Drunk, Depressed and Angry

So I went to a Psychiatrist today, or basically the psychiatric department of a Hospital. Got grilled by three shrinks and was made to do a couple of tests. I really just wanted to be diagnosed with ADHD because my life is falling apart and I'm pretty sure it's because of ADHD. The fucking doctor diagnosed me with something called Generalized Anxiety Disorder. This is probably also something I have, but my main issue not having any clarity of thought. I just can't keep on doing something for more than 2 minutes. Absolutely shit attention span and I'm impulsive as fuck. So now I'm popping this pill they gave me called Paxil, which takes weeks of use to actually have effect. Now I'm drinking out of my sadness and failure because most of my friends seem to have abandoned me and I feel like a helpless loser who's world is collapsing before his eyes. I really just want it all to end but I just don't have the fucking balls. I feel like my back is against the fucking wall and that I'm facing the whole world on my own with no true friend. Why is everything so shit? Also, not to mention, I've been infatuated with this girl for a couple of months now. I tried ignoring her by not wishing her on her birthday but then she got all sentimental so I melted. I'm really just about to tip the fuck over guys. Please help Holla Forums , if only by sharing your stories or any advice or comments you may have. Thanks fellow Anons.

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Stop taking the anti-depresshits. You must realize that there is no cure to depression. Only ways to cope with the disorder. This is fact. They are a drug much like any other substance that alters your brain's chemistry, and moreover your state of consciousness.

Yes, the drug doesn't produce euphoria or anything like that. But it changes you all the same. The side effects outweigh the benefits and tend to make people more suicidal. And once you're off them, they make you feel exponentially worse than before. They are more or less a scheme psychiatrists use to entrap you in to paying them oodles of money to, "cure you" The pills won't cure you. No drug will. You have to learn to deal with it yourself (but therapy helps a lot)

As for the drinking, I won't tell you not to do it. BUT at the very least keep it to a moderate level! As a recovering speed addict whom used speed (8+ doses a week) it ended up hurting me more than it helped. I'm now 10 days clean and feel MUCH happier. You'd be surprised how much drug abuse can twist your sense of reality. And speed is merely psychologically addictive. Alcohol can give you a physical addiction, which is more or less a living HELL to get clean from.

I will admit that sometimes I enjoy using other drugs, including alcohol (and even harder shit than that) to get my rocks off, have fun, not be bored/upset, etc. But the trick is to use it sparingly, and MOSTLY for recreation. Using it to solve your problems does not work. Using them to give you temporary relief CAN work, but don't abuse it to the extent that your life revolves around it.

As far as the friends/women go. You need to find happiness within yourself before deriving it from others. And yes, I said derive, because relying on others for your happiness is wrong; Much like relying on drugs for happiness. Its fine to have friends and/or a significant other, but don't rely on them, or you'll end up more hurt.

Contentment is an innate thing. Meaning you must find it within yourself. I would also suggest trying LSD, because its proven to be highly effective in psychotherapy. (DO NOT abuse it though, use it VERY sparingly; Use it to learn, not to "get high")

I was suicidal and heavily depressed for as long as I can remember. It was to the point I was cutting daily, abusing speed all the time (some time after I quit cutting), suicidal on a daily basis, etc. Then I took one dose of LSD and all of that melted. I realized I'm happy to be alive because life is the experience of experience. Death is presumably the experience of nothing at all. So whenever life gets me down, I just smile because I know everything is temporary, and that I am glad to be experiencing emotion. Even if its negative.

LSD doesn't work for everyone, so proceed with caution and do the research yourself. But in closing I am a 19 y/o whom struggled with depression and even still have anxiety for 7 years now. I've been through drug abuse/addiction, cutting, people walking out on me, etc. Cheer up OP. I know you'll hate hearing that because I've been told the same thing. But you truly have to keep fighting until the day you realize your own happiness. Every day you survive is a victory

you need some honk in your life

where's that honk video

1. Don't drink when you're taking medication
2. Keep going to different psychiatrists until you get diagnosed with ADHD and get medication for it
3. Do this: 8ch.net/nofap/res/3294.html#5666
4. Put magnesium bicarbonate mixture into distilled water: youtube.com/watch?v=WMsxcZIXDxc&t=51s
5. Fuck bitches, acquire pleasure

Forgot to mention that you should go to different psychiatrists if you believe your ADHD is that bad. But I warn you, its not a good idea to abuse the meds they give you. There are even non-speed type meds for ADHD, so I'd advise asking them for those.

