8ch movie

who will finance it, we can rival hollywood with this

also shit like >>>/sudo/21876

Other urls found in this thread:


Holla Forums are the heroes

Holla Forums and Holla Forums are the villains

never forget


try looking outside of your hugbox worldview for a minute ciddie

Holla Forums is a bunch of butthurt jew hating faggots run by a jew and a nigger

It is possible
But /int/ love for spaming, KC hating and mod insulting ways are far too evil for me

once you become free you never go back to slavery

your dogma and ideology have trapped you into a box

only the hehpill can save you

freedom is a myth, it does not exist
Voluntary slavery to God is the true freedom

if it's not cp it shouldn't be deleted

i don't believe in your god

im jew


You are possessed by daemons and satanic forces

Civilization is build on rules, without rules there is anarchy, anarchy is lack of rules, thus anarchy equals nothingness
How can nothing compete with something? How can nothing be better than substance?

is this collection of logical fallacies supposed to be an argument

I like banning Holla Forums shit just to watch them sperg.

You imply something, yet you dont present any evidence

Absence of evidence is not evidence of absence

So then you have no argument, case closed.

Prove me that my post has logical fallacies so that i might change my point of view

While I can understand that poster on /sudo/'s perspective, does he really want a bunch of Marxist redditors shitting up the site even more than they are now? That's the only logical result I can see from nuking Holla Forums at this time.

Although to be honest, more due diligence should have been done on them a year or two ago. Then we wouldn't have this problem.

im right because im jew and jews are the chosen people

im jew


ready to throw down whenever you are tbh
hehnigger genocide NOW

Got a problem with that bigot?

Are you implying that one race/religion is superior to one another?

jews are not a race

we are humans, you are cattle

you are our slaves, your females belong for our pleasure, your males to work for our benefit

im jew

well if you put this way i can agree?

How do i serve you my new jewish overlords?

work a job at least 40 hours a week

get married to a woman no younger than 25

mortgage a house for at least 30 years

use a big bank

support the USA government

i m sorry, i cant do that, im russian


How about an Holla Forums movie starring the personifications of each board instead? What actors would you think play each respective board?


>Leonard DiCaprio plays Holla Forums
I'd watch it th

Maisie plays Holla Forums, De Niro plays Holla Forums (because he's got a tough mafia man image on the outside but is a cuck in real life, GET IT?), keanu reeves plays /r9k/, mel gibson plays /a/ (strong beliefs, socially maladjusted sperg, insane, masochistic), louis ck plays Holla Forums (cuckoldry + massive spergouts + anti-white),

Jack Nicholson plays /sudo/.


I want to say Sam Hyde should be Holla Forums but that sounds too cliche at this point

/int/ was and is better. People kept thinking /int/ was "Holla Forums with flags" so Based Soma kept putting them in their place.

Soma I love you please come back.

Holla Forums was the Final Solution to the Moderation Problem

I dont see any problem with moderation

If anything we need more of it and boards like >>>Holla Forums only prove it

get fucked ya dumb fag

kill yourself intl goon kike

hold up one sec i got something to help you lad.


i already have a board with pefect moderation its pol you stupid goonkike

i just want to get rid of the other boards so they don't shit up 8ch

i hate niggers too much to post on a board moderated by one :^)

Holla Forums is moderated by pure white aryans you goonkike shill


Holla Forums would be played by Lucas.

fuck off back to goonsaloon.pro shill

imkampfy is literally the whitest person on Holla Forums

But why?
Their memes are childishly shit even compared to 9gag faggotry, and they only make fools of themselves when they try to subvert other boards.
If anything they're a shining example of how to not act on imageboards.

funny how you perfectly described Holla Forums also with that description

really made me think

You seem to be implying I lean towards Holla Forums's favor.
This is one of your major problems.
As soon as someone points out how childish and retarded your board's tendencies are you immediately start crying about Holla Forums.
Crying boogeyman only makes you look like an incompetent and retarded imbecile.
Maybe you could actually try to hold a decent conversation for once instead of drooling all over yourself while making grade school shitposts at anyone who leans slightly east of west.

fuk u nazi

no fug u gommie

im jew


You're still about 100 posts off friend. 666666 is still a good couple days away

not at THIs rate of shitposting brudder



wtf is this /sp/ now?
