Are u triggered by this Holla Forums?
Are u triggered by this Holla Forums?
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because I'm tired of the same girl
here… how's this?
how bout this?
u don't like her?
Can I ask why you're posting like this?
For teh lulz?
Does this
un-huh. Why do you post?
There is a M0Derater that is a feminist and they get butthurt about anything….. anything… which is pathetic and funny.
I was just wondering if there was a deeper meaning. Do you just want to watch this board burn?
I hope "Laura B" is doing well in life…..
burn? how so? by posting LEGAL websites' pics? Are you serious? Please leave. If you don't like a post, why the fuck do you click on the topic?
I just meant that they would be so triggered that they nuke the board.
I would love to see the m0ds/jim shit their beds over some girls in one-piece swimsuits.
ahh i see..
I find it funny that some feminist defines power as a weakness.
As in beauty is as power…. it makes men weak…
step it up sempai
can u post child prnography please? Yours truly, not FBI
did she ever get fucked?
I dont like that stuff
I'm working on it
all do
Trips don't lie. This gentleman is on the level.
why not? It's funny, chum.
Those numbers demand it, but according to triggered Redditeers this thread is all CP
i dont know, she is a model./……
lel. Post it bud.
you know it.
moar of her plox
Contribute, faggots.
Hot Czech girl
I'm out… this is fucked up…
I'm actually being raided right now. BRB.
good luck fam
lol faggot
This isn't making me hard. Am I gay?
Most of it is mediocre. You're probably not gay.
or both homos
I told them I was a sovereign citizen and their warrant did't apply to me. Hick cops believed it too. Turned around with sad looks on their mugs.
I aint got better shit. tell me where to get the better stuff
Good riddance. You probably have 12-24 hours before they try again.
What if I said that I fapped to gay furfag porn a few hours ago.
this tbh fam:
Then you probably have the gay.
ur gey m8
They all look 18 to me.
forgot to sage whoopsie
Are they not supposed to? They did an okay job with makeup and perspective, but they're clearly adults pretending to be kids.
What's this from?
Bullshit. How is this going to trigger Holla Forums? Fuck you.
Consider my boner triggered
Well I'm triggered>>6661988
no thankx
and hiw? are you serious? Are you new here?
did you know that guy has assburgers
So those pics are all fake? Most fooled me. Still, let's stick to nn.
I'm old here. How would this shit be triggering?
only makes me like him moar :3
post gore
Lots of Redditors and Tumblrinas made it here through word of mouth. They can get triggered by something as mundane as this.
Most valuable post ITT tbh
damn autocorrect
k. havent been on a *chan in a long time. this used to be par
"Used to be" is the key phrase. More notoriety meant more government surveillance meant more conformation to US legal code meant trigger happy modds.
Is this stuff legal?
Depends on what stuff you're talking about.
OP's stuff, yes, why it shouldn't be?
Ya. Most of the girls are 18-19. Makeup and lighting make them look younger to appeal to Japanese men
for fuck sakes
someone post some normie repellent in this thread
fucking hipster tourist moralfags invading chan culture….
I meant the sex stuff. Is it legal?
Oh I see, carry on then :^)
Seen these on 4chan, most of this shit is illegal. The modeling isn't but the nudity is, just reported the faggot.
M0DS This is why we need to make a proxy/vpn blacklist, make these faggots waste their money fuck them
Sollary Clintorge
I agree. Mods, ban the pedo fag
Are you the poster? I just reported? Can you fuck off and stop spamming Holla Forums?
that was cute :^)
Dude, nudism is perfectly legal
wtf no I am not. literally wtf dude
Calm the fuck down, I was just asking.
go suck a dick if you reported me for pedo stuff. I am, and never have been, a fucking child molester. I'm on your side dude.
No, you were telling me to fuck off and stop spamming. I clearly wasn't. You weren't 'just asking'
You misunderstood me, I reported another post and I was asking if you were the same guy.