I won't tell anyone to not do certain drugs, but speed is something that really has more risks than benefits. If you can truly do it in moderation, have at it. Thing is its hard to resist speed of all things when you're really depressed.

oh and that I beat depression without meds. So take that food for thought!

Cognitive therapy, user. You can't feel bad unless you think bad first. Learn not to. Also, drinking when on meds is not going to help. You say you are infatuated and suicidal at the same time, that sounds like you are hopeful and at the same time unhappy when you don't get what you want. I don't want to sound like a armchair psychiatrist because I am neither a psychiatrist and I am on a futon– but I believe Something Awful is more of the site for you. Good luck with your metaphorical fight with entitlement, be sure to not wonder how the poor and disabled can go on to have meaningful lives filled with laughter and content even while alone.

Hey user! Thanks a lot for the detailed response. I actually went to psychiatrists who get a fixed salary so they don't necessarily have any reason to push these drugs. That being said, they seemed to have a very passive and nonchalant attitude towards my condition. I'll only do the anti depressants for a few weeks and if nothing improves by then then I'm going to stop altogether m I'm definitely going to get my hands on some ADHD meds though. From your experience, is it wise to tell the docs that you've taken ADHD meds before and felt much better? Also, when they ask you if you feel suicidal, is it okay to tell them the truth that u do feel suicidal?

I understand the need to find happenings within myself, but I have an almost non existent support system. I find most of my friends to be unreliable and even acting against my interests sometimes. Haha I guess you make sense, everyday I live through is actually a victory, thanks a lot for that user

I won't abuse the ADHD meds, trust me. But my situation is so bad that I need to be cured, I just can't function like a normal person. Honestly speaking, all my anxiety essentially stems from inability to focus and inattention. On top of that there are thousands of thoughts that just randomly pop up in my head and I can't do anything about ir


Stopped reading right there. The last place you want to go when you are feel weak and helpless is to go to a psychiatrist. They are not doctors, they do not heal people, they prescribe pharmaceutical drugs that feed on your soul. Disregard everything they have told you and do not take any of the pharmaceuticals they have ordered you to take.

Yeah I've read that speed has a high potential for abuse, especially by individuals like myself. I've tried the milder ADHD meds and they seem to barely have an effect so I know that I need Adderall/Ritalin, which made everything so perfect. I think I am infatuated with this girl because she is the only girl I talk to. On top of that she's actually beautiful, tall and smart and most of my friends think she's hot so that also affects my perception.

I know I know, but I am so alone and sad that alcohol seems to be the only way out. I will try again to get ADHD meds if this stuff doesn't help me in some time.

Okay, so i actually continued reading and this is just classic.
"The fucking doctor diagnosed me with something called Generalized Anxiety Disorder"
They are not doctors, get that in your head. They are pharmaceutical salesmen that tell you to take pills, which on the insert say that they do not work and will likely exacerbate the problems you have. You do not have "Generalized anxiety disorder" This is one of their laughable Jedi tricks that they pull on everyone.

No you do not. It is a made up disorder, a term that describes your condition, but provides no insights into the cause of your depression, which they are not interested in anyway, because they specialize in "treatment", the masking of symptoms. I'll say this again: Do not under any circumstances take any of the pharmaceuticals they want you to take. They will make you more miserable in the long, you'll become addicted to them and turn you into a pill junkie and lifelong customer of these lying hyenas.

lol what's so bad about being alone anyways; I wanna be alone, everybody is fucking rotten

It's inaccurate to make such broad generalizations. While yes, some psychiatrists are unscrupulous in the way they dole out medication, others are more conservative in their approach. But depending on the severity of the mental illness, taking the "natural" route of strictly cognitive, behavioral therapy can be disastrous.

I've known people with severe, debilitating psychiatric conditions who would simply not be able to function without medication. Unfortunately, you're right, in that there is a lot of pseudo-science involved in mental health, and the medications have their share of baggage, but it's irresponsible to paint with such broad strokes and tell someone to stay off meds when you have a superficial knowledge of the field – not to mention the fact that you obviously can't diagnose someone based on one fucking post on Holla Forums.

