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my balls itcg
Tomoko is the best girl
WE >>>Holla Forums NOAW
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Damn, they have 1000+ users now?
How long until they overtake Holla Forums?
Holla Forums has been banning a lot of people lately and when those bans expire leftypol will lose most of the gains they made over the last 2 weeks They won't overtake Holla Forums anytime soon.
>Holla Forums has been banning a lot of people lately
Why is that? Are they still sperging out about TRS?
Yea, it made the mods quite trigger happy.
She's all yours.
Did dysnomia died?
He just really wanted you to see that pic obviously
That show had a lot of potential, but it's ending was extremely disappointing.
So no more dysnomia?
i don't know if you're dysnomia shilling yourself but if not, let me explain something to you.
mods can change their names freely. for a while, the board log went into hidden, and then it went back to normal, but "dysnomia" was replaced with "newfag" and we got this sticky as if someone new claimed the board.
but that doesn't make sense- bos need to be inactive for a certain amount of time before the exchange we're seeing here were to occur, and every one of dysnomia's past actions in the log is still there but listed under "newfag".
dysnomia is trying to pretend he retired and gave some completely new character the board. he's laying low, and his deviantart account is no longer under the name dysnomia, and his steam is private
someone went too far into the ra/b/bit hole.
No I'm not dysnomia.
wew that faggot was a true cancer.
either way i hope hen got his dick stuck in the toaster.
So that's who got it.
really? really? you have to be joking. Holla Forums is always banning people. they are just like abovetopsecret, as soon as you know too much they know they cant control you or fool you anymore and they send their shills to ruin your thread and ban you really fast.
hilarious imkampfy rage thread
read the old one first and then the new link because they delete a bunch of posts that don't show up as the thread continues on.
(most recent)
crazy religion thread imkampfy ban spree
nigger dicks
move to discord, faggot. that's where things happen. details >>/bmw/ and >>/bmwbr/
destroy the world whilst you are still young.
Sorry if it seems too sentimental or normalfag, I just act that way!
By the way: if you make me mod, I promise I won't abuse my powers, and you can remove me/check the logs if I do!
I know I don't really act like Chan trash much, but I do understand the Chans and actually don't enforce my opinions on others.
If you want to discuss this, my Discord is cutelilfur and my Tox is 29CBC1AE56CBA567411980ED2E16F171DE61FF202D5E44B5B83211AE6D8CCE7F7DD3127A2836
Do you have Dysnomia's Tox? I wanna talk with him.
op is dysnomia. dysnomia is still here.
I still want his Discord
FWIW the manga ending was completely different than the show. Basically everything after they went into the magnetic field near the volcano was done to condense 85 manga chapters into like 16 episodes.
Maka kills medusa
Then Maka fights Asura
but it's on the moon.
And Maka gets a new outfit.
And she can fly.
u came up with that fanfic yourself?