Streams for all of tonight protests entertainment

Baton Rouge, LA

Memphis, TN

St. Paul, MN

Now that marching on highways goes unpunished seems like this shit is going to become more common. Watching this is like watching Jerry Springer. Anyone else aware of other events tonight?

Other urls found in this thread:

Baton Rouge Channel 9 WAFB

One white girl has gone deep into the pit. According to the info she go from the protestors

dead niggers are going to happen en masse tonight boys, Cajuns don't take shit from anhybody

Thank god im on the right side of the border

which chimp site is more likely to actually chimp out?

You'll most likely have to rotate your chimp streams throughout the night to get maximum chimping.

or just watch them all at once

Nice nice

Why haven't we seen Detroit go crazy? Is it because any protest wouldn't form because a gang war would start within 5 minutes?

That's what I like about no thiefs allowed, he usually has 6 streams at once but he can be a really autistic unbearable faggot when he puts retarded music over the streams.

on a related note do you know a service i can pipe the streams through so i dont have 20 fucking tabs open?

because detroit is always going crazy?

I would say Minn is low probability considering its mostly whites

Baton Rouge may be our best best, though the chimps in Memphis are on a bridge, so that could get interesting

I really wish they'd just straight out chimp or STFU. I'm tired of niggers just getting attention and having to hear their ebonic babbling and trying to figure out wtf they're saying

PS. only niggers eat sweet potatoes

Louisiana governor said no blocking highways. Will see if he has the balls to follow through.

This really is a glorified Maury Povitch show

And just like in Show Business, the RL version is exploitative endeavor helmed by sinister Jewish henchmen using the dark hordes to achieve their publicity-seeking goals

Don't you talk shit about sweet potatoes you white spud bitch boi.

wish I didn't have to work tomorrow.

Not really, I have 3 screens so it's easier for me to have multiple windows open.

She about to get culturally enriched.

I'm in heaven.

Last night in MN they block the highway I-94, through fireworks, rocks, and steel at cops. 102 people were arrested over a dozen cops injured. One cop has spinal damage from being hit by concrete.


I saw, and I heard about the cop. But, it seemed pretty anticlimactic to me. fuckers need to riot. I want real violence caught on video.

we need to bring back colosseum fights


This entire "Muh peacful blaks" shilling is just the kikes that run the BLM terrorists that killed 5 cops.

hey Holla Forums whats the cenus? what is the best streams to watch for chimpouts?

not much going on anywhere

NTA is probably your best bet in general


Whichever one we can convince some anons to go to and agents provocateurs for us

So, what was the point?

Is that the point?

That american streets now belong to black people?

That's the point?



You forgot some:


Dude, Macho Man Randy Savage was fucking epic. I didn't appreciate him as much back then, what with all the Hulk Hogan v Ultimate Warrior hype.

Please kek let there be a chimpout in los angeles

I'm just waiting for the moment these thugs attack a semi and get it's driver panicked enough to plow through the crowd.

This meme is getting stale tbh

Damn what did I miss?

And they go on about having "discussions" about how they can reach a "resolution."

It's obviously impossible. Niggers want cops to stop arresting and shooting them while they commit crimes.

Always the same shit. They don't want the more Holla Forumsish people discussing race.

Jesus, I've heard the word "peaceful" so much tonight that it has effectively lost all value and meaning.
Maybe they are using the word "peaceful" as codeword for "less violent than blacks usually are, but still violent."

Holy shit this is fucking kabuki theater. literally nothing is happening.

Baton Rouge - not much happening but they're out there chanting.

Trying to use to find anyone else but not much

Well get another ZOG trained nigger bix nooding it up soon. Not tonight, maybe this week.

So it's time to co-opt the shitty meme?

Here's a youtube link that has baton rouge (I think it's the same periscope) and memphis feed split screen


Ah, thx.

Tangentially related. Attached pic is the narrative that's been being pushed all day today. Fuck the dead white cops, it's a nigger who's the real hero. God I hate the press.

Have they released the tapes of the negotiation with that negro yet? If I remember correctly everyone was saying there were at least two shooters and possibly some accomplices in a Mercedes, but no one seems to be talking about that now and of course the negro is dead.

was he set up? did he even do any of the shooting that night?

They aren't going to riot, Hillary is out of the news cycle. Now they're just keeping you from posting dank memes where normies might see.

The same thing happened with Baltimore.

did something happen in St. Paul also?

well at least she's thanking the police. that's pretty good

yeah, meme creation on Holla Forums has really taken a nose-dive as of late. things need to get rolling again

Not for long once my special car is finished.

