From Nuttall's speech at NW conference:
LÜGENPRESSE CONTINUES TO SPIN AND SMEAR: Andrea Leadsom 'motherhood' comments spark row
Even Rachel Sylvester has admitted to spinning it:
JOCKS GETTING UPPITY AGAIN: Tory MSP joins calls for 'federal' UK in wake of Brexit vote
TWO FEMALE PMS AND ONE REFERENDUM: Theresa May v Andrea Leadsom to be next prime minister
ARE NIGE APPROVES ANDREA: Nigel Farage backs Angela Leadsom as next Prime Minister
BREXIT BOOST: Leading investment banks vow to ensure London stays global financial centre
ARE NIGE HAS STRONG PIMP HAND: ‘Customer is king & we are the customer’ Farage tells Strasbourg: UK has 'strong hand'
FISHWIFE BTFO YET AGAIN: Scots rebel against Sturgeon's bid to block Brexit as it emerges SNP is most anti-EU party
Brit/pol/ #1060 - Fuck off Barthposter Edition
Other urls found in this thread:
Stop making additional threads you fucking cunt
First for jewish infiltration and big tits
Bumping non-shitposter thread.
Best thread tbh
The Other thread is fucking garbage
Who the fuck is Barth and why are there all these duplicate threads?
Filtered. Fuck off Barth.
Just ignore the stupid fucking child
But we stick with it so we don't spam the board
Barth is a shit poster who makes shit threads and we have to make duplicates that aren't shit every time he fucks it up.
Who gives a fuck?
Are you a mod?
No then it doesn't fucking matter
Cosy thread.
A lot more /comfy/ than the other thread
I wish someone could dox him, we could all have a field trip and stomp on his fingers.
Brit/pol/ threads are going to be band at this rate, why don't the Germans have this problem with their threads?
u already doxxed me once, never again.
they don't sperg out over shitty OPs and decide who makes the next bread.
So what happened in America last night?
Germans don't take their small piece of free speech they have left for granted.
To think that Barth started out trying to become a le funny meme.
To answer your question: Less /politics/ shitposters and the majority of us can't read their shitposts anyway.
because germans are more efficient
Barthposter is having another break down. He can't figure out why we keep rejecting his unfunny cancer threads.
One shitposter isn't going to get our threads banned. It's up to the mods to stop him ban evading.
I make a new thread and clearly link it in the old one but you make shitty spam ones anyway just because you hate me, why?
Honestly I'm really pissed BLM have any movement here.
time for travis.
because youre autistic
I would pork her hard tbh
Keek and Meme Magic wills this is the true thread.
I'm not autistic and I made a good thread.
Because Shrek memes are off-topic lad.
Get your eyes checked.
Brainfart regarding the spelling, happens sometimes.
but I got dubs
but ginnieshit is off-topic as well but you just hate me.
Fuck you cunts why can't you just let there be one thread? You're just making everything worse.
Post in here and report the other thread genius.
How much longer before we have another chimpening in London lads?
All dose ethnicities, all dose sectarian batttlelines…
I smell a happening in the air, all it would need is one flash.
sage fake spam thread
Because having a Stasi bitch as a leader and a country being the heartbeat of importing the worst people who have ever lived into Europe and destroying all that was great. Combined with being neuterd about talking on the subject makes their threads more precious to them and therefore not having shit/Ginnie posters like Barth.
I'll say the same thing I said last time.
700 posts to go!
No I hate Ginne posting as well. It achieves nothing and the one lad that has owned up to it admits to some sort of unhealthy attachment.
I will use everything I got and call in Vinnie from Holla Forums to spam this thread to death.
Report submitted!
kys fam
*Thread poll
You know what the saddest part is, this has only caused a slight dip in Brit/pol/ post quality.
whats wrong with that you faggot cunt?
Shills, summerfags and Barth. An unholy trio.
"We" need our own board.
Nice try JF. What we need is this one retard to die.
'Do us all a favour and quit': Senior Tory women spearhead the backlash against leadership contender Andrea Leadsom after motherhood jibe at rival Theresa May
You wouldn't have him spamming if you just let him have the thread. smh
pretty typical brit/cuck/ thread
Go make a kikebook group and fuck off already.
