What killed Lainchan?

What killed Lainchan?

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Communism, applefaggotry, faggotry in general.

even the name was weebshit

normie pls go


anime is trash kill youself

He said, while posting on a website whose roots are ultimately in Japanese culture.


Seems like you're on the wrong website, newfriend.

You're welcome.

Technically speaking, imageboard culture stems from Usenet.

I can do this, too. What's your point?

Are you saying this site was not at all inspired by 4chan, which in turn was originally based on the source code and board culture of the Japanese Futaba Channel? Do you not know what "ultimately" means?

That's debatable, but in either case I don't think normie "lol anniemay is teh ghey xddd" tryhards are welcome.

This is where the thread should have ended.

WTF is Lainchan?


I recommend the latter


The internet was "ultimately" made by white men by your retarded "logic", son.

Good thing the cripple has been fed to the pigs eh?

A shit site even by chan standards that was filled with autists that got popular with 4chan and 8ch going down the shitter.

Seriously? The part of Asia that recovered from post-war devastation to become a major world economy?
Ahh, I see now. Even your "leader" thought highly of the Japanese, you know.
>>>Holla Forums

Using US dollars, because the US needed the japs as a buffer against communism.

Educate yourself you retard. Or better yet, kill yourself.

Nah, I'd much rather continue to live, knowing that my mere existence upsets people like you.

This matters how

topkek son

Who the fuck else would even be here?

The US throwing money at japs telling them what to build, how to build, when to build, where to build doesn't matter how?

People who came to infinitychan after they got tired of the weebshits on cuckchan?

You have to go back


You mean Holla Forums after m♡♡t shat on your board and sold the site?



Guess your parents suggest that to you often for you to be so triggered huh? :^)

Looks like someone's new here

Tell me, how mad are you, though?

You need to step up your game


reddit trash

Infinity is not a number


Lainchan isn't dead. It's just slow. We have an administrator who cares deeply about the site, (kaylyx did too). Lainchan is an amazing site with an amazing community. I'd even go as far as to say it's the greatest forum to ever be created.


Aww, did baby get banned by the big bad mods at Lainchan for posting Holla Forums-tier drivel in lieu of actual constructive discourse?

Good things die. That's why 8chen and 4chan are still kicking.

it's "8" chan the infinite gives it a split personality with the other half being reddit.

Lainchan is cool, but stinks of /g/litterboyism, c. f. this thread.

You have roots in your mom's pussy, doesn't make her any less of a whore.

Yeah, I get it, I was 13 once, too.


dank trips cumming up famingos

I killed it. Now I am working on killing infinite chan.

Yes it is.

what's one less than infinity then?

Infinity is not a member of the set of reals.

Okay champ

Tell me what class of number it is.

Actually, why don't you define what a number is?

autism and kalyx

also cyberpunk being dead

Holla Forums is all about feels over reals :^)


I lurked Volafile for months collecting info on Kalyx, then posted very compromising things about Kalyx everywhere

You're fucking welcome. I did it because I'm much further to the right politically and hate macfags.

Not gonna lie, that's pretty fucking autistic

Sage because replying to a namefag

Then so is everything else, thus making this statement pointless.

Butthurt burgerposters are always trying to negate everything Japan has ever done and take credit for themselves. Americans must be the most insecure people in the world.

Do you even know where you are?

Pic related is not just Holla Forums, its every board on every chan. Don't forget...

He actually didn't, unless he happens to be the Jinteki Industries owner. Kurisu is not a bad guy, he just loves shitposting from time to time and plaster his fucking trip everywhere

I posted that WEBM on /cyber/ and Jinteki user picked it up. Jinteki user is a really cool guy. I think I'll stop using my namefag soon... its been fun but I feel the need to claim credit for my ebin hax and its going to fuck my OPSEC... so I'll stop soon.

Nope, that was 4chan and a website's culture is determined by the current user not the past, especially not from a completely different site.

As if you have any authority anywhere.

Let's try it and see what happens.

Anime are gay! xddd tee hee

3DPD tbh

Agreed but wrinkles are the least of the problems in that pic.

Was lainchan ever alive? Everytime I replied to someone I realized I was replying to a post made in a different decade.

If you go to an imageboard and expect to not run into any anime you are in for a rude awakening. Why don't you people just stick to Reddit and Facebook?

What does claiming the roots of 8ch is (not)japanese have to do with the frequency of encountering 2d reaction image?