Killdozer resurrection confirmed.

oh shit

Make it so

I don’t think they even released what kind of rifle he was using.

it was a "long glock", duh

Well the news only thinks 2 types of guns exists. A pistol or a long rifle.

The marched in downtown OKC. No one was hurt, but holy shit, the faggy cat-lady moral posturing. (photos f/the hashtag. Note the SWPLs. Fuck this gay earth)

I think it was released yesterday that it was an SKS.

liveleak released supposed pics of the dead nig and his gun

Don't forget that every semi auto is an AR-15

His face says it all

Da fuck's that shit?

I can't fucking wait for the race war.

Also, all non-bolt action weapons are "automatics" and are only used by white men to massacre school children and innocent people of color.


my god. more whites then blacks. blacks should be protesting their own protest.

I saw it reported as either an AR-15 or an SKS.

Pics leaked of the alleged weapon show an AK-74 clone.


lol. "WTF is this protest bullshit and why did they JUST HAVE TO HAVE IT outside the fucking theater. We're gonna be late for Angry Birds. FML tbh."

Ok, so from a Baton Rouge Pariscope this guy/girl honestly cannot tell. Looks like a guy sounds like the balls never dropped. Talks about people being arrested and says


They look like a Zootopia kind of a couple.

Yeah, I thought that was odd. The joint got flush w/oil money and between that and city improvement projects, it's become a magnet for the hipster/SWPL set who do shit like start up artisan gourmet chicken and waffle shops that serve a sandwich that almost costs as much as a steak. It's like english departments and chamber of commerce faggots formed up into a dildo Voltron who have to signal how they're just as cosmopolitan as the fags on the coasts. feelsbadman

Vid related.


looks like

start sending her Trump updates

Are the streams ded?

Bumping with shitty OC of liberal butthurt, I take it nothing good going on tonight?

so, is BLM kill? I can't imagine anyone continuing to give a shit after Dallas. These "protests" were just whiney hug fests.

checked and rekt

lol. Fuckin homo shitlib jabronis. TFW indians had slaves and fought for the Confederacy.

The nigs have been at for three days straight so they're running out of steam for the time being.

Get ready for the next week's news cycle to be filled with the heroic stories of this weekend's righteous protesters.

But why are they nude? That makes the libshit message even more confusing.

They're gearing up for the Republican and Democratic conventions. They aren't finished by a long shot.

Nothing is happening.

is there any happenings in oakland or LA?

None of the major MSM are live streaming any of the protests. I think they're hoping that if they ignore it the niggers will go away. Either that or they're covering up the violence so they can continue with their "peaceful protest" meme. Maybe a little of both tbh.

Oakland looks the most promising, but I think all habbenings are off for now.

I haven't found any new streams for a little while now - in the meantime though heres the dead shooter and the weapon he used

NTA is now streaming Oakland

that's a pretty nice glock

oh shit… oakland deploying tear gas and flash bangs

anything good?

Flash bangs and CS coming. Mass arrests to follow…


Oakland is getting bigger now. It's looking good for Oakland right now.

well, shit. a'ight.

Something at a CAT1 is going to happen in Oakland. Looking breddy gud.





Detroit voted this guy mayor over the nigger candidate. I think Detroit has smartened up and knows better then to initiate another white flight while things are starting to get better.

I live here.

Just outside the city in River Rouge, the police chief's house was invaded, he was killed.

LOL in LA they camped out by da big donut on La Cienega and Manchester

Nigs be noggin'…

Shit. I haven't been watching the local news lately. I'm out in Oakland county and only drive through Detroit on the way to work.

Ookland niggers blocking traffic.


I'm just south of Rouge.

I'm armed. Rifle on every floor. Locked and loaded.

All I have is a lever action, mosin nagant, and a busted double barrel. If shit hits the fan, I'm taking 75 to the UP

lmao fucking faggot niggers

Protestin' fo justiss and shit.

Just go to Huron National Forest.

I have ten cases of MREs. I have extra shit if you are that fucked. Start a "stranded in MI" thread and all of us can congregate and trade what we have.

FREE DONUTS (when we loot Randy's Donuts)


Gotta make that promo shot for George Soros

Sorry user. I'll try to be more diverse and accepting

which stream



Youtube: Nothiefsallowed

There, I made a better one. Tonight, enjoy some nice, cold NigNog.


the videos were from yesterday

Original stream because fuck that retard

He's showing live stuff interspersed with rooftop Koreans from the LA riots.

Here's another LA stream.

trips dubs and dubs

Confirms hotpocket Kevin is a fucking retard.

Live streams are on the left. One Heli and one on the ground.

Come on Inglewood.

Party like it's 1992.

He has some good stuff but that boy just ain't right.