Dude chill you're tripping I didn't mean that
Oh, okay. Well we're on the same team here so no worries. I agree we need to get rid of pedofags on this board. Keep reporting them!
anti-pedos = moralfags = normies
no exceptions
is imageboard culture really dead? looks like it… you fucking posers have infested our once great lands for too long!
kindly die
tfw pedo Holla Forums pretending to hate pedo's
You are heartless.
tfw s hill is replaced by Holla Forums
how do i report this pederfile thread to fbi
I agree that pedophiles need help and all, but posting cp is plain wrong. You guys are lead by your sexual urges. Sex with children is wrong. Seek help.
Call 119
I'm all for some trolling but not shit this serious. Bro, some things aren't funny, especially when you've personally been through it
The spammer isn't doing this for lulz, he's doing it for shock and everyone has their limits on what's acceptable
why is it wrong?
top kek. who isn't?
evidence pls
telling psych = insta v&, so why the fuck would we?
give link to cp
you can not be serious
You sound like such a fucking baby which is ironic
You sound like a fucking faggot as well, look how edgy you are, on an anonymous website!
oh, but wrecked and isis killing threads are just fine tho, right? lol
jesus when did jimchan become plebbit 2.0? i mean, i know the pig farm was a dire cesspool of moralcucks, but this is just sad..
i remember my first day on the internet
lulz is shock… fn newfaggot
Never said they were
It's a collection of flashing pixels. Get over yourself.
debait me, faggit
it's been scientifically proven that children can consent, and under the correct circumstances, it can be a safe and pleasant experience for all.
society's instincutal "hurrr protect muh daughter's hymen and thus sexual-marketplace value in order to better her chances of securing a higher quality mate in future and thus secure gene propagation" is all that it is, literally.
many parts cultures of the world have historically had child sex as a part of everyday life, and no harm was ever done before feminism started brainwashing them that they are such horribly traumatised victims etc.
it's all relative
what about when these circumstances aren't correct?
I'm glad they're fake. I don't want to go to jail.
When one party is hurting another, it's covered under normal assault laws. No need for a weird extra law about age.
seriously, why are you here then? 99.999% of the internet is waiting for you, normie.
Not in my experience or millions of others
what about when the circumstances aren't correct for adults?
all exchanges of sex and relationships are a trade … all involve power imbalances, exploitation and compromise… all have potential for danger and various forms of physical harm… so what makes it so different? you really think that the majority of pedophiles don't possess enough empathy for due caution and care in such scenarios?
as always, prohibition is never the answer; only education and sensibility.
because i used to enjoy Holla Forums before the pedos ruined it
Pretty disgusting tbqhimhofyifam
What are you trying to say?
You let someone ruin what you like? WEAKLING
*various forms of physical and psychological harm
tbh pedos made Holla Forums
i want lollyposter to go
im sure any 7 year old can get a lawyer and knows how to process it…
while i agree with you on it isn't necessarily that harmful, you can't assume everyone playing nice
lol you just said that you were against rekt threads and isis killing threads too, and that they were inherently and equally wrong, yet here you are saying that it's all because of the "evil pedos", once again. kek
those scars though
someone been taking it up the ass alright
those pixels are evidence, of a culture that glorifies selfish hedonism, at the expense of childhood enjoyment
apply for mod
these days they seem to take anyone
Did you see her ass?
I would in a heartbeat….
how to apply?
t. neet with no life
can you even think for yourself and look at things objectively, or nah?
and what "experience" would this be, anyway?
you aren't even trying to sound smart
That's what a parent/guardian is for. In the event that it is the parent/guardian, then CPS takes care of it.
Then your problem is with the culture, not a collection of data.
if these figured it, im sure you can too
gosh you're fucking dense just stop
nah, better not let it go that far
you seriously think kids can handle something like this? quit thinking with your dick, seriously
You can't get around the fact that propegating data that makes my monitor behave in a way I find pleasant is a harmless act.