Fact thread

Facts only.

Fact: you do not have this sandwich

Your turn

Fact: OP is a faggot

i would rather die than put that thing in my mouth

Fact: I wish I did have that sandwich.

Fact: im drunk

Fact: Meat is murder

Fact: Hitler did nothing wrong

Holla Forums M0D is a child molester who trades CP with his friends on Holla Forums

i'm better than you

fact: this is a fact.
Prove me wrong.

fact: how original a post is has absolutely no relation to how good it is

Incorrect, it is a post.

Fact: There are multiple ways to skin a cat.

Fact: a cat is a dog is a bird is an antelope is a sea snake is a water balloon is a scrotum is a nuclear bomb is a coloring book

random = funny

Fact: you dont know who i am. Check and mate atheists

you are god aren't you?

fact: the fact that your randomly pressed buttons on a technological device might make sense in a human sound systems sign version, doesnt make it a fact.

fucc you too mang

Fact: If you get kicked super hard directly in the asshole you will instantly vomit.

your welcome

Toast Fall

Fact: you will never have this many pennies

fact: your refrigerator will never be this empty

this my first you today

what's in your fridge?

must be nice
bein welcome in your first you (of the day i mean)

it is. thanks Holla Forumsro. you made my day.

bros before hoes

FACT: CP should be legalized.

Great Old OneSGreat Old OneSGreat Old OneSGreat Old OneSGreat Old OneS

jesus chill out

hes just unplugging starfish nails at his back

Fact: I'm late in my work and I shouldn't have an internet connection right now

FACT: You've already been silently fired and should seriously just shitpost moar.
