

at least there are no apples

Is this a good thread for discussing apples?