Who is this travis guy?
He'll stop as soon as people stop giving him the time of day.
another forced meme like barth
this, I would not spam if you came to my original thread
the guy in pic related
He's throwing a fit because he isn't getting his own way, who does this remind you of as a group of people?
They're scared lad, she's going to win I feel it she must win tbh
Fuck off polish scum
wew lads
I'm sick of people pandering to this recent brand of hysterical politics, anyone who mentions Leadsom's comments to me in a bad light is put straight - I do believe that a mother is better suited and more trustworthy when running a nation. Why should we pretend otherwise?
This is nothing less than an attack on traditional families.
Childless hags coming out the woodwork.
People will see through it soon enough.
Shouldn't that be cuck/pol/ thread? You've just called the entire board cucks you ingrate.
What's 'vile' is this concerted effort to round on her by deliberately twisting her words and spinning it to form this narrative. Shameless fucking vultures.
smh guess I have to repost since you bullies had to make another thread
That's not a rare, is it? I swear I've seen it before
That's not a rare, is it? I swear I've seen it before
Back to brit/feel/
Fake Thread. Die OP.
Most women belong in a gulag or gas chamber tbh
He's keeping his MEP job though.
Anyone else watching the tennis?
No. Ok yes.
Is that banji?
Not me. Sorry.
No. Sailor moon cat.
Ahh, the memories. The incredibly sticky memories.
I guess he's crashing this party with no survivors.
Andrew Neil grills Chris Grayling over Theresa May and freedom of movement
I want a daughter, lads
Who would have guessed
How is that /r9k/, lad?
smh. we need mummy
idk what that is, I just googled these pics looking for cum
Why? So you can slowly see her draggged away from you and become an unhappy and unfulfilled feminist tht destroys her body and mental health chasing a fiction, all without the slightest understanding of why she is so angry and unhappy all the time.
impregnate a woman
Are there even going to debates or confrontations between Leadsom and May? Andrea needs to pin May to the wall over this.
I'll raise her, lad. I'll do what my parents didn't do for me. smh
Some of you Holla Forumslacks are alright. Don't go to St. Paul tomorrow.
It's not and has never been bulletproof, m8. That's why a strong father is necessary in the family. This is the age of universal degradation, and you can't at any point expect that everyone, especially young people, triple-double that for women, would know what's better for them. If there isn't express mention and teaching what to do, how to act and that you need to have self-respect for yourself and treat sex and sexuality as something personal, private and sacred, they'll do all sorts of perverse and dumb shit like twerk some random faggot, sleep around or go shouting #mybodymychoice. It's a load of shite.
You'll get a daughter only if you're worth jack shit. The world doesn't need more beta-faggot fathers.
I don't want to pay alimony, lad
That's why you marry her first, numbnuts.
Rape her!
Will have to unNEET and unfat myself. And then get a job. And then buy a house so I can attract women.
I like the way you think.
I've filtered too many people tbh
webm related
Lads, they're hiring. Want to apply?
Then adopt a ~2yo kid and raise it alone.
I'm sure you'll do a better job than lesbian tumblr feminists.
Trips command. The house isn't necessary, tubby. It's definitely something you and your eventual wife should want at some point. Bare minimum imho is job, looking passable and having some sort of hobbies or interests to share with her. Otherwise don't sweat the details.
You'll get their, cheese legs. Believe in yourself.
And stay on no-fap. You need the test.
I'll be worth something eventually.
why, lad?
Pay is shit tbh, plus I'm halfway through uni
kek, we could cite our unique understanding of meme magic and our resistance to their current tactics.
Oh really. I'm calling fucking bullshit.
>The new findings – based on detailed polling conducted since the referendum by Opinium, and analysed by Michael Bruter, professor of political science and European politics at the LSE, and his colleague, Dr Sarah Harrison – suggests the turnout was 64% among this age group.
>The new, far higher, figures emerged after Opinium conducted post-referendum polling among 2,002 people that asked four questions about how and whether they voted
I'm sure they wouldn't lie to push their narrative.
you make me feel bad, bully.
