Why they fucc do eurofags care so much about our elections? They should mind their own business

Why they fucc do eurofags care so much about our elections? They should mind their own business.

They're always acting like hey're better than us and saying we're stupid, so why do they care if we leave NATO? Why do they care who our president is?

I don't go to England and start making fun of Theresa May's lacklustre handling of Brexit and the Trident program. I don't go to Turkey or Nigeria and make fun of their recent coups. I don't go to Germany or France and make fun of their terrorist bombings.

This is our country you commie/socialist queers. Buzz off.

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As an eurofag, that's exactly what I think about you and your country.

Glad we have an understanding.

I figured going to a Women's March would be a good way to meet girls

europeans are better than americans in almost every way imaginable. that's why we think you are stupid and your country a hellhole except for short vacations
the elections used to concern us back in the day when america really mattered: who won affected our lives directly. then came the filmstar and oilmen and now that the US is on the decline, the interest can be attributed to the fact that european tv is only marginally better than anything america produces, so a good election is worth a month of netflix
the TRUMP story has held us spell-bound by its tacky awfulness, exactly like a b serie sit-com that you can't switch off because it's so bad you are sure the whole cast will soon turn to camera and say 'april's fool'

How's those rape gangs and no-go sharia zones going for you? How many Muslim studs did you pleasure today?

I think you need to be enriched more.

fuccing bait…

Europe is dead, nobody is talking about France or England like something important anymore, just Europe, even Brazil is being named right now.

"Cultural marxism" is a destroyer of civilizations, ask egyptians, romans, padjets, chinks gooks, etc and you will be eventually replaced by muslims… wait, its already happening.

because they haven't been meeting their obligations, and have been riding the US's over production, meaning if NATO ends they have to start paying for their own defense

Because america owns the world.

it's more populous and richer than the us. if that's dead, you are long buried. enjoy your tycoon president. the laughter is deafening.

Muslims breeds like rabbits.

Usa is just a country in one continent, Europe its a continent and Russia can take it without much trouble.

We are the world leaders, are the reserve currency and have the strongest economy.

Also, see: globalization

no it doesn't. they tell each other that over there, but it's a lie. they don't even own themselves. it's barely a cohesive nation at all, but more a heavily armed tower of babel with a meme doll in control.

i really am up against the best america has to offer itt
time to move on before they run for a gun.

I am not even american, is the truth, marxists turned the jewel of this planet into another shithole.

Amercia? You mean Canada or Mexico?

america is an exporter of culture

and american politics are a spectator sport

why do people care so much if their favorite sportsball team wins or loses? they aren't on the team, and the niggers that are on the team weren't even raised in that city, they were just paid to move there

people care about dumb shit, because it's fun to watch

Thats the point, a country own his continent and another one.

Europe has done nothing good since the turn of the millennium, prove me wrong.

this post deserves a blowjob, ..er, someone?

There is an international attsmpt by the current political elite to keep the status quo in order to keep hold of their current power in spite of losing out democratically. They are using the most impressionable people in society as boots on the ground in this fight. That is also why President Nignog came to England to try and derail brexit.

Yes, fellow Muslim. I agree, Europeans let us fucc their daughters more than Americans do so I want nothing to do with those filthy intolerant Americans.

Satan trips.

Heavenly sevens.

we're richer than you by far. learn to google. we also have free things in exchange for our taxes, like cancer care a nuclear deterrent and thermal baths.
those who want to own a sports gun or who can demonstrate a need for personal protection, after various tests and controls, buy a license and a gun. as for the rest, we don't wan't to live like americans, in fear of random gunfire. we build our houses from brick and install strong doors. guns are for retarded americans and we actively want (so strongly you can't imagine) to be not like you.
i'm in europe, on Holla Forums and saying what i fuccing well want. how dishonest can you get, or are you just dumb?
good implies a subjective value judgement i'm unwilling to make. pray tell what good (according to criteria of your choice) america has done since 1945. i can't think of much myself..but it europe has taken in 2 million refugees from american foreign interventions, oil policy and military adventures. you took none.