Not user, but if you suffer from suicidal thoughts, it's important to do your own analysis of what that entails. I think about suicide all the time, but there have only been a few periods in my life when I actually feared I might not be able to resist the impulse. Of course it's not the same for everyone, but there's often a fear and sense of foreboding that goes along with suicidal thoughts (at least the the dangerous kind), because there's almost always a sense of internal conflict that, regardless of how much you don't want to live, you don't exactly want to die either.

If you find that the suicidal thoughts are becoming too much to bear–which, based on the OP, I gather they're not at this point–I think it would be wise to say something.

Like the vegan butcher or pacifist soldier, the good psychiatrist is an oxymoron, he doesn't exist. The profession may divided into two categories: criminally minded sociopaths and trained morons. They either know what their phamaceuticals harmful and malicious or they're too stupid to realize it and ignore the warning signals.
t is impossible to solve health problems by treating symptoms. The pharmaceuticals have more side effects and cause more problems than they mask and as a result the patient enters a death spiral where he has to take more and more pharmaceuticals to treat the increasing number of problems. The end result is death, spiritual and carnal. I don't have to diagnose anyone to know that the whole psychiatric profession is built upon on a mountain of lies. Stand them against the wall and humanity's collective health will improve drastically.

ADHD meds will only make it worse.

Regarding benzos or anti-depressents, I tend to agree with you, but there are certain mental illnesses that will destroy the individual, or cause them to harm others, without meds.

You strike me as one of those hacks who claim that vitamin C injections can cure AIDS, or that there is a natural route to cure cancer.



By the way you don't need to take amphetamines and shitty drugs to treat your ADHD, check this out:


Neurofeedback therapy and medication are the only effective treatments for ADD and ADHD, I know because I have a sort of ADD and I've researched everywhere. Personally I like the way my brain works but if you wanna be free of the consequences of ADD medication try to get hooked up with some neurofeedback therapy and correct the overabundance of theta brainwave activity that everyone with ADD has

Did you ever take meds for ADD? If so, what were the side effects?

Not OP btw

I took concerta and strattera when I was a little rascal. They both made me into a lifeless robot that had to crash and lay in bed when I got home from school. I took strattera again a year ago and it had the same effect

That's not the case with every ADD medication; a buddy of mine takes Adderall and doesn't get those symptoms

was nice not knowing ya, user

So, were you dealing with ADHD then?

Side effects include death, insomnia (which almost everyone who takes ADD medication suffers from), mental breakdowns, depression, paranoia, inability to focus, inability to concentrate, speech impediments, memory loss, hallucinations, suicidal thoughts. it really depends on the product. I was on Alprazolam and Sertraline for 2 years and it turned me into a robot. I literally lost a part my ability to love and to feel affection for others, i was chemically lobotomized, unable to sleep for days and would frequently forget the most basic things, like words, names people and common objects. Do not ever go to a psychiatrist, not even as a last resort. After a certain amount of time on psychotropics you will never be the same and you will never be whole again.

Once upon a time there was ADD and ADHD. One was where you couldn't pay attention and the other was where you couldn't pay attention and you were bouncing off the fucking walls. I was the former. I've gotten a lot better as I've gotten older naturally like most people that have ADD do

Not if you know which drugs to take. Dissociatives are perfect for depression.

Search for Peter Breggin on youtube for a good analysis of the psychiatric profession, psychiatric drugs and antidepressants. I don't agree with all of his proposed solutions, but his analysis is excellent.




Well what I meant is that drug use is fine, drug abuse isn't. Funny you say the thing about dis-associatives, cause DXM has helped me a lot. I've quit DXM now, but it was nice while it lasted

As well as a drug won't cure depression, it helps you deal with it. Depression technically can't be cured


they tried to tell me all this shit was wrong with me and that i needed all this medicine and shit when i was in school. luckily, i was so hard headed and niggerish i just skipped going to those things, and i guess the school forgot about it.

in hindsight i'm proud that i skipped that shit. i learned that sometimes you can make mistakes and do things the way a shitty person would, without (austistic screaching) "i'm so awful."

I can't imagine if i would have gone through life blaming my shittyness on some intangible thing, taking all these drugs.

That being said, I'm a only slightly functioning alcoholic military-fag who makes fake news for a living, girls never call me back after dissapointing sex, and my life generally has no purpose.

Guess what: life sux.

Get over it.

Also, I'd like to add that there's no one-size-fits all depression. Manic depression and bipolar are a hell of a lot different than someone who's just bummed all the time.

