Daily Reminder

Daily Reminder
You will always have a small penis

My dick might say small but my ass grows daily.

made me Eris

Reminder my friend is a porn star. Roobi royal. She says black men like loads of gay shit and can't cum sometimes.. I'm Asian and can cum loads even if my dick is 4 inches.

Muh dick's little but so what.

At least I'm not black

niggers and cucks please go

I'm white and my penis is bigger than that lol that tiny black cock

Only I'm kinda bent to the right :( but even then its EASILY longer and thicker

Get cucked black people (as I do fucc alot (incl. black women they tend to be sluttier))

Anyways 0/10

But… you're still black.

Poor cuckposter, you're brain is so clouded from pornography that you literally can think of nothing besides dick size and pussy.

Either that or you're a dumb dindu who has nothing else to be proud of but muh dick