I imagine they are interested in who get to be commander-in-chief of all those foreign troops based on their soil. (I know I'd be.)

Dear god,, he's right.

Not american.

True, but that system works if all people works, Sweden is already dead, like France.

You are shithole, seriously, argie tourists are robbed in Italy, Santiago (Chile) is safer than Paris. Owning guns is wrong, but is the only way to fix wrong things like Europe under half of a century of cultural marxism.

Because you are in line with soros.

Since 1945 America was the only country not destroyed by wwii and the homeland of the real winners of the big war (already talked about soros). France attacked Lybia generating all this shit, Usa almost cant get in line with them to get some credit.

you'll mention the frankfurt school next, then the jewish cabal and at some point pernicious niggers.

The proper name for Europe in the next 50 years will be eurabia and you know it.

Why are you here? You spend your free time on an American website, made by an American, full of Americans, to talk about America, while enjoying American freedom of speech. You watch American movies, American television, listen to American music and play American video games. And you love it. You are welcome.

because i can, ofc. i enjoy baiting burgers, insulting jim, laughing at TRUMP, reading bullshit produced by morons- all of these reasons are why i'm here. oh, and because i hate you all.

You need to get off of this website.

That's quite the diverse image.



>mfw not fat

I hope you glorious basters cause a chain reaction and make other countries great too.

this pic literally triggers me. stop posting shit like this

Are you European user?
Where from?

Actually the United States meddles with the political system on countries all around the world


For decades they've cared deeply if Mokombo instead of Harambe win the elections in some meaningless country. So it's not only ironic that you complain about it now but also when your elections have been rigged by a foreign power.
Get rekt faggot and take your people back

aw come on, d+ unmodded and b&? that seems a little harsh for some banter, doesn't it?

The last time America minded its own business, a failed liberal arts student conquered most of Europe.

haha oh my gosh
really makes that cerebrum start conceptualizing huh :^)

Marxists confirmed for haters.

Marxists confirmed for nazis.

Because they are smart and care about the world, aren't dumb ignorants like americans. US does matter for them and affects europe too.

well, because that's true

we care because we like that dumb aggressive americans are spending their tax money to defend us, so we don't have to pay for defence and instead can spend money on welfare, muslims, education, fun
we need to have america pay for us, because america wouldn't spend that money for good things like welfare anyway. they would just buy more guns and shot at each other. we need to keep their money for their own good.

Most americans don't even know where all those countries are located in.

Our? Ur country is owned by jews, israel, corporations. Americans don't have a shit to say about "their" country. And in your "democracy" you are presented with two candidates, of which both are licking jewish asses. Whoever you choose, jews always win, americans lose.
Let's take DONALD shit TRUMP for example. the fucker licks jewish asses entire day. Holla Forums was telling how TRUMP will 'gas the kikes', now TRUMP is doing everything what jews want.

not america but jews. hollywood is all jews.
and what culture did you mean? jewish degeneracy movies? coca cola and mcDONALD?

That's a very happy dead place then, compared to burgerica.
And actually more people (%) work in Sweden than in america. Maybe one of reasons is they have work-life balance and aren't abused in work like you are. Or because they have healthcare so their body and mind allows them to work.

It's international website and english is international language (and it was not created by americans btw). There is no point in european chan if Holla Forums exists. And it's not simple anyway because in plenty of european countries people do not speak english.

No I don't, I do not watch stupid jewish degeneracy movies. Your movies are either insanely dumb comedies or movies for "men" where every 10 minutes a car explodes or a person is shot and killed.

american music? you mean Rihanna, Eminem, or some niggers rapping with naked white women?
All quality music is in europe. You listen to classical? Check out who made greatest classical music.
And a lot of music and movies is made in Britain or US just because of english language. that's the reason.

american games are all crap of "interactive movie" type. You press a mouse button when game tells you and people on screen are shot and killed.
Mafia 1 destroys your GTA 3/4/5 shit anyway.
And reason so many games in america is because it is a big country and speaks english language. And it being tax heaven for corporations also helps. US is over 300 millions, Sweden is 10 millions. Would you expect same number of games and movies in each country?