*note: I don't agree with that depression can't be cured

I actually didn't go in to therapy all too much. I didn't take pills either. The only "therapy" was from my family/friends.

I've been told by a doctor that there is no cure to MDD. If this is incorrect, that's my bad

holy fuck i can't believe you faggots take this shit seriously. i have fucking problems, we all have fucking problems.

fuck the cute little "poor me" titles you dress up problems with- you've been bundled into a marketable group of idiots.

unless you eating you're own shit while murdering people and putting their sexual organs in jars you are not crazy in any way and you will never look as cool as tyler durdan. it will not increase sympahy points towards getting laid, and nobody will ever give a shit.

jesus you faggots can be pathetic

However you can tell the therapist anything and they are sworn to an oath of secrecy. The only things they can tell people is if you pose an immediate danger to yourself or others. (as in you're about to sui or murder)

You could tell them ANYTHING. Even something like, "I killed a guy, I raped a little kid" etc. they can't tell on you for that. They're obligated to keep it secret, unless the aforementioned rule is broken

well, kys then. they must have fucked up in your case; content yourself with knowing they made an anonymous statistic out of your failure to respond to therapy. anonymous, but undeserved anyway. srsly, kys. they tried, you failed.

Mind you, "danger to yourself" is somewhat open to interpretation. My therapist narced on me to my family when I told her I was going to try ketamine for my depression.

No, I succeeded where they failed. I went through withdrawal all by myself and slowly over many months, dragged myself out of the morass that my school psychiatrist had left me in. If anyone deserves to die it's the soul destroying criminal elements in the healthcare profession that feed on people's ignorance and credulity.

oh wow. That's fucking bullshit. I would've honestly asked a lawyer about that because you potentially had a case.

Like I said I haven't really had much therapy at all. But yeah. Ketamine can work wonders much like psychedelics

Mental health care has always sucked shit in general. Thanks to the stigma people give it

Dunno man, I don't fancy my chances in a case that starts with me admitting to having an illegal narcotic.

i can't remember who said someting like,
was it laing?
don't expect miracles from a profession floundering in the dark. our own minds are just too complex for themselves. we don't have the computers to understand what we are, less still why.
whiskey? i'm told that helps, user.

I'm no expert, so I don't know how MDD would be differentiated from a minor variation.

I think this is where the pseudo-scientific aspect become more apparent: If Dr's are often treating people who suffer from what they determine to be MDD with the same meds as the minor variation, then do they reverse the diagnosis from Major to Minor if the person gets to a point where they no longer need the meds? I suppose my point is that there is just so much trial-and-error involved, and many people who've taken anti-depressants no longer need them after a while.

Now, if we're talking about manic depression, where someone suffers from severe delusions and dangerous behavior, this requires lifelong meds.

You didn't admit to having an illegal narcotic. You admitted to wanting to try it. You can only get in trouble for possession that has actual proof of the drug on your person/property.

I'm no lawyer, but that's why you would consult the lawyer. Lawyers have the same kind of oath to secrecy, but its much more strict. He would let you know if it would be worth going to court or not

I guess. I really don't know much about the other forms of depression other than the general one in which you're bummed out

lol what most people consider to be "bummed out" is the emotion of sadness. Most cases of depression are exactly like major depressive disorder except for shorter periods of time

He looks a bit like Carl Sagan.

it's generational. two monuments of 20th century thought. contrast, if you will, with milos yiannopoulos, our millenial beacon of hope.

an actual nigger lover faggot.

Maybe you're just a faggot that never got a hiding in his life before.

Jokes… But in most cases, kids fuck out because of bad parenting, however, I have very similar tendencies in terms of the way you describe your emotional state of mind. IF you're not too messed up in the head, stay away from big pharma since the body learns to depend on the chemicals you feed yourself. After 2 years, the body naturally stops regulating these chemicals and it's a downward spiral from there… You may have cyclothemia. Do not use these diagnos' as a crutch. Learn to Love Yourself by Yourself! i.e. Do not seek affirmation from this world… Don't use this as an attention whoring mechanism, don't even admit this to your fair weathered friends. Go visit family member, loved ones or give love back to pets who have no voices. Giving is a lot better than recieving. Find Jesus Christ or mock me but learn the difference between subjective and objective truths in this life… Stop fucking worrying what other people think and overthinking thoughts surrounding girls. If you're sad about girls i'm assuming you're yet to have proper relationship experience and the desperation can be telling - then you need to realise that you'll find your girl when you stop looking so hard. This is difficult to understand but it happens for a reason. Remember, you're looking for a girlfriend, not some whore to put on a pedestal. Be forgiving, know what you want in life, don't lower your standards.. This is not me being condescending to you OP, this is giving you some tough love and sound advice. Stop seeking help on image boards. It's good for banter but know that you won't find love here, acceptance would probably be rarer as it's just the subculture that is.

