Parodying Lefties

Secular liberalism is your religion and I am your god, Equality. Pray to me and shun the heretics who dare speak against xir. Good little sheep. Laugh at John Oliver's observations about how people who disagree with your ideological clergy are stupid and ignorant. You are so smart for laughing at current year man's snarky witticisms. Feel the righteous indignation flow through you as you and your ilk destroy the nation by importing endless waves of unskilled uneducated third world migrants so that multinational corporations can have cheaper labor and displace americans who won't work for a dollar an hour. Goood goooooood. Allow them to get health care, education and even welfare in some states on the taxpayer's dime, further reducing the native american's ability to reproduce at even replacement rates while all those on welfare have 3-4 kids or more.

I am Equality. Not equality of opportunity but of fibre and outcome. It displeases me that while some live in squalid favelas others do not. How can the suffering know peace if they are not allowed to bring it to you as well? I decree: Destroy your homeland and culture in my name or I will send my servants to call you a racist, a bigot, or an islamaphobe. I will have them get you fired, send you death threats and slander you on the evening news. My servants are powerful and many.

My name is the definition of secular creationism, if you cannot make all exceptional, allow none to be exceptional! Ignore natural law, ignore the failings and horrors of socialist and communist countries that have come before, ignore the warnings of those those who have seen enough of life to diagnose the symptoms of a social disease and decay when they see it. Aim your derision at any who deny my existence and argue my virtues with the ferocity and wild certainty only a true believer can know!

Long live Equality, for soon liberty will take its last breath. Rejoice my child, and inherit your new world.

Making fun of lefties and social decay thread

I'll get it started



Needs references to the Prophet Marx.

I know this image is supposed to be a parody, but statistically speaking there is likely several people in this world which either match that exactly or come close to it.







I'm sure the Chinese are glad to hear that.

You can not parody lefist ideas because at this point Poe's law is in full effect.

We have our own culture, that is as good as white culture if not better.


Nope according to the left you are just white Nazis now.



I like the Dr Who episode Love & Monsters where he has sex with a slab of concrete sidewalk.








Reminder that ironic accelerationism is still accelerationism, you kike fuck.




Making fun of lefties' viewpoints isn't accelerationism, it's just fun. Quit morality spiraling and have a laugh.


Hey, does anyone happen to have the TEXT that goes along with this image? I had the original, it was shit quality, so I made my own in high res and I seem to have FUCKING LOST IT somehow, but I also don’t have the original anymore.

The text started something like “Liberals want to pretend that…” and ended with “This is how much respect these so-called intellectuals have for reason.”

It was used in the context of the gender “spectrum”, I believe.

You should watch Harmful Opinions interview with that Neutrois faggot.

Mommy issues. Daddy issues. Fear of abandonment. Desperation to stand out and constantly perform.

Constantly talking about how he feels the need to "cut away". Refferences to over indulgence.

An amorral comfort with manipulation and deceit and contentness to do things that he finds unpallatable because other people do it.

Textbook case of someone who feels shame in every aspect of himself because he never learned to be grateful for just how good he got it.