What should be done about the black problem?

What should be done about the black problem?

Feeding them endlessly wont fix anything, they will just breed and you'll get more and more starving kids.

Should we sterilize them? They wont use contraception thanks to (((Christians))). Should we just let them starve? Where they better off in primitive societies? Should we force them into reservations and let them live like there ancestors?

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Re-migration. Occupy some nigger "country" in Africa and encourage nigger nationalism and emigration. Sterilize and deport mongrels (with their parents).

They literally have a nation of their own called Liberia. They're just so fucking stupid that they don't know about it - that or they won't go because they know it's shit.

The most "reasonable" thing seems to be sterilizing violent criminals in general, what makes a "violent criminal" would probably be up for discussion though.

It may take thousands of years but eventually the upward pressure of civilisation will breed a domesticated nigger. We should expend no resources in assisting them to this goal, though: send the niggers back to Africa, then exploit their inherent corruption to get cheap loot

deport them to Australia and send all of the white Aussies to Canada and britbongistan

Force conversion to Judaism and they get Israeli passports.

Sterilization for foreign aid. Problem solved.

Maybe technology will become advanced enough to where we can genetically modify and/or cybernetically enhance them so they stop being so violent. And possibly increase their IQs so they can actually contribute to society.

Are you a cuck? What's the point in creating smart and non-aggressive niggers?

All species are fighting over living space and resources, and you want to make our enemies better and stronger.

$$\color{green}{>They wont use contraception thanks to roman catholics}$$

The roman catholic church is still to blame for many moralistic problems in the church due to their unreasonable belief in their own church tradition. A quick reading of the smalcald articles written in 1537 provides the protestant reformations views on the roman catholic church and the papacy, which still remains today as the mouth piece for the anti-christ. This is most certainly true.

Why would you do that ?

am new fag can't green text.

There is an african country called Liberia, it was meant to be the black american version of Israel.
In the early days ex slaves moved to Liberia and became part of the elite, the first thing they did was enslave the natives.
Two civil wars later and the removal of the african american elites and the country is a shithole like the rest of africa

this is the ultimate problem - the world is already crowded everywhere shitskins live. if they ever have an isolated, highly intelligent subpopulation [i.e. we started a nigger eugenics program in the US], they could easily leverage the dumbass majority to eliminate the last, dwindling, areas where whites live. remember, we are only 7% of the world's population.

Fuck niggers.

That's interesting, thanks for the information.

Honestly, I don't care about niggers or what will happen to their new country. My point is that we need to create an illusion of Whitey-free Nigtopia, just so niggers won't chimpout during deportations.

Once America is nigger-free, we can pull the plug and their economy will crash with no survivors.

They won't be niggers anymore if we turn them into whites.

I don't see how there will ever be enough political will to deport or exterminate non-whites. I'd love to hear a scenario where that's possible, but I just can't picture it happening.

There's absolutely no reason to even bother "turning them white"

There is only one answer tbh fam. Kill them all and turn Africa into a second European continent.

Yes, I mean metaphorically white. Shut down any and all violent behavior and increase neural connections or whatever increases intelligence. That should also stop them from overbreeding.

What's the point in making smart enemies, newfag? They won't spare you. They won't care about you or your genes.

Nigger separatism + Trump(or post-Trump nationalist\White racialist president) + revival of White spirit = nigger deportation. The only reason why niggers are still there is brainwashing and self-hatred. Remove (((corrupt politicians))) and nation will heal itself.

Go away Tyrone.

reading about real african history is pretty funny, and not the we wuz kangz and shit shit.

"King Gezo on Dahomey said: 'The slave trade is the ruling principle of my people. It is the source and the glory of their wealth…the mother lulls the child to sleep with notes of triumph over an enemy reduced to slavery"

Littrly the entire african economy was based on slavery, the blacks in america are decedents of the weaker tribes who got sold off by the stronger tribes

use a single 'greater than' sign lad

Reminds me of movie related

could only find this shitty clip with related part

If we just removed watermelon we could spend all that time and effort on ourselves instead.

The united states is an empire of many nations, the white nation of which is the largest . Once the "glue" that holds this empire together comes apart, we'll split into separate nations. So yes, I agree that we probalby won't get to deport the shitskins, though we rightfully should, but the United States WILL balkanize in the future, as the increasingly corrupt and top heavy US empire collapses. Hillary will speed it up, trump will slow it down, but I thnk it will happen eventually. 19 trillion dollars in debt doesnt just go away, and all of our institutions have been poisoned by the jew, aprticularly the judiciary. There is very little hope in recovering. Unfortunate. I fear for my children's future.