Also Anime ANIMATE, that's why it's call ANIMe, any static 2d drawings that look like it come from deviantart are not anime though, just sayin'

If you go on imageboards you will frequently encounter anime. That's how it is whether you like it or not.


At least it isn't 4chan. There are still some good threads, resources, and knowledgeable lainons there.

But now is ok with the new owner.
But cocksucker, why you don't ask this on lainchan?

Not who you replied to but i'll give it a shot:
That which specifies quantity or order

I killed lainchan.


Is this a stealth advetisizing for lainchan thread? Is that the plan?

Fucking Holla Forums man.
It's a competition to see who can be the most edgy 13 year old.

A good portion of the time that's true. Also knowing nothing about technology but spouting memes about how it should be done. So why are we in a lainchan is dead thread? Lainchans not dead? (seems preety much the same as ever here).

Truly these are the end times.

How do we remove all normies from ibs? Some sort of manmade virus?

Gas yourself.

Your reading comprehension really needs a boost. Kind of absurd actually.

Normalfags absolutely hate it with very few exceptions like Dragon Ball. There's few things in the world they hate more than anime. Even most so-called anime fans only like certain anime.


Yup, those commies are getting canny.

Adding /feels/ killed it. What a fucking stupid idea.



Since when did being right wing politically translate to autistic plans to undermine some american military cuck for using apple products?
I thought you right wingers liked that military stuff and corporate freedoms.

Communist nigger teens.

I'm much further right than that

Now you're being obtuse.

Acute observation

>>>Holla Forums

Why do people think that messageboards need to be constantly pinging with new posts? A bulletin board is a place where people post announcements and messages. Correct me if I'm wrong, but in the past messageboards were used more for long-form discussion, where people would take time to respond. Quick-response conversation would happen over IRC or whatever else they would have used.

The less populated boards on lainchan can be extremely slow (at times, a few posts per week) and that's fine. On those boards, they're usually quality posts where the anons aren't under pressure to respond quickly. I'd rather have those few posts than a flood of irrelevant memes.

As for the administration, Kalyx has been mentally unstable in the past and did some retarded things with the administration (how many times has darkengine been rehired?) but lainchan doesn't seem to have suffered much for it. Claims that "kalyx did this or that and irreversibly damaged the site" are just reactionary dumbfucks. I'm sure the same will be true for the new owner, even more so because he's a respectable programmer and seems somewhat more mature.

Lastly, I don't think the jinteki.industries thing had much of an effect other than people memeing on IRC about it for a few months. Who actually cares that kalyx wanked in front of a camera?

Anime means more than just any Japanese animation and you know that. Don't be a smartass.

8ch is a chan. 2ch is also a chan. Chans began in Japan and came to the West's attention with 4chan, a website created by a weeb who wanted to have something like 2ch but for English speakers.

Now there's 8ch, an imageboard entirely based on 4chan, also made by a weeb.

Chans are known for anime, shitposting, and shenanigans by the general public that knows about them, and that's generally what we do.

If you don't like people posting anime, that's your fucking problem. You cunts are like SJWs, you think if there's something you don't like, it has to go and everyone else has to just deal with it, but you shouldn't have to deal with anyone else's shit. Guns and free speech for them, anime and Holla Forums for you. No difference.

2ch is a textboard.
2chan is an imageboard.
4chan is an imageboard.

They are, I remember someone flipping out because the mods deleted their single word off topic response of "kek" for being low quality.

I think I need one of those in my life.

I meant 2chan then. I get them confused.

Please don't abbreviate Holla Forums to 8ch. It creates confusion, because while 2chan and 2channel/2ch are separate entities, there is no such thing as 8ch.

In which sense?

Not software-wise, because it's based on vichan's software (which was based on 4chon's, note the "o"), not 4chan's.

And not user-wise either. Not all users here come from 4chan. It existed before the whole 4chan gamergate thing and it has also housed people from 4chon, Wizardchan, Krautchan and at least one subreddit when they went down.

Hosting-wise you could say it's "based on" 2ch, because it's hosted on the same servers.

Oh, my bad. Disregard that. The website changed its address from Holla Forums.co to 8ch.net ages ago, and I forgot.

That's so far from the truth, being a weeb is a god damn fad, its the real hip thing, dont you know. But they all think they're radicle and different for it.

It was you who leaked this wonderful thing onto /cyber/? And all those pics onto /g/?