It needs to have my blood, lad.
thanks, lad. On like 13 hours of nofap now I think
Filter me now.
It's like you want to be a cuckold and raise a failure by default. Literally shit-tier idea.
Don't see why it'd matter either way tbh
Kids don't vote.
Ha, I know her. Name is Melissa, she has two kids now
Why the hell are you spamming porn anyway?
Wew lad
No need to feel bad.
Do kids need an intelligent mother, lads? Smart women intimidate me tbh
no as long they have a dad
Not sure. It's distracting I suppose.
but what if the dad is dumb like me?
Have faith in yourself.
then your kid will be dumb lol
it's not fair
Traditionalism is dying, and that's ok. As long as there are some sort of decent values to replace it.
Are you happy and dumb lad? I'd hate to think that you were dumb and unhappy.
No it isn't.
You're filtered, by the way.
Kids in general take more after the mother and trend towards the medium of the race in terms of intelligence. You won't attract an intelligent woman anyway if your dumb as a brick or average with not much going on.
Again, don't sweat the details, just work on the next step.
Don't give up!
you probably aren't that dull if you're red pilled
Barth always spams porn after being BTFO.
Not really lad, being red pilled doesn't mean smart
And pray tell what would that be? Casual sex and and masturbating to porn every day?
You do fucking realize that human morality is the result of optimum choices for ingrained human necessities? Meaning traditional morals are traditional for a very good reason - they're closer to what humans need for powerful societies.
Both, lad.
alright, lad.
not true tbh.
this tbh
Ignore Holla Forumsarthposter, lad.
I think its worse to be both ugly and unlikeable than to be dumb tbqh.
They're trying to undermine the argument that if young people were so passionate about staying in the EU they should've turned out to vote. This way none of the blame lies with themselves and they can go back to blaming those evil bigoted old people for "stealing their futures from them".
Five models for post-Brexit UK trade
theres at least a better chance
I'm just triggered by perverts and their delusions.
What a sorry excuse for a failure.
Not Barth. Am I here on his orders? Honest question, someone just requested me to do this.
Not interested in helping Barth tbh.
Filters and reporting works wonders.
can you stop?
Yes. Please tell me about Barth as I delete these posts.
I am unlikable tbh. Look average, I guess, which to a woman means I look 2/10
cute redhead tbh
You're that stupid fat bitch from Holla Forums,btw lads this is an ugly fat woman posting these.
Why is half of the thread porn?
Holla Forums and/or Holla Forumsarth
I am a high autist and have been told contradictory opinions about my appearance over the years. Although I suspect the negative opinion was from a bully but then the positive opinion may have been sarcastic. I always wear the same clothes and rarely talk to women.
Someone wandered into Holla Forums and asked to spam this thread.
Do you have any info on Barth and why he might want that? Other than being a random spamming dickhead?
care to link the thread?
sound like me tbh, but I don't have autism tbh. Can't you use your autism super powers to manipulate women, lad?
How do you dress lad?
>>>Holla Forums5962099
Travisposter perpetual thread.
Only South East asian women lad on dating sites and they don't mind if I even have teeth tbqh.
I've never tried to go for pity from others in public, as I've always wanted to be as normal as possible, standing out makes me very anxious. I'm not sure western women would pity fuck me tbh and i'm sure i'd have to make a fool of myself to achieve the hole.
It's one spacker IP hopping and trying to meme himself. Sad fucking cunt.
I wear a black berghaus cardigan, a black t shirt, black m and s unbranded jogging pants with black/grey socks and cheap trainors. I wear all of this in all weathers.
Blimey. Are you from Manchester by any chance?
my neighbour's autistic and he lives in the basement with a girlfriend he found online. You can do it, lad
South London
Good god, lad. At least dress presentably.
I live with parents, its too expensive where I live to move out. I was thinking of moving to the Phillipines for a year and being a neet out there but then I don't know how to explain it to Mummy tbqh without making myself look bad tbh.
he lives with his parents too
Ah, never mind then.
I'd recommend you just purchase well fitting plain t-shirts, jeans and casual boots. Changing your style not only makes you feel better but alters others perspectives of you as well.
