Trudeau, Ukraine, Putin, and other shit

So, Justin Trudeau is doing a bunch of PR shit in Ukraine.

From Justin's twitter: "Coming to @Ukraine was a priority for me. I was looking forward to this since I was elected as PM – @JustinTrudeau "

So, the progressive, tolerant, hip, edgy new feminist, "former substitute drama teacher" is so progressive that he's been meaning to start trade deals with the NatSoc government in Ukraine…


'course, there isn't anything wrong with being a fascist, but when Trudeau claims to be such a pure fucking angel and then goes and supports trade deals, etc., with these guys, you can really see how he's either another repugnant, two-faced sociopath like so many other politician scum [we need somebody from outside politics to MAGA, tbh] OR, he's just that much of a clueless, retarded, wife's son having, bull prepping idiot.

If we want to damage Justin's reputation a bit, why not publicize this to make him look bad? If it could work, I mean.

Meanwhile, shit's getting tense in the East. Putin's proxy army seems to be winning. Perhaps that's the only reason Justin's doing this shit in the first place. Kerry was talking about how they're giving $27 Million to Ukraine for some reason not too long ago. Markel and the rest were talking about helping Ukraine at the G5 thing in Warsaw as well. Maybe they know that Putin's winning this fight and they're building up the New Ukrainian government to such a state that, once it begins to truly collapse, Putin will seam like that much more of a bastard. I think it's worth considering.

This perhaps correlates to another thread I saw about how Putin says that we're on the bring of a nuclear war or some shit. Actually, I'm pretty certain about that.

There's also this new picture out about the current situation in Ukraine (see image) as of July 11, 2016 (today!).

Other urls found in this thread:]]]

cool story bro
Jewish brainwashing machine more like

Also remember the referendum in the Netherlands about giving gibs to Ukraine? The one people voted against? They just announced they're going to do it anyway.

Truly a shame. They're introducing pozz thru "non government" institutions while closing the doors of EU to Ukraine because they're Africa tier today. Meanwhile, all hot blooded and heroic males are thrown at Russia so those who can rebel against the jewish oligarchy die before getting a chance to do so.

Nothing is happening today, nor yesterday.

A couple week ago Ukraine launched a battalion sized probe attack to test the rebel defenses.

Right now they're moving back east all the units they got trained by NATO west of the country.

Offensive is due for the Olympics game (1 week of august).

Can I not believe that liveuamap thing? I put more faith in it than what comes from the Ukraine government. They're obviously pretty shit, considering how new they are and what made them.

Of course offensive is doomed to fail, so they crank up the propaganda "that tension are augmenting" despite the fucking fact only the Ukrainian are hammering the front-line since May with every heavy gun they have (in complete violation of Minsk accords).

And they will be the ones attacking and getting their asses handed to them for the third time.

So that they can whine about "Russian aggression" and NATO will go "see Russia is evil we totally need to park tanks and missile at a 10 hour drive from Moscow FOR PEACE".

And you retarded gullible cunts will keep talking about how the 100% funded, 100% controlled oligarchs and kike government of Ukraine is nationalist.

Despite the fact that EVERY Jewish owned newspaper in the west is taking Ukraine side and EVERY Jewish controlled bank is bankrolling their government since the Ukrainian economy basically doesn't exist anymore.

I don't even think the Olympics are going to happen.

I couldn't see it happening easily.

I'm not saying that they're good. They're dreamers that think more of themselves than they are. From what I can tell, they're like a puppet state, aren't they?

NATO is preparing the battle drums for a big offensive in eastern Ukraine then?
Hopefully cyka bljat destroys them.

canada here, could ukraine do us a solid and keep him?

I wish. His son, Xavier, is there with him. SO if they did keep him, you wouldn't have to worry about any of his offspring trying to avenge him or whatever.
But, then again, it's most likely his wife's son. So that might not even be an issue.

How retarded are you?

Here you want a livemap use this one:

It's shit and can be raided and can't be trusted to follow live event but at least you can track back who is putting what info and it's actual user created content, instead of being spoon-fed by "young entrepreneurs" who are totally free I'm sure, despite being the target of choice of the billions in subsides from the State department and the NED.

And curiously used an US anti-WHOIS anonymizer for their site on creation (instead of an Ukrainian, or Russian or German one).

People in Donbass are getting pissed at the OSCE for being completely fucking useless.

Fucking Europe, how does it feel being a satanic, bureaucratic shithole?

Finally, I've been looking all over for that map site since I've seen screencaps of it. I did always find it strange when I would check the sources for the posts and some would be twitter accounts with barely any content that usually came from Ukrainians.

But, I need a Facebook to log into it? That's odd.

Wait, my computer was just lagging and a bar saying that I needed a FB acocunt wasn't disappearing. It's gone now.

The only dream of the average Maidan supporter (and not the manipulated skinheads of Azov who dies and kill their countrymen for jewish billionaires and think that's what nazism means) is getting an EU passport GTFO to Britain France, Germany, etc… Like the poles and the balts can.

That's it.

They don't give two fuck about their land, their ancestors or anything other than making money in the land of milk and honey they've been promised since birth by even more callous and greedy politicians.

Ukraine under the soviets (who most leader were from) was the technological and industrial heart of the Soviet Union.

They should be catching up to Italy by now, instead of throwing childish tantrum after childish tantrum.

"Whine whine whine I'm European not Russian, German are best"

What's that? I have hundreds of kilometers of "frontiers" (doesn't even exist physically, it's a line in the middles of plains) with Moscow and it's the only one buying my goods and my western neighbors are actually poor, because Germany is actually a fucking a long way away?

Nevermind I'm sure Germany, France and UK are going to buy my engines, my rotors and my planes. It's not like they have theirs…
It's Moscow fault if I can't export my stuff.
Not reality's.

You need an account to add stuff, close it when prompted. And yeah it's super laggy there is too much stuff in it (limits of google map), you need to remove the pings from syria, yemen, etc…

Good Lord, user. Just how much was I missing?

Does anyone have the pic an user posted of Trudeau in Mortal Kombat II?


Some related articles

Dunno how it will fare on the commercial exchange. Normally Canada already deals a lot with the UK, the could be some tentative change since Trudeau is buddy with Soros.
Also, this is some tentative to sway the opinion away from Russia.

What app is that?


Looking at the third picture, it seems the separatists have increased their territory compared to last year no?

It looks bigger. The last map I remember seeing had pockets, and now they have a unified piece of land.

Are the Ukranians still getting surrounded and destroyed again and again?

Jesus christ I despise you russian niggers. UKRANIANS ARE SO STUPID FOR NOT WANTING TO BE ANNEXED USSR WAS GOOD FOR UKRAINE!!! All of you are thinly veiled neobolsevk faggots

He's (mostly) right though. Ukrainians got played on many levels and, in hindsight, probably should have remained under the Russkie umbrella.

Right or wrong they are all autistic as hell and all of them inadvertently praise the USSR discourage nationalism and make Russian imperialism seem fine. The Russians can fuck back off to the frozen mongolian shithole they come from

Not really related to Ukraine, but more about Canada and International relations.
I didn't want to make another thread with only a few posts.