Jinteki Industries would like to express our most sincere thanks.

site will be up soon, the server is good and the hypervisor is ready, just need to restore the old disk image and merge site changes. Then it'll be a long-term project to migrate from IIS over to nginx, since I need to learn that myself.

I am not Makise.

Please try Infinity Next.

Absolutely Plebbit and cuckchan-tier trash, Kill yourself /leftycuck/ SA goon trash.


But it's not dead

Tangentially relevant to the thread, Jinteki is back up.


Tribute pages:

thx user

wow you're an autistic faggot

mfw /cyber/ is triumphant

suck it lainfags


killing chans 1 at time

But if you don't like people complaining about anime, that's your problem.

Freedom goes both ways, and there's nothing you can do about it, deal with it lol.

pozzed ownership

Communist, Socialist, big government advocating soykaf retards

How come you normies never excercise your freedom to stick to your social media containment zones where you don't have to live in constant terror of witnessing anime?


I am and yet here you are.

Complain breeds excellence, you should thank us by offering your wife (if you had any) to me, otherwise your waifu will not evolve beyond stickman.


wtf, I love communism now

Pretty much. /feels/ is just a mix of tumblr angst and /r9k/ autism which still manages to be boring because they ban everyone who they think is shitposting. The fact that it's half the site's activity is probably why Lainchan is dead. Banning shitposting hasn't turned the place into some intellectual and meaningful forum, you get roughly the same amount of good discussion anywhere else. What it does is turn half the posts into awkward and excessively polite small talk.

no wonder you're a commie with your double-iq

Welp. I came to Holla Forums looking for a place to get this out of me and the lainchan thread seems like the best place to do so.
Lainchan mods keep deleting my posts. Every single post I make outside of the programming board is deleted, and when other people post something similar, or some Holla Forums-tier shit, or any insult whatsoever... it stays. Lainchan has this funny policy where trolling is okay, and responding to trolls is a bannable offence.
Moreover, theirs is a really passive-aggresive policy as seen in their stupid family-friendly wordfilters. And I see it reflected in the silent deletion of posts that they don't like. Complaining about moderation or quality is silently deleted.
I don't like to use these stupid 4chan terms but they act like a bunch of cucks.

So I could stick to the programming board /lambda/ right? However, it is mostly a lisp club, which hinders actual discussion. /cyb/ was killed and /civ/ was added, and /sec/ is mostly a script kiddie place where people discuss using tor.
As a result, what was once a place to discuss programming is now /g/-tier, and there is no other place that I know of that is dedicated to this.
Well that's about it, in sum, with lainchan being the cucks they are, and hating unix because muh lisp machine, there is no place to have some serious technical discussion.

Yeah. Allende sure showed everyone how to fight against the rich without relying on violence.

wew lad

thanks man, never realized the hidden technology of nazi nuclear fusion and open borders
wtf i love hitler now

What did Kalyx mean by this?

oh hey it's the corporate bootlicker

nice rightwing freefag ideology you have there.

Pick one

yep, recently I realized that slow boards are actually OK
We're so used to fast fast fast boards as in 4chan. But my recent lurking in /cyber/ made me realize that slow boards actually keep it decent.
This thread, on the other hand, with all it's stupid Holla Forums-style arguments... not so.

Why is it that whenever you people are arbitrarily triggered by an anime character you start insisting they're sluts or whores even though there's never any canonical evidence to even suggest it?

This is not one of your social media containment zones. The URL you're looking for is www.facebook.com.

The fuck are you babbling about?

I left when they insisted that /cult/ is the appropriate place to discuss transgender issues, rather than /civ/ that was supposed to be a containment board for political bullshit. I also started seeing people push anarchism everywhere.



Lain isn't normalfag tier anime. Normalfags love shit like DBZ, naruto, bleach, etc. Sometimes they might like some anime like eva, but not much outside of the really entry level stuff.

Infinity is not a number. It is a concept. Infinity contains sets, ones that are countable and ones that are uncountable. You can number the objects within a countable set, but the set itself is not a number. Think about this, infinity is not a number because it is not specific, as one infinite set can hypothetically contain more things than another infinite set.


Is Kalyx rip? Did buying Apple shit with website donations do him in?

I remember the early days of the site, when that oni fag and his forum were fucking with us, in and outside of irc.

Kalyx shoahd the irc because he wanted us to post on the site, so I just stopped going there. :/

Also, the fap vid was absolutely real. I don't know if I still have it somewhere.