No idea who he is lad, sorry.
Just got to Primark or something and get five t-shirts for a tenner in different colours. Get a nice jacket for cheap at a charity shop and maybe shell out on some good quality jeans. Seriously, wearing black is the worst thing you can do, most of my shit used to be black but it certainly didn't make me happy wearing it.
Well the Norway and Switzerland models are out straight away since it means free movement.
I don't see why we have to pick any pre-existing model instead of forging our own with our interests at heart. Failing that, WTO rules.
wewewewe, you caught me.
ugh, your a pleb m8
Pic related. Some things will never change.
Nobody moans about being called racist aside from cuckservatives and liberals, are they for real? People are fed up with cuckolds telling them they should accept their policemen being shot because of some imagined racist conspiracy (I wish cops were more racist).
Has anybody actually been working on redpilling cuckservative party members on why Leadsom is the best choice to vote for them as a party and us as a nation? It's going to be down to them who gets in after all. This should be our priority now, BLM is a distraction. Let the cucks and niggers get upset.
Not a pleb, just went to school with plebs.
Thanks for the advice, I reckon I probably do look like a big child tbh.
I know that nigs commit crimes massively disproportionate to their population but couldn't they find a more up to date source?
Don't see the point then.
It's all a scam.
Only time you'll ever be eachothers' first is when you're young and that's when they're guaranteed to fuck around.
So you wait until you're 30 something and have some former whore as the mother of your children and she won't sleep around because she's had enough cock to satisfy her.
What a swizz. And this is what I'm supposed to look forward to as a young man?
This is what's supposed to inspire me to have children and procreate?
Fuck that.
Explain yourself please. Motivation for spamming Holla Forums, and other places?
The best thing to splash money on are boots in my opinion, a good pair should last you years.
check'd, there is a lot of dubs in this thread.
What did he mean by this?
I feel you man, I'm trying to wear shorts more often now but I hate wearing them (need to get shoes for summer but they're all shit).
What brands your jeans? I usually go H&M for okay-tier jeans but then go to places like Hilfiger for God-tier pairs.
LOL, they just need to deal with it, it can't be good for their health. We're leaving. The matter now is getting a good Bexit deal and not some puppet master deal.
You're fucking autistic if you believe this.
Lad that is an original NF banner from their heyday, that's the point along with my comment "some things never change". Infact, thanks to them being scutinised less because of "le racist" meme, it's worse. Despite being such a small number of the population and having so many advantages given to them today and a dumbed down education system they are under performers, stupid, the group most unemployed and seeking benefits and criminal minded.
Ah, I get you, lad.
I also wondered, what's this I keep hearing about Leadsom wanting to get rid of maternity pay. Knowing how pro-natal Leadsom is it sound slike bullshit but all I get is lugenpresse bullshit when I try to do any searching on it.
So what did she REALLY say?
What the hell is up with Jewish women and being incapable of smiling?
This is why we need to marry 16 year olds
That's a rare if I've ever seen one
None of this changes the fact that Fill 'Em With Leadsom is polling higher with the party members than May Never Have Children.
It will be a big risk to me if I do it, I don't have much money to prototype. I need to do more research into it tbh but if I am correct in my assumption that there is a gap in the market for the product I want to sell I think I can make it work.
I really hate niggers. Even when they're not in the grasp of the jew they're still volatile and retarded. They cannot ever be equal to the white man.
Under the sometimes stern but benevolent hand of the white man they had it as well as they will ever have it. No more, for their actions in Africa and our own nations towards white people they deserve nothing more than to be left to starve and completely cut off from whites. I'd be happy to shift them all to Israel. Africa as a continent is wasted on them.
Now I truly have seen it all.
top cuck, never ever m8.
I tend to go for Uniqlo for cheaper pairs, for more expensive pairs it really depends on what my autism deems the best after searching around, sites like Selfridges can be good for that.
Mummy Leadsom will help me, she believes in me.
I believe in you lad, how much capital do you need?
you have absoutely no chance m8, leadsome is a cow and will not help the country in any way.
Why even post?
I agree wholeheartedly user, Africans are the only race who's people I can look in the eyes and not see a glimpse of humanity. They must to be closer to animals than man, of the hundreds of places they inhabit their culture is invariably base.
