Drumpf Stumpfed by Wharton College Grads
Oh look, our histrionic friend decided to make another thread.
Do you think people care about this?
Why are mods allowing this one faggot to make 20+ threads a day?
So, would you like to be baked at 400 degrees or 450?
fascinating non-story there. it'll balance somewhat precariously on the ten-miles-high pile of dubious shit that the media (bring back the guillotine) has come up with for Trump.
more importantly, who is that fantastically ugly person in that picture? Is that one of the "are you serious" cuck's brothers?
His name is trumpf you fucking crypto kike, why do you kikes get so triggered by deutschblut?
Yet Trump has more money and is better at business than 99% of Wharton grads. It's as if university degrees are almost meaningless as anything other than status signalling for faggot strivers.
At least they realize their readers are illiterate baboons without a vocabulary
let it go to the bottom of the catalog you stupid shits.
What's better? a thread of sage and telling OP off or OP alone bumping the thread a few times, looking like a sperg and fading away?
Realize that this attention whore is making multiple threads at this particular time because he is trying to pull eyes away from the Flynn thread. It is evident because there is currently a shill in that thread with over 45 posts and he is failing to ruin discussion.
ayy look it's another useless thread that's going to be allowed by mods
Modern liberals, everyone.
Whoops forgot my sage.
because the mods are kikes and shitskins, didn't you know? Haven't you noticed?
Lyin' Trumpoo
Rachported for Raching in a Rach thread, Rach. Changing proxies won't help you.
Sage'd, reported, and hidden
Who ist this Rachel person ? Is he an american right wing icon?
Rachported, Rach. We know it's you bumping your own shitty thread via proxy. Stop telling the truth about Drumpf.
Well Op, Mark Zuckerberg dropped out of Harvard but he is considered a graduate. How do you explain that?
A gay right wing role model? Doesn't make sense. smh
gas yourself
People aren't listening to you. No one cares. We just want to laugh at you.
This thread ist triggering me. How do I sage?
What about hillary clintons lies?
Literally "no u" response kek
t. Asshurt Leftist
Shill your article elsewhere, high-income gender-studies cuck.
Rachported, Rach. We know it's you.
I don't think anybody should get an honorary degree for anything. I dropped out of college, I dont' go around pretending I'm a college grad.
fuck off retard
fuck off rachtard
fuck off, retard
kill yourself learningkike
LOL Drumpftards BTFO, amirite fellow goyi-uh…uh… Holla Forumsfriends? ;^)
Probably because stormderps are just too triggered by Drumpf getting irrevocably stumpfed in such a brutal manner. I mean, nearly 1,200 people who went to the same school Drumpf attended, over a 54-year period, expressing disagreement? That's a show-stopper. He can't recover from this.
Ehh… that's only 22 people per year. Not bad, really.
Reminder that the mods are in on this trolling
Let's see if that post is still up
they do it for free
Trump is going to be president and all you can do is cry
Excellent! Now someone get to work on calculating when we'll finally be able to BTFO Drumpf in an election, and we can just have martial law declared and move the election to then.
God damn, if I'm ever about to kill myself I will think "At least I'm not Ratch poster." It will bring me back to sanity. Seriously learningchode, your autism is beyond recovery at this point.
Shitgibbon? But trump is obviously white. Hes neither a shitskin, nor a monkey. Rachposter btfo.
I haven't read a single post you've made.