What. I'm speculating on what can be done. This can't be done now. You also aren't going to see mass deportations or exterminations. So what the fuck else is going to happen?

It depends, which part of the US do you like the least?

Yeah, balkanization is inevitable I think.

Deportation shouldn't be too much of a problem and extermination might come out of it if they resist. Or you could finance a group to do the dirty jobs like Isreal do with isis :^)

This, here is one of the best example: USAID and other foreign programs.
That's how much money USA throws away on foreign trash EACH YEAR.
Now let's look at Apollo program:
>In 2009, NASA held a symposium on project costs which presented an estimate of the Apollo program costs in 2005 dollars as roughly $170 billion. This included all research and development costs; the procurement of 15 Saturn V rockets, 16 Command/Service Modules, 12 Lunar Modules, plus program support and management costs; construction expenses for facilities and their upgrading, and costs for flight operations. This was based on a Congressional Budget Office report, A Budgetary Analysis of NASA's New Vision for Space, September 2004.[112] The Space Review estimated in 2010 the cost of Apollo from 1959 to 1973 as $20.4 billion, or $109 billion in 2010 dollars.
Just think about the possibilities that were trashed away by (((corrupt politicians))) and cucks.

Anyone who wants free food and water are required to be sterilized.

There's really no good solution, but that's the most ethical one that comes to mind. It gives them freedom of choice while also eliminating the downsides of these organizations providing them with handouts.

small addition:
That's just $7.78billion per year. Remove USAID kikes and America will be able to finance TWO Apollo programs.

Actually, regime change makes debt go away. Uprising in China means we don't pay them

Cut all support to African countries.In our countries criminals need to get the baton every single time they misbehave.


That's a really interesting compromise. But what about people who already have 10 kids sterilizing them now will have limited effect, sterilizing the kids will really piss off the bleeding hearts. And how do you prevent food sharing from the sterilized individuals to non sterilized.

this might just work

How decent was it under the American niggers before the natives fucked it up?


No. Containment never works. That's just a temporary measure.

China is colonizing Africa. They have no white guilt and will have no problem removing dindu permanently.

The American niggers fucked it up.

is there a sterilization agent they can introduce into the food supply?

Sterilize them and pay their women to have white babies if you want them to contribute.


It's really simple. Offer a cultural exchange program. Send all the Blacks to live in South Africa where it's not too different from a 1st world country that they are used too, and take in all the fleeing whites from south Africa into the US. It gives them a "black isreal" and we become a white ethnostate once we build the wall and deport.

I have a good feeling that this "police brutality" shit wold be a good incentive.

"Yes, us white people have oppressed your kind through out our history up to the current year. To make up for that, we give you a country of your own where we cannot oppress you any more."

And all the Black Nationalists will take the b8.

people have been trying that since before the Civil War, bro. niggers are parasites. they don't want to go back they want to leech off whitey and then blame whitey for their problems. they're like children. They want to scream "i hate you" at their parents, but they're still scared as fuck if they got lost at the mall.

This could also work as a deal with the South African Government. I personally know a South African who moved to the US to escape the nogs. He said everyone there knows the place is pretty much fucked. Wish Trump could see this.

niggers by and large dont WANT independence, they just want to be leeches. That's why they vote for bigger government, "more programs", etc.

Why are you guys so racist?

Yes please.

Wonder if Oceania gets bigger in 2050 because of white flight, if at all.

This is the ultimate red pill in my opinion. Eugenics. Whenever I bring it up to anyone I am met with disgust and disbelief. If done correctly it could be the greatest thing for mankind.
Sadly I would probably be sterilized.

Teddy Roosevelt is checking your dubs in the afterlife

We should just kill them all until less than a million of them are left in the whole world and only in Africa.

Yeah, it's beyond stupid that because of some Nazi association we must never entertain the thought of it. Eugenics is only positive. We might've been practicing it now if it weren't for those meddling yids. Improving whites and their nations is banned now. Such a shame. Now everyone's projected to have diabetes, autism and some type of cancer in the future. We're just collecting diseases at this point.

Have you guys considered discussing solutions that are actually feasibly possible to make happen?

What makes those three infeasible?

Low effort.

History shows that genocide is a very much feasible solution.

Internment and sterilization probably won't work too well though.

step 1
1 don't let them get out of africa
2 wait for them to kill each other

They're infeasible because 90+% of the population doesn't support them.

Step 0 stop sending them food and resources.


I'm sure public opinion will never, ever shift.

