I've seen people around here pushing distributed networks very hard for pretty much everything, but honestly, what's wrong with open decentralization? It used to be really popular back then, what with USENET, email and web rings, but then corporations started to push for centralization and people suddenly thought the only way to resist was using distributed networks in the most ass backwards ways.
Don't get me wrong, distribution is the most optimal way to go for certain things, such as file sharing, but some people here genuinely believe a distributed imageboard would be a good idea, even though that would be so fucking bloated and hard to maintain it would be stupid, so when the fuck did people fall for the distribution meme? Is there actually any advantage over total distribution rather than decentralization for stuff that's not file sharing or *Coin schemes?
Sometimes you reach limits of what can be done on one machine so distribution becomes way to throw more resources on your problem. Another thing is that distributing software across more smaller machines is sometimes more cost effective than running it on one large machine.
Jose Bell
I guess [email protected]/* */ schemes do benefit from distribution, but they are fairly limited in scope and you are basically donating computer power to other people rather than profiting from it yourself. [email protected]/* */ lets you profit yourself from it, but it's basically a file sharing scheme, which is one of the things distribution is strong at.
Thing is, decentralization is often small machines connecting to mid-sized machines. Most pre-2005 network protocols were like this and they worked quite well, and I am not sure why the fuck are people trying to adapt already "solved" fields to distribution when it often requires either borderline unusable programs or bloated as fuck algorithms to do stuff that could be done in about fifty lines of code in any other language.
Levi Murphy
It sounds like you're confused by the terminology. Decentralized doesn't necessarily mean a full p2p network. You could have only a few server nodes run by volunteers that sync data among themselves (like nntpchan). That would still be decentralized.
What's the problem we're trying to solve with decentralization anyway?
Grayson Sanchez
According to Paul Baran, there are three types of network architectures: client-to-server (centralized), client-to-server-to-server-to-client (decentralized, aka federated) and client-to-client (distributed, aka P2P). This article explains it pretty well. networkcultures.org/unlikeus/resources/articles/what-is-a-federated-network/ The article also mentions not everybody defines network terminology the same way, but we would be arguing about semantics at that point since the idea is more or less the same.
People argued centralization was evil (it is), and instead of falling back to decentralized networks, they looked at BitCoin and thought "hey, the blockchain is this magical infallible thing that could let us be able to comfortably synchronize data across all the computers in the world!", and so you got people suggesting dumb shit like distributed social networks or imageboards. Then you also have Tox, which aimed to be fully decentralized but now has supernodes to give it many useful features (mobile compatibility, name servers so you can share your ID without requiring a previous digital channel, offline messaging, etc); also, afaik, it directly communicates two clients talking unless you are using Tor, which obviously leaks some metadata, something that wouldn't happen in a federated network as long as both server nodes weren't compromised. It seems an overly complicated solution for an already solved problem that achieved better results.
Hunter Carter
Tox is still almost fully distributed (not decentralized). There's no real offline messaging, mobile still sucks, and name servers are optional. It does use "supernodes" for TCP relaying though.
Eli Phillips
People are more interested in working on what they consider to be ideal than using already existing protocols that are better than mainstream centralized shit.
Zachary Wright
Problem is, why is it ideal? It's not any more resistant to the NSA than, say, using your own node in a decentralized system, if you share it with a few of your friends. From the perspective of one of your friends, it is easier to use than a distributed network, and offers the same if not more privacy (since it doesn't leak IPs) than a distributed network. And that is just assuming you don't trust any of the existing nodes not to leak your messaging metadata. Everything else could be 100% private using the correct encryption schemes. In case the nodes were compromised, you would only risk being at the privacy level of a distributed network, all of this while being infinitely simpler than the complicated gymnastics distributed networks have to go through to be both reliable and "anonymous".
Nathaniel Kelly
Resistance to censorship. As for the NSA, anything that doesn't utilize multiple nodes to bounce your request through like Tor or I2P do isn't going to be to effective.
Alexander Barnes
Tor is useless against the NSA. They spy on both entrance and exit nodes so they can match your flow's endpoints by packet sizes and timings. Systems that are secure against that are highly limited and not real-time. No one would use them.
James Nguyen
If I'm remembering correctly, that wasn't quite possible yet as it would require them either being in bed with or to have hacked most ISPs throughout the world for that to be effective at a large scale. Also, I'm pretty sure the maintainers of Tor were working on a some way of shuffling the packets and introducing a random delay to stop such an attack from being as effective.
