Look mom, I'm a news source now!
Hahaha they tried to link to posts directly
oy vey its anuddah shoa
fbi is kill.
sorry FBI anons but you guys are fucked
It gets better! Another one.
top kek whoever was the madman that shitposted the roleplay is a god.
Well meme'd FBI user.
I want to know more about Cicada.
Does anyone here really believe it is legit? Anyone can pretend on an anonymous imageboard of peace.
So no one has to click on this bait shit…
No way this is a normalfag friendly newspaper
It might be; FBIanon could be FSBanon. If the Russians want to let Clinton info out, it's best that people not think it came from Moscow. The (((media))) would use the source location as a means to invalidate the reality. "Goyim the ebil Ruskies hate the Hillary because, they want a war. They will lie to you but, your #1 friend and ally will (((protect))) the truth.":^)
OK, which one of your bastards owns this site ?
Nah it's probably not someone from the FBI just an user that sperged, followed everything and is roleplaying because people though he was FBI anyway.
Nearly all he says are just conjecture easily drawn from open source materials (which arguably is 99% of the job of a real analyst at the FBI anyway).
Has pol reached a point where the lugepresse is so full of lies we are considered a source of viable news?
Also kek that we are considered a source for news of politics by lugepresse.
So it's basically confirmed at this point that 4chan and Holla Forums are poor man think tanks right?
Though he did know she had SAP related email which wasn't known before the Director conference I think.
It's either a lucky educated guess or it's genuine.
It's seem that Holla Forums is the real think tank, cuckchan is the shit tank that attracts all the flies. Yet Cuckchan is more renowned, whereas Fullchan isn't. Shit posting is more of a common occurrence their as well, unlike here, where any attempts at derailing or shit posting is met with an actual intervention.
I've no idea what a SAP email is, however, assuming that it's common knowledge what it is (you seem to've heard of it), that wouldn't dimiss the idea that our friendly neighborhood FBI agent wasn't just a LARPing shitposter anyway.
Holla Forums was banned from google search results for a reason
Yes, it was banned for a flimsy reason, however, that didn't stop pollacks from leaving cuckchan and making their pilgrimage to here, it just means that until Rick Wilson and other people on CNN, CBS and FOX etc, made mention of Holla Forums, hardly anyone on cuckchan probably knew what it was anyway, and luckily, that still seems to be the case. user, do you think that we'll eventually be flooded by normies and other faggs? I certainly hope not.
I should add, that it was Dan Olson or some other SJW who made a claim of heinous -=+{ILLEGAL}+=- content on this board, yet he supposedly dl'ed it and showed the feds and only got himself in trouble, right? It's been too long since I heard about it, and I was never part of cuckchan to begin with.
hail kek
i think what would be good is if we had an immigration policy that forced assimilation into the board culture/ /pol /thought we want new people coming here , but not so many all at once that they get bogged down in irrelevancy, we need a few coming in constantly so that we may well our ranks will also maintaining or improving our capabilities
normies incoming. remember to bump the good ones.
Did you travel time or something? The post quality is already 4chan level since a couple of weeks
Also some Shills are good , they play both sides in order to derail threads. Before it was Pro trump shill spam one random thread then anti trump shill refutes him , suddenly the thread is about trump , Now they were doing the same with pro White Globalism like the American Empire thread.
My faith in the mods its the only thing keeping me here.
Only those dedicated, viral effigies such as learningchode is trying desperately, but seemingly failing, at d/c and other tactics to kill this board. Good thing we found out as much info on him asap. Does anyone know what he looks like though or what his real name is?
Nyberg was involved too. So two pedos planted pedo shit here and then reported the site. Being Canadian, Olsen broke the law when he did that. Nyberg, despite all the cleared by the legal dept evidence is still free.
kek is with us
who the agent i don't thing it be with in his or our best interest to expose him, less he end up dead
the same ones that won't do anything about the Rach threads?
I dont know why the dont but but you can always ignore and filter him.
About Rachbot you can filter him.
If I may,
- Learningcode is hardly a threat, since we found out about his ways early on.
- Irrelevant liners happen like that even early on fullpol's popularity, it's not something we can stop, just something that we can look to being a no-no and to educate other pollacks into not doing. Soon enough, the cancer cells will either lose interest and die off, or they will become one of us. It's not an all is lost sort of deal.
- Raids happen, and we've dealt with them, by both reporting and checking (hockey term) them by uploading our own relevant posts, they don't scare me, personally.
- We've had political discussions before, some were retarded like the northwest frontier bullshit or the better, but still poorly planned, /namibia/ spiel I was one of the originals on that plan, but I kept stating that Botswana would've been a better idea, not Namibia. What's wrong with discussing political occurences? That was the original deal on cuckchan before it became Holla Forums, you know?