Okay, what's your feasible plan for getting the overwhelming majority of the white population to support nigger genocide?

Honestly the left is doing it for us. Make them live near them and they will learn why they need to not live near them .

It must be genocide. Anything else is doomed to failure.

Most people take genocide to mean slaughtering whole populations. Which I am totally for in regards to the nigger problem, provided you could get away with it with the international community watching Africa/America/Europe create mass killing zones. It's fast, permanent, and has been proven to work in the past.

But if you dissect the term genocide, it really just means removal of the genes from the total human genepool. So, a more plausible solution in the current age could be something to reduce their genetic footprint without violence. Sterilization would work. The details of how to do it would be tricky -

Forced sterilization?
Elective sterilization? (ie, well pay you this lump sum of money if you get this injection before having any kids or this lesser sum after having one kid and no money if you have more than that)
No sterilization but instead a orced breeding out? Send out an army of NEETS to rape the restrained sheboons each generation for all I care. Dilute the fuck out of their genetic code.
My favored option is a genetically engineered sterilization bio weapon that selectively targets nigger populations. That way once released, it would be extremely hard to stop/control. In addition, it reduces the blame. If it ever it got out, whomever sponsored the research and release of such a weapon would be blamed and not the entire white population. Maybe

For added good measure, all forms of welfare and government benefits need to stop immediately to both inside ones own country and to Africa. The forced redistribution of wealth is dysgenic at best and results in nigger swarms that look like a WH40K WAAAAGH!!!

…..So why is anything short of genocide doomed to failure? Because so long as they have a large enough genetic footprint, they can and will breed like the R-selected zerg swarm that they are. They CAN and they WILL keep fucking until we see another goddamn nigger population crisis in the future. They are built to be mindless violent reproduction machines. I dont care if the entire non-black population of the world becomes fully redpilled on the nigger problem tonight - given enough time, the children and grandchildren of the non whites will either "learn" empathy for the nigger savages or will be brainwashed by (((them))) to accept the nigger bioweapon back into their societies.

jesus christ typos.

"…but instead a forced breeding out?" in middle
"…the children and grandchildren of the nonblacks will either…" at end


The public will support genocide when they see what the blacks will do once the tipping point is passed.

Ever read the Turner Diaries? All that talk of cannibalism isn't bullshit, it goes on in Africa right now. They eat white babies for witch magic, along with albinos. Niggers are literally unconscious animals.

Sage because unrelated, been doing a lot of eye research lately, interested in mine, am I a nigger Holla Forums?

We don't have a black problem we have a jew problem

Fuck me I hate mobile posting

I'm not sure you've though this whole "genocide" thing through. It's not as easy as you may thing. Not even Africans have been successful in African genocide and they've mastered the art of genocide.

Just based on global populations v race, whites and blacks are on equal footing. You also can't assume that all whites will be for global genocide or that all blacks would be against it.

Then there's the problem of the Asians. If might makes right, then they own the world and chances are white folks would be just as readily genocided.


Both are a problem so fuck off nigger

Niggers aren't intelligent enough to commit to a full sweep, any genocide they attempt is doomed to fail. Meanwhile the Maori have committed successful genocides, as have the Spanish.

With what military? Against who? They're utterly divided and useless and this is assuming that they would wish to declare war on whites at all - pro-tip: Everyone hates niggers, but whites and Asians have historically gotten along.

The same thing leftists used to get whites to become anti-racists when in the span of decades. The same thing Hitler used to steamroll his opposition despite a Communist youth being prevalent at the time.


Liberia is hilarious.

We gave them an entire country for themselves and they turned it into a shithole slum. Now it's practically inhabitable.

Apparently there was a scism between African blacks and American blacks that caused a lot of friction.



Sauce: Wikipedia

Next time some uppity nog cries about muh oppression remind them of Liberia
Take a hard look you back to Africa cunt.

Ignore that.

Uhh. Not so sure about that, fammo

Can this meme please die. Gooks are just high functioning niggers who are able to reverse engineer European technology. If we stopped trading with gooks, they would be utterly stagnant. The East Asians are genetically non-competitive with Europeans in terms of intellectual creativity, they would be only slightly more challenging to exterminate than niggers.

Which is why I prefer the bioweapon route. Less messy. And barring that, the breeding out of them with a full stop to handouts. Peaceful genocide seems to be the smarter and more likely path to success.

has a point. If whites could ever put their pathological altruism aside, we could organize and easily wipe the dindus out. They, on the other hand, are a loosely organized mob at best.

And yes, might does make right. Which is why I want whites to fight and be strong. Just because the asians may be stronger now or in the future doesn't mean we should just roll over.