Went for a walk.
Came back to this.
What should I do, lads?
That shouldn't be too surprising. She's white, pro-family and doesn't bend the knee to people who talk bullshit.
I feel as though Leadsom could create as much arse pain as Nigel.
Oh, this retard is back. Enlighten us on what course of action we take now then.
Ring up Ahmad and get her skhanked for honour. Police won't do anything so they don't look racist
talk to her wtf
tell her you're leaving. Make her beg more.
Give her one last chance imo
Be melodramatic lad, put something like "I need some time to think about us" and have her gagging for it for a few days.
Leads to an eventual
I'm lenient as fuck, but she literally threw your trust in the dumpster for a dare. Eventually respond with just that, but clear your head for now.
Post pics then we'll cast our vote in a strawpoll
Do this and then ditch her anyway.
Thanks lad.
At the moment I'd just like to get some testing done on the product, but I need acces to machining equimpment and metals, to make them. I have a few grand but I don't want to go wasting that on machining equipment. I'll have to look if there are any places that let you hire the machines for a day near me. But before that I need to learn some math to learn how affective the product I want to sell is, then see how cost affective it is. There is alot of work to be done, I hope I can pull it off.
I think you're being a bit autistic about this, John.
Your first step - reply 'sorry, went out for a walk and forgot my phone'.
It'll throw her on the back foot because she'll think she's made a bit of a tit of herself with all those pleading messages
Your next step is to try and contact someone from the party you trust to see if it really was only a two-second dare. The fact that she's getting this clingy and apologetic about it makes me think she's lying.
Ask her to agree to a dna test in the eventuality of children
Take her back but chain her up in the basement so you know where she is at all times.
Literally get her to fuck. Don't respond. I say this as a person who has made the error forgiveness/leniency in the past.
Ok lad, keep us updated please.
jej, the two (one prospective) leaders of our main parties are causing them to crumble
If only Nuttall was here to take advantage… RIP
Can someone answer this?
I think that they should definitely be shipped back to where they came from, failing that I think that they should be trained to their strengths (e.g. labour and construction) in communes just for them. Blacks put heavy emphasis on instant pleasure in their cultures (singing, dancing, fucking) so these communes would be good for them. Bottom line, though, they should be shipped back, if not we should treat them benevolently but realistically.
What habbened?
delusional cucks.
What's wrong with getting rid of it?
Never bought from them, any good?
Alright lad, Brit/pol/ deserves some good news, we always have such bad things happening to the anons.
That's what people said about Brexit as well.
Just end it. Having your trust betrayed doesn't make you a cuck, but continuing a relationship with someone who did that to you does.
She said when a small start-up/business only employs 3 or less employees, the employer shouldn't be bound by workers legislation, then once it grows bigger it kicks in.
Andrea Leadsom MP Tax Return 2015
You can read the summary of my 2014/15 Tax Return here.
These are the only realistic options without genocide…ummm euthanasia.
Any other neets browse Linkedin here? Drives me a bit mad at times tbh.
I did not says that brexit will not happen but it is VERY likely that May will be PM because May is in the lead and I am satan.
Tbh I'd give her a chance AFTER talking to one of her mates who was at the party.
Certainly good for the price range, I think they use Japanese denim.
May isn't in the lead, that vote is over. The new one is down to the membership.
You call those dubs? These are dubs.
tory members will vote leadsom you deafeatist
Hello National Autism.
Welcome to the thread.
It's not even banter lad what are they even doing here?
Johns girlfrend sug anodher mans gock :DDDD
benis in moudhth :DD
You're not that black Iron Man girl, are you?
Who would you like to represent us in parliament, lads?
Are Nige and madman Nuttall fam
You should have used the term 'patronising'.
That's sweet, man, having a look now.
Roger "Screams Sustain Me" Helmer.
But in all seriousness I think Nuttall would have been perfect at this point in time.
I'm usually more collected fam but it took me completely by surprise tbh
Ah so as I expected the lugenpresse has completely taken it out of context. Thanks.
