Does death nullify everything about life? How do you find meaning in life when it ends forever?

Does death nullify everything about life? How do you find meaning in life when it ends forever?

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Everything you put into yourself will disappear with you. To last, create things that will propagate into the future, be it children, memes, endeavors or crafts.

Like mass murder?

Why do you bother to eat when you will just be hungry again? How can you enjoy a fine meal knowing it will just be feces in a few hours?


I just try to be nice and avoid bad things. no fear. to heaven we come.

that's the point little lamb
it ends, do what you feel like doing within reason
don't hurt other people, unless they want to get hurt

i'd rather live than merely last.
what good is posterity to a corpse?
to paraphrase Camus,
the act of dying makes a nonsense of everything we have ever done during life. knowing this fact gives us the right, the duty perhaps, to fully exploit every opportunity for pleasure on the earth.

pseudo-intellectual quotation-philosopher
neither love nor wisdom in any of this

just because we are going to someplace nice later doesn't give you a willywonka golden ticket to be an asshole for no other purpose than being an asshole