There's only ONE thing we CAN do…


Is that a fucking African tranny?

Most of our debt is domestically owned. China collapsing, or having a revolution won't do shit.

the debt is made up. It's an illusion of the international kike financial scheme

This, the fed loans out money for free to its cronies who buy bonds which pay interest. The us government sells bonds to run (instead of just running off the revenue it generates directly) and pays them back slowly paying a much higher total than what was borrowed. It is literally a scheme to enslave us with high taxes which are paid directly to the jews.

both are a problem. Also rumor is RDJ's a conservative.

checked and kek'd at that "colonized by Europe" map. Other races just need to sit down and shut up and do as they are told.

Only give people enough food for 1. If they still share that, they will eventually die so it works itself out


You don't need more than 1% to approve of it and it will be done. Who cares what they think?


In the first minute that dude called Liberia a quasi-colonial settlement by the US, completely ignoring that fact that essentially 0 white Americans actually settled there, and there were no resources or taxes drawn from it.

So no Shane, it's not a colony whatsoever.

Then he goes on to say that when the African American ex slaves moved there, they promptly enslaved the native Liberians based on the plantation system. Completely ignoring the fact that slavery has never ended in Africa, and has been going on for thousands of years. The African migrants enslaved because that's what Africans do to other Africans. You can still find it all over Africa.

Fuck, I used to watch Vice when I was younger and thought it was edgy and radical, going places where other MSM didn't go. Now it's so obviously an anti-west crock of misinformation bullshit. They still do go to interesting places though.

South Africa probably only has about five or ten years left were they can still reasonably hide and deny how much shitter it's gotten after apartheid to the rest of the world. Once that happens there will be even more of a media blackout then there already is involving the entire state of that country in the western world.

Yeah, no.
look up that vid from Liberia 1996 though, Dindu fighting tactics include literal prancing up and down, waving a fucking feather duster while firing random bursts from an (((Uzi)))

Just cut all foreign aid and let the nature do its thing. In the meantime we can rebuild our civilisation and purge what's left of them in the future.

Jews love multiculturalism.

Are you kidding, they wouldn't use contraceptives at all. Getting a nigger to not think of the future is like getting a thirsty horse to drink water

pay them extra have birth control injections instead of paying them extra to have kids. Simple shit really. Having a farm where women live and eat for free and felons can randomly show up and knock them up is so fucking stupid.

They would if you just inject them with depo and they knew getting knocked up would get them less gibs.

now why not just say they would if they weren't nogs?

Could somebody work at a food bank / soup kitchen (do they still even have those, where it's all handed out from one huge vat?) and introduce some libido-killing chemical into the food? You'd have to keep repeat-dosing, but it could slow population growth in at least one area. Plus you'll be virtue signalling like fuck and they won't take your guns as readily.

Somewhat idealistic, but comfy as fuck to think about.

dindus wanting welfare? dump them in Africa as a condition of welfare, cost of living is cheaper there to start with.

get dindus out of the west, don't let them back into the west
if they breed in Africa, too bad they feed their own kids, their welfare dies with them.

the African population might swell for a generation or two but will ultimately crash.

then the christ cucks will roll in all "we gotta save the blacks"

back to square one.

all these clever solutions are noble and elegant but what t will come down to is most likely a generation of house to house street to street ethnic cleansing of the west.

only question is who will be cleansed out, the whites or the blacks?

We are all waiting for that tipping point of white self preservation instinct and the realization the government ha allowed this silent white genocide for a decades.


I cannot, in good conscience, ignore such sick trips.

The photographer and crying woman sound super jewish. I expected an oy vey to pop out of their mouths at any moment.

To answer op's question. Mother Nature should be allowed to run its course. Whenever the population of any animal is above a certain threshold, that population generally comes crashing down pretty hard. It happens to deer when their predators get killed off. The same can be said for the third world where the poor are reproducing far too quickly for the resources available to them. The humane thing to do is to just let them go, so that future generations don't have to suffer in even greater numbers as their populations grow further out of whack with their natural environments.

Look at them and laugh bitterly.

Or — here's a radical idea — we could use the white people we already have, you stupid nigger. We don't need to reinvent the wheel.

You're naïve. I mean that as nicely as possible. You think niggers complain about racism because it's a legitimate concern for them? No, it fucking isn't. They know all they need to about racism: complaining about it gets them free shit. That's literally all there is to it. You will never solve "racism" because they will always want free shit from you and will say and do anything to make that happen.

Why the ever-loving fuck would they leave white civilization for niggerdom?