That doesn't surprise me, but it still sickens me that he got away. I thought Breitbart did an article on him, yet no fed raid, what a shame. Didn't Dan get off with a warning though? I thought he got in trouble, but nothing serious came of it. It's also to my understanding, that Nyberg actually dled and traded that shit on some other forum, isn't that correct? Like I said, how he escaped the cutting board, is beyond my comprehension. Must've been a busy year for the feds. Makes me sick sometimes.
It will never be a good idea to rag him on to figure out who he is and what his specific duties are. If anything, it's in our best interest that he survives. NOTE: Several CIA agents, were outed under the various regimes of the Presidents 41-44. Seems like they were bait or they crossed someone they shouldn't have. We must be careful
Thanks so much for letting me post all this stuff and responding, I have some pics, I'd like you all to have. I hope you don't mind.
kek has blessed you many a time in this thread
thank you for sharing bra you are always welcome amongst brothers
Usually if a perp constantly manages to avoid arrest they're probably an informant or provocateur. Yes, to everything else Nyberg, BB did several articles with numerous screenshots of chat logs and statements from ex-friends. Not sure what happened to Dan but later he did something else pedoish, can't remember, I have to disengage from that line of inquiry sometimes for my own sanity's sake.
Security clearances work by levels and fields. They're general, "you do this you're trusted to see up to this". Which is why Manning low-level analyst in Iraq for army intelligence ended up with the entire communications for all US embassies on the planet for 50 years.
SAP are Special Access Programs, for which you require a whole new security clearance for, no matter who you are (even POTUS) and relevant data about it would be physical or air gaped.
Typically, if say, the Secretary of State demand information and it's approved she would be briefed by someone who has the clearance (public servant of the related program) and consulted the data on site.
For example anything relating to the next generation strategic bomber (or "initiative", since it doesn't look like they're making a bomber) would be SAP.
Someone from the Airforce would make an in person summing up of the program for her.
Discussing that over emails even on a secure server is already not the best idea…
I agree its just that when you need to force 3 memes out of every 5 words its get annoying
I dont have a problem with having current politics threads , i just think that we are losing potential good threads with the overstauration of that kind of threads, for example the last economic thread had like 25 replies before dying out
Absolutely, I am a scholar and am always looking for more info and pictographs about prior post related. It's always fun to flaunt one of the world's mightiest militaries(SADF) and the world's most effective counter-insurgency(RhSF) forces on a board that would either not care, or deeply agree with me.
Nyberg to me, doesn't seem like he'd be witty enough to pull off such a ruse, although I suppose that would be something they'd want in an infomant. Imagine how awful life would be, being the bitch of the feds and putting this pantomime in everyday to catch others like him. Given that Nyberg is a piece of shit, I don't he'd mind betraying fellow perverts anyway.
probably bc almost everyone on Holla Forums knows fuck all about economics, and its always the same two faggots arguing back and forth
i agree that there are too many retarded new threads being created though for sure
i don't know why kek has blessed you but he has
nearly half of the posts you've made in this thread has been a gets of some kind
Are news articles not on topic anymore? I posted an article about how Paul Ryan is down in the Wisconsin primary, as I thought that might be of interest to a number of users. It looks like it was deleted by moderation though. Or do I just need to have a better accompanying post like "the madman actually did it" or "[destructive verb] the [derogatory term]; [violent event] now?"
It doesn't matter what you believe.
The fastest way to ruination is being mentioned by something mainstream.
But TRS said that was just a meme and political correctness caused 9/11? Must be one of those 1488er websites.
Only if it is reddit-tier, if we're talking about people who think like us to certain degrees, that can only be a net-gain, because not only does it swell our ranks, it adds vectors to shitpost nth more times via social media; further spreading our message of hope, love and peace. Fruitcakes like learningchode are easy to deal with, if that's what you're worried about.
The moment our leaks get to the major media companies is the moment they gain full control of the narrative.
So we bring back gore threads.
Faggots can't handle objective truth, like how gore is just meat.
I remember how Holla Forums turned into "Twilight Appreciation Board" after that comic.
Imageboards are almost mainstream by now, anyway.
says Bill will die soon.
was there any info on why?
cancer? rape-aids?
Hillary will get to him. He's served his purpose, now, like the good Praying Mantis couple that they are, Hillary will bite Bill's head off, and the official Autopsy will read his cause of death being "a long battle with stage-4 leukemia, that he tragically lost".
Hiding weapons in a mosque is like when you hid porn under your mattress as a kid.