Michael Sullivan
I know Holla Forums will never believe me, but I built them a demo of doing this for VPNs in 1999 while working with one of their groups. It used only two taps in the US and NZ at the time but it worked if you were in the areas covered. It would have worked for Tor with no changes. They only need to have access to the peering points at the source and destination and they have that for almost all western nations, no hacking required. That's already public knowledge. And those countries are where almost everyone hosts. Hosting in most other countries is very difficult and expensive. The Tox devs are LARPers. They barely understand networking let alone security.
Nicholas Richardson
Decentralization is also resistant to censorship. Given it's shitty to be the victim of censorship by part of your main node provider (should have chosen a more trustworthy one), it is always easy to pick another one. Stuff will still be there, and it would be nearly impossible to censor a whole distributed network unless it is so small there are at best a handful of nodes.
If a node is compromised, it could spy on who you send messages to and how many messages you receive, which would produce some metadata. From an outsider's perspective, however, you are just connecting to a node, just like many others, and said node is connecting to many other nodes. It would be pretty hard for the NSA to make correlation attacks over short text messages if the nodes are crowded enough, assuming they have full control over the package's route.
However, more importantly, you are only showing your IP to a node. Say you want to make some shady shit (like drug dealing) with someone you don't really know. Over Tox, if that person has the means to locate you (which doesn't require being the NSA; even the police could get access to that data), you would get v& in a matter of hours, whereas with decentralization they would have to get two warrants, and one of them may not even be under their jurisdiction. Say you are talking to a skid; you would also be protected from his mandatory petty DoS after you insult him.
It's true Tor mostly solves both of these problems, but that's true for both systems. It still would be harder to perform a correlation attack on the decentralized network.
John Rivera
Oh, that must be reason why they are getting mandatory diversity™.
Daniel Richardson
I've heard "talk is cheap" but I didn't think someone could produce such worthless, hollow prose. You've set a new low.
Ryder Howard
You're trusting they can get extremely difficult and delicate network encryption right despite them being unable to figure out UDP. I don't know why Holla Forums does this shit - Josh is another example. You expect magic from morons.
Nicholas Richardson
You do know there's a huge difference between correlating traffic that goes to and from a VPN that a few people use, and correlating traffic going in and out of a black box (given how you are only talking about watching traffic entering and exiting) that significantly more people use and has fuck tons of different internal routes that will introduce varying latency. The NSA's internal material from the Snowden leaks even says that they can only correlate some Tor traffic some of the time and that they can't target specific people. If you have actual evidence that the NSA's abilities have or could have advanced significantly since the leaks then post it.
Grayson Anderson
It's not hard or novel. Fitst think of a very simple case where there is no encryption - for every flow, take the hash of the first X packets as the flow's id. See if there already is one, if so, record the endpoint pair. It works fine, yes? You don't even need to do this for every flow, sampling 1% of the traffic would be more than enough to catch you within a few page loads due to how noisy modern websites are. Now let's consider Tor-style encryption. We can't use packet content as an id anymore but a realtime tool like Tor cannot 'encrypt' inter-packet delay without making it non-realtime and breaking the browser, it at best can obfuscate it a little bit. So we'll use that for our id. Easy problem, use whatever your favorite fuzzy search algorithm is. Again, it can be wrong a lot and still catch you as a browsing session involves hundreds of flows - it will, have many chances. I've not worked with them since 2000, I don't know what they eventually deployed. Maybe since so few were doing it at the time they didn't deploy it. It wasn't a big internal project or anything, I did it over a weekend to have something to show to the visiting NZ guys and justify my existence (was back in grad school).
Josiah Perry
No, I don't blindly trust them. I've read the code and I'm well aware it's a clusterfuck and unfinished. That's still 100% more _hard truth_ to go on than Signal or Skype or whatever shit you're trying to steer people here towards with your retarded hearsay. Go fuck yourself.
Parker Carter
I knew this would happen. The timings of packets can be used to trace it back to the user.
Fun fact: the shorter the ping the easier it is to spy
It doesn't matter anyway, the NSA has long range wireless sensors that can wiretap your 'analog' monitor's cables wirelessly. Cable shielding is just as important as securing your network and local devices.
Joseph James
NSA could also bring thugs to your home who will make tender love to your boypussy untill you tell them everything yourself, but its not practical for them.