Chinaman schools African in the classroom of reality

Minor Problem: Doesn't this video kinda shoot itself in the foot as the Nigger apparently understands Chinese?

gonna watch this right now, thansk OP

China is megacucked against han chinese. Minorities didn't have the 1 child rule so they bred like rabbits.

we just rewrite history, therefore no more guilt

This is old as fuck but still relevant.

Webm version for the non-plebs.

Just don't be a cuck and remove them for good.
See what happened to indians in NA.
Are they a priviledged class?
Do they run the country?
No, they are completely irrelevant, and too few to be anything fo relevance in the next 500 years.

The colonized savages only have as much power as they are given by the colonizers.

Guess its now called the "Chinaman's burden". The Whiteman's Burden (thinking we have a duty to elevate these niggers) was the greatest mistake of all history, lets not make it a fatal one.

All these people ignoring that I pointed out that the video makes the Nigger look smart because he understands Chinese. Do YOU understand Chinese?

The languages of Africa are French, English, Arabic, Spanish, and now Mandarin now. I wonder why.

No, I don't need to because I'm not a chink's slave.