It's going to have to happen for the world to survive, so there's no point contemplating alternatives. We can't keep going in a majority shitskin world.

This, but extended to the whole nonwhite world, except, perhaps, bits of Asia.

Don't be a fucking defeatist. We're taking back all white lands plus lots of extra.

They'll grow too fast for sterilization to be effective. You can't leave it up to them, especially not "people" like Arabs.

One million? That's pretty generous.

What matters is how many will try to stop it and how many will make it happen. The majority go with the wind — with whatever allows them to live what they perceive to be the safest lives. Given how unsafe it is rapidly becoming for whites, I'm sure support will be a lot higher than historical analogs.

The Spanish conquered empires of millions with a few hundred men. Hyperbole aside, we could accomplish it with a fraction of our current resources.

I'm afraid at this point famine won't be enough. We need to reduce their numbers drastically, and not just Africans. Arabs, especially, need to be culled, as well as Spics, and I'd give serious thought to including Indians and/or Asians.

remove them from places with shitty cultures and stop race mixing on mass, that's about it

you would be a terrible fiction writer. half of that didn't even make sense

Do nothing and wait for genetic science to advance the stage of designer babies. Naturally aspirated negroes will be like ants to the Gods walking the earth. The problem will take care of itself.

You do the same thing to giant termites as you do to regular termites.

this whole thing has a Jew vibe going on to it. I think jews document this shit for their own sadistic pleasure.

Nanobots can sterilize the good ones and kill the rest

But it's all just so tiresome.


Change the laws for gibs where instead of more cash for more kids, give them more cash for that 5 year birth control or even more for sterilizing. They can't see long term so I think they'll take the bigger payout.


This could work. Africa has an enormous amount of natural resources (which of course they didn't know about until the ebil Europeans colonized it).

100% right. we conquered them, gave it back, let them move to europe/the americas, now they're trying to kill us.

no mercy.

just kill them in some way and the problem is fixed.
their genetic are really bad. they need to rbe killed

Literally all we would need to do is abolish welfare/food stamps and they'd starve to death in a week because chimp can't into saving money

bleeding heart americucks not understanding nature
when i look at those dying nig nogs i dont see children
it reminds me of a dying water buffalo too sick to make it too water in a drought
entirely natural considering the circumstances

That explains the collective inferiority complex of the BLM movement

that last maps wrong
Japan should be under European sphere of influence and so should both koreas and thailand
and Turkey/Anatolia was once under the control of Europe before the Turkmen stole it from us

Liberia was ruined by mass immigration from surrounding Africa. If the descendants of the original freed slaves could take back control, it could be much better, something like, say, Botswana.

Nanobots could make them white.

Israel gave their niggers vaccines that chemically castrated them. As much as I hate jews they sure have a great antinigger plan.

No, but this is


The thing you should really care about is getting them out of your own country. Otherwise, leave them alone or simply trade. The only reason to conquer and kill them is to prevent someone else from doing it before you, recieving all the land and ressources.



Before asking what should be done, first ask if anything at all should be done.

Holy shit, it's like being back on old Holla Forums

Newfags Can't Triforce

▲ ▲

Fuck off cunt, the weather is great in Australia. I aint leaving, nor am I taking your nigs. We got Abbos.

the AI overlords will kill all the niggers so it doesn't really matter


Mandatory mass sterilization for welfare and food/medical aid recipients. Forced sterilization of felons. Nigs are so greedy they'd agree to the former in a heartbeat, and the later is almost politically viable now. This might even have a eugenic effect (specifically increasing docility) due to the fact that so many violent nigs/criminals are "warrior" gene carriers, but even if it doesn't, who cares.

Problem solved.

You could just pay them $10k and 90% of nogs would freely accept sterilization.

The problem is that spics wouldnt. They like big families.

Would need cash and federal government sized organization.
Would need doctors, also no guarantee that sterilized zergs wouldn't still murder.
Incredibly complicated and cucks would still find a reason to blame the entire white population.

Don't try and re-invent the wheel.

Steezers can just be auto-deported the moment they break the law. Even the legal ones drive drunk all the time and get up to all sorts of dumb beanershines.

If you implemented both of my suggestions in tandem you would either reduce these populations to nothing, or a tiny, irrelevant group of k-selected outliers that would probably be mostly-white mongrels anyway.

Sterilization should be a mandatory prerequisite to receiving welfare and government housing.

Yeah, but if you stuck the sterilization chop shops in a mall next to a reebok store or somewhere that sells cellphones that cash goes right back into the economy.