Redpilling family

Tonight I got my Mother to watch Marching to Zion.

Feels good man. It's the small steps but earlier at dinner her boyfriend and I, in front of her, discussed how blacks are genetically inferior along with hitlers side of the war.

Both pretty receptive. Hid my powerless bit I've gained great ground. Didn't want to rush the red pill.

It's the difference, in my opinion at least, between throwing seeds whichever way and watering them every day and actually putting them into the ground and watering them.

Keep in mind I have to go slowly as she has a a half black daughter she put up for adoption that we still love.

Picture is to also remind people of what should be the main focus. Chimp ending and this thread should be side focuses but the foundation needs to be cracked to the very depths and beyond

Mate, be careful and don't push hard or even often. Let them come to their own conclusions.

Picture's fake, yo.

Why do you even bother?

If OP's going to use a pic to represent a movement, then he shouldn't use a fake pic.

Moshe please leave you are embarrassing yourself. Just calm down we won't jew you out of your fair share of zyklon b

Thanks for the advice user, I am taking it slow.

My mother hatespecially anything remotely leftist and she was of the mindset of "Israel's the best nation in the middle east but Jews aren't special to God. Only christians are" fortunately she is receptive to red pilling and thought was mostly about shifting her personal Overton window more towards where I stand.

I really need to focus on her BFF and future husband since she is a traditional woman and will certainly begin imitating his beliefs in some areas. Plus the both of us speaking the same ideas will feed her sense of conformity

Is this thread real?

My father once sent me this article. I had no clue he would be receptive to it.

I have been hesitant at times to send him more stuff like the holohoax and The Lion though. Soon….

Also, Marching to Zion is pretty good except that Anderson does not see race in any way. Better than nothing I suppose.

You should send him Yuri.

Acknowledged. I thought about it, but never actually did it.


Get out, and never come back.

Look man. Family is family. Since she's a christian she is much family on Christhe and she's a family by blood.

Still though. She has no place in a pure white state. Would send her to a black ethno state if by my own power but I can't do anything about the fact that she's my family twice over.

She made mistakes. She also realizes them

It’s working. Before the year is out, I hope to be able to show her Pastor Anderson’s video debunking the holocaust, and then Brother Nathanael’s speeches on the same, and then the rest of the videos I have, including the testimony of that one Mennonite (our denomination) woman kept in the camps.

As go the women, so go the nation. Our mothers and girlfriends must awaken.

Commit suicide.

He’s perfectly willing to be proven wrong and has changed even his preaching based on both scientific and Biblical evidence before. He used to talk about the holocaust as though it happened. Now, well… he only mentions Hitler in the light of dictatorship being inherently bad. He believes that 9/11 was at LEAST inside job (and has said so openly on YouTube and in his sermons), and has even gotten into discussions with commenters on the topic of white genocide.

We ought to compile a list of both biblical and scientific evidences for the splitting of the races (Tower of Babel, FST data, etc.) and send it to him. Never mind evidence for purposeful genocide in modernity (and the people responsible for it).

anderson has changed a lot, honestly i think because of Holla Forums and the comments we leave on his youtube.

his earlier vids he would always use hitler as the token evil guy… and now hes doing holohoax vids.

Wew lad if this isnt b8 you and your mother should kill yourselves immediately.

1/10 for discussing "blacks are genetically inferior" with her cuckold bf when she clearly fucked at least one irresponsibly at multiple levels.

I seriously hope you are trolling.
End yourself and her line.

Yeah, this is bait.

user have you brought up (((Jeffery Epstein))) the billionaire child diddler's connections to the clintons?
Like the flight logs of his private jet the Lolita Express; with Him, Hilly and Billy, two SS agents and 3 pre-pubesent children (2 girls one boy ).

He was facing a rap sheet of life in prison for his child trafficking shit but got off with a few years house arrest due to the high powered (((lawyers))) involved with him.

He even rented little girls to Britain's Prince Andrew, and if he gets in a bind he flees to Israel (no extradition treaty)

Don't move to holohoax shit user, it doesn't help you or them. Just make it no big deal and play up how the Jews were antagonistic before, during and after ww1, and started multiple revolutions including the german one before ww2.
I honestly doubt holohoax revisionists since hitler actually did speak of murdering Jews. They might have all died from typhus or lack of food caused by supply chains being cut by the allies instead of gassings, but it doesn't matter, mentioning the holohoax just shows your off the deep end and your sources can't be trusted to the average normie.


She had the kid 8 years ago. She met the guy that 2 years ago.

That's not what a cuckold is retard

She now thinks your a racist, that's all

She's now fine being called an antisemite



Good work user. Proud of you if that's not too condescending.

How could you possibly think that you've done good here? You freaked her out mate.

not the same user, but cuckoldry is derived from the cuckoo bird, which makes victim birds raise its children
how is his situation not the most basic form of cuckoldry?

Ive given up on my family. They would rather ridicule me than look into anything for themselves. They refuse to watch anything debunking the holocaust but by some miracle I was able to get them to watch Yuri, to which they responded, "Yes user, we already know the world is garbage just become a christian and you will be saved." I guess they are only interested in personal salvation and couldnt care less what happens to the rest of humanity and civilization. I dont know what to do. After months of trying to show them whats happening with no success I have difficulty relating to or even talking to them. I guess I'm on my own.

*Years not months.

lol, i think he meant yuri bezmenov. here's more porn

Fuck off with the goddamn porn you dullard

your anus is probably stretched wider than the dark elf in pic1.

you're my pet now.

Fucking kikes. GTFO

and here's your filter.

I've been doing this since the 90's it just takes time.

The nice thing about family is you can wear them down over long periods of time, in short bursts (gives them time to think). I've gotten a few relatives to watch and actually talk to me about it.

Most of my family are ((( baptists ))) so they're highly reluctant to the JQ redpill… but they're also pro-military… so giving them all of the evidence of how Israel has betrayed the united states foreign policy… via stealing intelligence and provoking war with false flag attacks helps a lot.

At the end of the day all you really need to do is influence their voting habits… as none of them are going to be revolutionaries, and eliminate poz. Boomers and Gen-Xers love their degeneracy, so you probably won't be able to eliminate it all. My relatives still watch (and vote on) shit like Dancing with the Stars and generic hospital soap operas … shit like that. …but hey I don't bitch too much at them since they're solid Trump voters.

It's been probably 20 years or so that I've been working on them.

You can't undo half a century of poz in a decaded… but you take what wins you get.

the evangelicucks are the worst of them all.


She put the kid up for adoption he said

Find me one thing where hitler says he will kill jews and no "code", euphemisms and poor translations don't count. You are right that holocaust redpill isn't always necessary, but it is quite easy to prove if people are the least bit receptive to it. Show them the stephen spielberg shit where he tells them to make the camps sound even worse with every take.

Sounds like they are terminal normies, when the winds change they will change too. Don't count on them ever admitting you were right or taking any initiative though.

This is okay.

This isn't.

My grand parents came up from literally nothing and while I respect the hell out of them they are terminal normals to use the terminology of a previous user

Will remember that term because it's Fucking beautiful.

My brother who is a guy who. oaks himself to death so he doesn't have to confront his psychological problems and is dating a spic.

My female cousin is so dating a spic.
My male cousin is dating an aryan and is himself a red head. All white family until now and hopefully that will continue.

I have some spic in me but I'm 80 percent white. Will only date other women around my percentage until we breed out the impurities.

I can't make most of them into nazis like myself but I can damn well try.

Redpilled my mother so much its awkward.

Look at all the morons in this obvious bait thread. You guys know we're being raided right?