I think he actually likes niggers. Earlier this year, he was anti-racist.

Now he's calling them dindus and letting people say what they want. Either he's a recent redpill (which means he's a fucking retard and doesn't fully understand shit yet) or he's catering to his audience. The rap shit makes me want to mute him. He's just the most accessible dindu stream. Other than that, he's a total faggot.

Jeezus, what a bunch of sewage.

No law enforcement in Oakland.

Not sure what this strategy is, but it's not working.

thanks. looks like a lot of antifa types in there. Some disgustingly ugly people screaching like tards.

Bernie Sanders rally nog is there.

Where's the LAPD? I know there's a big donut right there but come on lads

Why are they doing it so late at night?

Don't they have to get up early to go to work in the morning?

Probably got shut down by the democrat jewish woman mayor.

Not sure, but if they turn the LAPD loose, some heads are getting bashed. They are notorious for not fucking around.

I'm sure the only reason they don't turn the LAPD on them is because some shit will most definitely go down. Trust me, LAPD does not fuck around. Their job is to keep Compton out of Malibu. They aren't faggots.

Sometimes he'll make some very insightful comments about who's doing what at these events but then will play dumb and claim to be unbiased and act as if he doesn't understand what's happening.

He's a work in progress and is moving in the right direction, maybe. I don't like the niggertunes either but I just mute and look to see who he's streaming.

This is like midday for niggers in southern California. Warm evening and low humidity means there is a very high chance for violence.

That's about where I'm at with him. I agree with this.

Doesn't it seem odd that nobody gives a shit about Alton Sterling anymore?

It's all about #Justice4Philando now. They know Sterling was carrying illegally and that's why he's dead. But they are memoryholing him.



Exactly. That's the main reason why there's a good chance something will happen. The other protests tonight were boring as fuck so let's hope we get something good.

I think they'll make a move soon.


well. people lied. this is gay.

Here, have the original.

SJW stream seems to be back


That would be an appropriate choice for him.

The niggers are all dancing right now, is this what they call activism?

This would have been in National Geographic 70 years ago.

They are now dancing in the streets….
Please drunk driver of justice, plow through these assholes

Yeah, got it thanks.

Don Cornelius is going to come out soon and emcee.

Anyone one listening to LAPD feeds?

They're acting weird.

This might get interesting.

It's 11:48 pm pst so I predict the cops will start moving in at midnight sharp

"We just want too be heard America"

Kevin just mentioned that Jasmine Richards was there who is a long time BLM troublemaker.
Could be good
nothing relevant though

CHP has beige uniforms

Gas them

How many days are these proto-chimpouts going to go? Jesus

Baseball must be stoked ASG is happening in San Diego where police don't fuck around.

If they start singing Movin On Up I will officially die



That nig got it all figured out


At least CHP is doing their job.

Nothing to see… I want a newsworthy happening.

as hard as it is i haven't refreshed the thread in over 2 hours and have been doing other things

when the happening con increases it will still be here


Niggers and commies roaming the streets, blocking commerce and ranting about Whitey is pretty good stuff.

They've thinned out considerably, soon as there's a hundred or less the cops will probably move in and start arresting people

That's how they get the organizers and hardcore troublemakers, they wait until the semi-sane people go home


(((the ones that have jobs)))


Better pay up now for those groceries YT.

"All Black Lives Matter" that's their brilliant update?


He's an asian cuckboi, no doubt about that.

Why are there so few black people in Black Lives Matter?

The tranny can't dance ergo it is not black

Why are they monkey dancing?

Because dis is dey culta

Meanwhile in Memphis, they managed to find a nog in a wheelchair to interview.

Now they got some black woman protesting for black people to stop killing black people.

who is that guy?

fat fucking niggers.


Why the fuck are they dancing to Super Mario Sunshine music?

Hes the cream of the crop

That was White music 120 years ago.

This might end up breaking out into a fight. Between themselves.

They're getting so agitated with one another kek.

NTA? It's Kev being a lil shit.

You can't sign into Youtube with a Youtube account any more? You have to use a Google account now? SRSLY?

For your safety citizen.

Fuck, he got me. It's pretty fitting honestly.

They've owned youtube for a while now

Someone needs to tell them singing negro spirituals based off christian faiths is islamophobic and racist

*PII gathering intensifies*

This circus has worn me down, I actually thought the niggers were playing that shit.

Some nice calliope tunes are fitting.

Yeah but you used to still be able to sign into your own account using the email address you used to create it. Now you can't do it that way either. Last time I signed in was three months ago I think

been like that for a couple of years m8y

Anyone got a link that isn't either showing pre-recorded or nothing at all?