Why do 13yo girls today appear to look 16yo?

Once they turn 13 their boobs start to sag and they already have thick disgusting thighs. WHY?

I don't know why but I do know that my little brother is in high school and all the girls in that school either look prepubescent or like they are in their 20s. You can't trust looks these days. She could look like she's 24 but actually be 16. This scares me.

hormones in meat

nigger music

Are they in natural meat too?


How old are they? I honestly do not know.

Shit. I dont want to, but my future daughter(s) will have to be 90% vegetarian if that's the case.

They look late 15s to 17yo.

BPA and soy xeno-estrogen make men into women and little girls into women.


So what you're saying is that there is a lesbian plot to control the world?

But how do you make women into little girls?

I too would like to know the answer to this question.

are you comparing with 3rd world kids with malnutrition ?

15-17. AoC-approved in most free countries

There is definitely a 'feminzation' taking place, not only politically and culturally, but physically through our foods.

Largely the same reason for the massive increases in obesity, cancer, and autism in the USA — in particular.

I read once people on the autism spectrum can have trouble discerning the age of others
but I think I've tried googling it and never found anything mentioning it
I'd accept it as a symptom
it seems like there are lots of things "normal" people are born with a knowledge of, things I know nothing about and was never taught

(((They're))) putting estrogen in the water, same reason for the increase in nu-males.

lets wish that jury will buy that

(blue is 16, brown is 17)

doesn't that mean the 3DPD are going to hit the wall sooner?

jewish. it is a jewish plot.

they want to make men physically inept and at the same time make younger girls physically attractive to them so that they'll fuck them and go to jail for it.

controlling society is a stop-gap solution until they can figure out a way of simply exterminating the untergoy.

lol at americans
in europe many countries fuck 14 year olds and they like it

America is oldest AOC in the world isn't it?

lol at euorpe
would be caller hitlerland if it wasn't for americans.

That's a bad thing. Hitler should have won.

Agreed but most people in europe disagree.

Yes, and it's usually other teens fucking them, which perfectly legal in the US.
The AoC laws in the US are meant to stop 30 year-olds from fucking 12 year-olds. I realize you're opposed to such a prohibition in New Mohammadstan, but we don't give a fuck.


They weren't 13 at the time of this video. They were sophomores in my highschool.

Why would you want to stop that?

High school sophomore is 13-14

because they don't

Because he's not muslim, Sven.

you went to high school with them?

even the little albino gremlin dude?