St. Paul police officer broke his vertebrae after a BLM supporter dropped a concrete block on his head
reminder that minnesota voted for hilldawg and rubio
God, I so want the cops to just say "fuck it" and plow right through them
They wanna be martyrs, we'll make em martyrs.
niggers confirmed for not knowing what "Caucasian" means
Finally, the sound cannon makes an appearance!
They won't be again. The fastest way to dislike diversity is to experience it. And they're experiencing it right now with these riots.
He din du nuffin mayn, he was trying give the popo a hand, popo needed a paper weight.
the only true redpill on "diversity" is to either be a south African or be from dixieland, I live in tennesee and have been surrounded by fucking niggers all my life and have hated them all my life
Jesus Christ.
They are Swedish and German.
A nigger that even thinks about hurting Chinese law enforcement for too long would get his ass shredded.
It's really disturbing how successful Marxists were at brainwashing people
nice. now we just need the media to report on it.
hnnnggggg those tears
Don't blame the Germans. Most of the Midwest is based as fuck, and German is the largest ethnic group. Its the Swedes in Wisconsin and Minn that are faggots.
When they are defeated we must take back education
As is the case in Europe it's not the Germans, it's the few (((politicians))) and the leaders of the (((Catholic))) church.
Peaceful protest
They are very sheltered.
Minnesota, Wisconsin, etc don't oppose diversity by default, because all they do is hear the good things and they never have a chance to experience the bad things, because they live in mostly white neighborhoods.
exactly. They are sheltered and the only exposure they get to this shit is on the internet via left wing blogs and bullshit.
Germans these days are getting pretty based the media doesnt covert it anymore but there are almost daily protests in ever major German city now
i'm a burger of german and irish descent, don't assume that all germans/german descendents are antifa libshit faggots
This. Though our city is significantly brown. Green Bay fag here. It's just segregation.
"How Caucasian of you."
Is this some sort of new idiot leftist term?
Dallas shooter was a member of BLM and protested at Trump rallies, shocker!
I love it when leftist use compliments as insults. the rage when I thank them is hilarious.
I'm not sure thats something we can afford to wait on.
honestly I think this should be our #1 priority.
Why do we allow this terrorist group to stick around? If it was white lives matter, every member would be on Fri watch lists and would be arrested the second they did anything.
Daily reminder nogs didn't write it, this guy did.
Do they not understand a communist government will be the best to wealthy whites and worst to them?
If they could think that through, do you think they would be doing this shit?
Communism was never for whites, jews aren't white.
Niggers don't know that. This could be a goof fracture point to put stress on and divide the BLM and the commies.
Hillary Clinton's visa and passport:
Diplomatic visa number: 5010213628
Passport number: 910086093
It'll be the best to the (((rootless cosmopolitan elites))) that seem to lead every red revolution
when the fuck is putin going to kill that real life bond villain?
No shit. The point is that outside of the top 1%, the majority of the remaining wealth is held by whites. That includes liquid cash, capital, and assets.
Every millionaire I know is white. All of my grandma's [mom's side] children are milionaire's and they didn't marry into it or inherit it as Grandma is still alive.
It's amazing how fast BLM is to disavow the violence; but they do nothing to contain it or prevent it.
The First Amendment guarantees the right to PEACEABLY assemble and protest. BLM needs to be stopped.
Swedish/German Minnesotan here, it's too late for us. When your glorious revolution happens, please, I beg you, just scorch this earth. We're all pozzed to fuck. Even the ones of us who have been redpilled and know better, it's in our fucking blood, like a virus. It makes us act out against our own interests on instinct, as a reflex. If you know what's good for you and for the world, you won't leave anything left here but ash. Please, it would be a mercy and a kindness.
When I did something dumb (or gross) my dad used to say "Act White".
Hopefully that makes its' way to the right places. Hope you used proxies
Find out who funds BLM. Do you honestly think a bunch of unemployed niggers are funding a nationwide movement?
Everyone knows it's Soros. Are you new here?
Aren't cops really brutal when one of them gets wounded/killed? They're just waiting for the media's attention to shift elsewhere before putting all these monkeys on the ground.
Quit whining like a bitch, go outside, and fucking arm yourself. Fucking bitch.