Stop judging your successes by the world's standards. If you feel you are a failure, are you a failure or a shithead because:

A) You have not conformed to the hedonistic and fallen world's standards?

B) You didn't impress stacey or chad didn't roll with you?

C) You let yourself or God down?

Only C matters. You can disagree with me if you wish but you have to understand that you need to re-assert your priorities in life. Once you get that sorted everything else, including your girl, happiness, contempt will fall into place. I lied, happiness comes and goes. Life is tough if you're doing it right. Nobody said it would be easy. But you fight it and you fight it hard with your chin upright. It's very very very difficult. But you never ever, ever give up. Someone loves you OP. Someone has, someone is, someone will - regardless of relationship. Stop denying this fact, start living your life. Stop making excuses.

Last tip:
Do not throw away something beautiful. A fleeting moment of beguiling and spontaneous actions can destroy a lifetime of beauty. Don't be hard on yourself if this has happened though… Remember to be able to forgive yourself as well. Be it a person, a mindset, a lifestyle. Godbless and

Godspeed OP.

Thank god those lefty morons tried to fuck this guy over and shut him up. Now the whole world has witnessed his genius.

Trust me I know full well what depression is like. Despair, no motivation/energy, suicidal thoughts, etc. I have MDD because its been around for 7 years. I just used, "bummed out" as a colloquialism. Its much more than that

Like I said I deal with depression very well (at least for the moment). I'm not suicidal now. Its really anxiety that is a bitch for me. Thought loops, worrying about stupid shit, it even makes it hard to maintain a job.

I don't want to take meds for it though, because benzos are more addictive than opiates and withdrawal can kill you (literally) no fucking thanks.

Oh and that the anxiety can cause bouts of insomnia. At least IME when I got a job recently. I had two bad attacks within 3 weeks of working there. So stress + anxiety = insomnia. Fucking sucks

And by insomnia, I mean full on I would close, stay up all night, then close again. I was so tired at the end of some of my shifts I felt mentally retarded

I am on a typical anti-depressant, AMA.

oh yeah music is a great, great help. You just plug in your earbuds or put on your headset. Then everything is ok again.

I also use anime as a way to escape

Vidya helps too if you're in to that

i drink a few beers and just drive around neighborhoods smoking a being very polite.

feels good when you let that person go first, or let some kid cross the road

I like to be nice to people. But the problem is

I don't have a car. And if I walk, what will I do? Nothing really. My neighborhood is a bit anti social

Heh, do you really do this when you're feeling down?

Do you have a version or a link to that video without the hype music? I tend to associate it with bullshit marketing propaganda and it's such a downer

I cannot let these fine digits go unchecked.

Thanks for your advice user. I actually have a friend with ADHD who told me his meds have become useless now and he suggested reading more about Cognitive Behaviour therapy. Could you please elaborate on it and explain how/why it works in detail.

Okay, I'll shoot. What medicine are you taking exactly? How long have you been taking it? What are the side effects? Has it made you more focused? Has it helped with academics/work? Has it helped dealing with your social life? Do you feel suicidal sometimes?

Go to reddit


OP, fuck the psychiatrists, fuck the physiologists. If that is honestly how you're feeling you don't need any fucking meds, you need to change your own fucking situation in life.

The modern lifestyle is fucking out of touch with our nature, and our culture has become completely debased. I guarantee you would feel 100x better if you moved into a small house in a rural area where you could take a nice walk in the woods everyday, preferable accompanied by a loyal dog.

This mainly, but religion is a crutch. Prescription meds for psychological issues (except serious ones like schizophrenia) are bullshit bandaids. You need to fix what's wrong in your life and fix the way you view the world, not take pills to keep you from noticing.

I'm sorry friend.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy has no effect on ADHD, but it can have a positive effect on mood, perspective, and life habits

Just do this without step 2:

I guarantee a 50% reduction in MDD symptoms and likely full remission of anxiety symptoms after 2 months

>>>Holla Forums
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