America = country for corporations and jews. and uses english language
Europe = country for people, humans. and uses plenty of different languages
It's not hard to imagine where corporations like games/movies/music industry will go. If america didn't exist, they would simply produce all the shit (movies games etc) in europe, but would have to pay european taxes.

If you let him continue, now your country wouldn't be fully owned by the jews.

This is what it means to be the most powerful, most relevant country in the world.

also, let's not forget how american women are slutty and plastic
they all are fake blondes with big fake tits. they look like made in factory

how about anglo-saxon politicians? all are corrupt shits and pedophiles

Did yurops really believe that MIT is just a myth?

Stupid enough to control you… something is fishy here, was being controlled and ruined part of your plan?

America didnt have money because is forced to protect you… Marshall plan is so old, yet you failed to rebuild decent countries, not even as a continent you can do something against a broken Russia, dont you have shame for taking oxygen from the air?

They know, they even have jokes about their shapes.

You have a point, nothing to say.

Again, not american and again, you are fucked, "smart" workers dont breed, retarded muslim yes!

And you can be jailed.

Trips confirm.

Give Eurofags what they want, tbh.

Lol Russia has nothing on us. It's army is weakened and outdated.

Enjoy getting curbstomped by the Russkies, then, Europoor. TRUMP isn't going to give you cocksuckers a free ride anymore. I hope you can come up with the money, even though you have to pay tax to the mudslimes for being decadent, privileged infidels. Maybe you can whore your anuses out and hire some competent mercenaries.

This is like asking why football is life in so many places. Like, the fuck else do these people have? Economies?

We are their news cycle. You have to be from a worthless country for your news to be about what happens in relevant places.

you understand nothing of geopolitics. europe has two nuclear powers, both with enough working nukes to make a russian invasion rather costly for their major population centers.
secondly, if the us withdraws from europe, what causus belli would there be? russian discomfort and it's agressive stance comes from incessant american attempts to expand their military area of operations right up to the russian border. they annexed crimea to stop the us fleet taking up residence on their coast. they destabilised ukraine to prevent it joining nato and having us jets in their garden.
do you imagine america has been calmly and bravely protecting europe these last 50 years from the goodness of their heart? well, you are wrong. they used europe as a battlefield in an ideological war of their own creation against the soviets and having come out on top, then proceeded to hem in, starve of cash and humiliate an already imploded superpowerpower with ten times the history and culture of the agressor. putin is the blowback.
nato doesn't work anyway. the russians could drive to riga overnight and nato would take a week (their estimate) to even agree to react. the americans dominate the power structure and even making a plan is considered a political act, requiring their consent. america has dragged nato away from being a euro-american defence alliance into being an extension of their national military. they have been bullied into fighting your oil wars and destroying the middle east. they fought in the balkans and in libya only because of the american lie that their wars were our problem too.
good riddance to a nato dominated by a bully state. good riddance to american boots in europe.

oh, and next time a sandnigger flattens manhattan, don't come crying for help.

Enjoy your continent being made into a parking lot by the two greatest empires to ever exist on the planet once it becomes an official Islamic Caliphate instead of a de facto Islamic Caliphate. After that's over with, the rest of the world will no longer have to put up with stuck up Eurodurkas pretending to be relevant after WWII. Your nukes are a fucking joke, btw. North Korea is more of a threat.

300 warheads is a good joke. as for their reliability, don't say they are shit and the us's are better. its broadly the same tech and nobody outside of the armed forces knows how good they really are. certainly not you.

LOL, cuz Barth2032 might invade them benevolently.

Tzar bombs are old as fuck, my point is still correct.

Both of those are becoming muslims, btw

Nigga, are you serious? today that shit is used by big countries to justify them attacking others and yurop is a proxy of the biggest country.

This nigga.

Casus jelly?

fuck the burgers

why are there so many inbred eurocucks shilling today

seems completely justifiable, you have too much information.