Alicia Garza - Forward Together PAC
Patrisse Cullors - Ella Baker Center for Human Rights
Opal Tometi -
did they name the officer or if he got sent to regions?
Look what we have here..
National Campaigner
Azadeh brings over 10 years of experience working with and advocating for families caught up in the justice system to her role as National Campaigner. Prior to joining the Ella Baker Center team, Azadeh was a Soros Justice fellow at Legal Services for Prisoners with Children in addition to internships with the San Francisco Human Rights Commission and Justice Now. She also served on the legal team representing Pelican Bay prisoners in their class action lawsuit challenging long-term solitary…
[Read more]
Azadeh Zohrabi - pic related
Patrisse Cullors
Director of Special Projects
In her role as Director of Special Projects, Patrisse is working to build an online and on-the-ground rapid response network to combat law enforcement violence in communities of color.
Patrisse is an artist, organizer, and freedom fighter. In 2013, Patrisse co-founded #BlackLivesMatter with Alicia Garza and Opal Tometi. She is also the founder and board member of Dignity and Power Now, an organization dedicated to protecting incarcerated people and their families in Los Angeles. Her writing has been featured in publications such as The Washington Post, the Guardian, Ebony, and more. In 2015, she was included on the Root 100 list of African American achievers and influencers between the ages of 25 and 45, and the Politico50 guide to thinkers, doers, and visionaries transforming American politics.
From September to November 2014, she participated in an Arcus Center for Social Justice Leadership fellowship where she prepared and led a think tank on state and vigilante violence for the 2014 Without Borders Conference, and produced and directed a theatrical piece titled POWER: From the Mouths of the Occupied.
Niggers are vicious, pre-historic, bastards.
so , there are LINKS between SOROS and RACIAL VIOLENCE.
Now twitter the evidence around, I've dug a bit- now do your part.
This fucker was also involved in the Ukrainian coup. Snipers were used there in Maidan, now you got niggers on rooftops shooting cops. Soros want a coup in USA?
That's the plan.
I just find that insane, why would the old bastard try it? There's 300 million firearms in the US alone.
There's so many players in the game that would in a heartbeat form together to fight him and his pet monkeys, and would kill them without discrimination. Seems like it'd be a terrible idea.
it's common knowledge by now that soros donated $33 million for ferguson/baltimore alone, of course he's pulling some strings
the question we should all really be asking is who fuck is The Agency that is above Congress, the FBI, ODNI, and even the executive branch which Hilary had emails relating to that was briefly mentioned at the FBI Congressional Oversight Committee hearing before the race war started to kick off
War is good for business.
When the fuck are we going to be able to kill them all? The only fucking thing keeping them alive is the law. Crash the fucking system, niggers. Please!
it'd be hilarious, if it wasn't so serious, how unaware these uppity niggers are about how utterly devastated they could become
I say go for it. If they start a revolution, we get to kill them. Without prison time. Happy fucking days!
If I had to take a guess I'd say it was Israel-related.
No one is even allowed to say they're funding ((ISIS)) even though so many people in government & law know it for a fact. So when it comes to inconvenient truths that cannot be spoken in the U.S., Israel is usually the culprit.
general consensus seems to be either
the fact that any of these answers could be it is pretty fucking disconcerting
Uhh no, it was Bernie and Rubio.
t. Minnesweden
This is why I can't be a full on 1488er
come now, race traitors aren't your brothers and sisters
Anybody who has gone full 1488 is even more disgusted by the whites in that video than you are.
No it's old as shit see "That's mighty white of ya!"
Don't worry, there are a lot of whites that need to go.
That "day of the rope" shit wasn't about hanging niggers or something, it was about dealing with white cucks more than anything.
You can tell that officer singled out that fat bitch due to pure hatred too. Based cop.
It was probably the president, and he couldn't say it in public due to the shitstorm potential.
Agreed, purging all the cucks would drastically reduce our numbers (even more so than now), but they might as well be dead, so why not?
Chicago machine at it again.
I was hoping they would just crush the white whales.
Doing a Shit job of it. The weekends closing in an nothing to show for it.
I wonder how long it will take them to kick out the somali rapefugees.