Anti-pedo Thread

What is your preferred method of killing pedophies?

Forcing them to care for a little girl until they die.

adrenaline under the toe for a few years
just a little at first and you gradually ramp it up
they know something isn't right but they can't quite put their finger on it
they go the ER a few times for it, somethings wrong with their heart
and then one day they get a nice big dose

Why would I wanna kill a pedo? I don't kill people that wanna steal, cheat, and other stuff.

Maybe kill some child molesters but not pedos.

Bullet to the head
no reason to get sadistic

Gas chamber

locked room filled with 6 year old lolis, death by oxygen deprivation due to excessive breathing.

Fuck you pedophobe! U MAKE ME SICK

I beat the fuck out of child molesters but pedos are decent people.


here is a digitol pedometer for you to measure how pedo you are (note that nobody can spell in this thread)

Well its true.

people fooled = 0

Let's create a roulette, with several kill methods: Shot to head, burn alive, gas chamber, beheading, lethal injection, hanging, throwing out of the plane…

They turn the wheel and destiny decides their death. And lets transmit the executions on internet and T.V. to send a message to all the sick fuckers.

Oh fuck
Get the cross


Stuffing little girls vagina with poisons, so if any sick monster want to lick it he die.

Ok this girls is getting so much more dicks than any of the friends she had back home

anything but that pls


Touching a girl outside marriage is haram.


I really hope the mods know that these kind of threads are just so you fags can post pics of 3DPD children.

We are just projecting our hate towards pedophiles. I swear.

Butthurt pedophile detected

I will fucking break your neck if I see you in real life.
Disgusting filth.

I really hate you faggots

any age*

Keep screaming disgusting pedoscum.
Seriously, kill yourself.

I bet she's haram as fuck.

I eould be if I was her. But shhhhh



loli? that is not isis funded by (…), that is palestines: mostly "normal" people not fucking their own children and goats.



I don't understand why someone would want to kill someone else for thoughts or feelings. Everyone has thoughts or feelings that's offensive to someone else. Guess you're just gonna have to nuke the planet.

Make thoughts and feelings illegal.

Problem = solved

the religion of peace demands to kill the unbelievers.

pic related

Need to be able to police that somehow.



Put anyone who thinks or feels in prison.

A picture is worth at least 1337 words
more pictures can mean over 9000 words

How do you know who breaks rules? We need way to read (and alter) brain data directly.

Lie detector test everyday.
Liars get death penalty and their family goes to prison.