Sick of a few wet liberal cucks at work who are only 8 or 9 years older than me shitting themselves at "le far-right wing, right-wing extreme, wants to take away maternity, sick pay and everything". This same cuck is always going on about how ISIS isn't a threat, Shariah isn't enforceable so isn't a problem. Goes quite when I say "the 'extremists' are already here" or when I mention Rotherham. We're winning and the cucks are scared.
Irony is that once we gain enough momentum they'll start to change tone
Told her I "need some time to think about us".
Going to see how clingy she gets then use that to my advantage.
If she does anything like this again I'll post her nudes here for you lads.
Got a whole album of them. Most of them are pretty good.
Some of her fingering herself.
Definitely Helmer and Reckless if not Nige and Nuttall.
Did you guys hear that stupid bitch Evans on LBC today? Glad she's suspended, she needs to go back to the cuckservatives. That'd be hilarious; Leadsom gets in and Evans is BTFO AGAIN.
Floozy Suzy is the Sturgeon of UKIP. Nobody wants, nobody likes.
Fug 'n' dump
Do you think you'd know about this one if there weren't other witnesses?
Fucking power cuts.
As far as I can tell it's pretty much this
Something that would in fact be very welcome for small startup businesses and boost productivity, economy and competition. So if I want to start my own gardening business say and want to employ one or two people I'm not going to think "is this worth the effort to even do if I'm liable for so much costs?"
It'll encourage entrepreneurs and average working class people to have a go, for some reason this is considered nasty and evil.
Just don't waste your time, get some keks from her clinginess then cut ties.
Just post it now you fucking cuck
Unless you're rusing us>>6653788
This bloke at work I have in mind has just recently found out his son has a bit of autism, his son gets "bullied" quite a bit at school and got told "you and your mum are going to have to leave" (he's half-kraut). This cuck also voted remain (but to his credit is DEALING WITH IT).
I have to stop myself from laughing tbh, when he told me what was said to his son I just replied back "boys will be boys, you remember how it was in school surely?"
I'm good at keeping my power level down when needed now but convey my points across.
This. Trust me lad if she's willing to do whatever it was for two seconds for a dare then there is no longevity in it. I know you probably don't want to hear that but pick yourself up and go and find another girl lad. Maybe this one will think again before doing something like that to her next bf if you're brutal enough.
It would be funny if you ask girls out and then let everyone know you have a bf without even telling your current chick you've dumped her lol
Ditch her lad. Anything less and you're literally a cuck.
Once a slag, always a slag. Post the lewds.
This. If she wants to be a slag she can be a slag. shame the bitch and post those goodies.
Pump and dump.
Just leave it as that lad and never speak to her again. You're going to make things worse for yourself and if you're willing to share her nudes you can't truly care for her anyway tbh
Let her go and find a new chick tbh this time make sure she isn't a lad who's just lopped his cock off tbh
just post them tbh lad
Not a wise move to say you'll post nudes, people will be telling you to leave her just so you'll post them, regardless of whether or not it's a wise move for you
Bit bigoted tbh.
Whores will always be whores and do whorish things. You deserve every bit of hurt you encounter if you stay with her.
Find out if she is lying by asking someone you can trust who was there.
Don't post nudes, just have some self-respect and end it.
Bitch should think herself lucky we don't throw acid in peoples faces like another certain group of people do over these matters.
I don't love her like I used to now.
She's still got a nice body though so I'll see if I can keep it up insofar as that.
Not like I'm giving anything up for her anyway. She doesn't think I have money.
She can stay around until I find someone better.
You have to worry about the mindsets of those who clearly knew she had a boyfriend but dared her into doing that anyway.
This too tbh
If she reverse image searches them after an user here inevitably doxes her and she finds you asking twenty or so autistic neets for relationship advice you'll get bullycided too
Dump her. I've been in exactly the same situation. You might not love her, but if she does something worse (which she will), then it's going to hurt.
Modernity is a terrible thing.
t. Chin Man
At least post a pic of this cum drum.
Blur out the face.
Show us how amazing this human waste bin is that you would forsake your dignity to stay with her.
Stay moral.
Your best bet now is to talk to people from the party.
Alcohol and peer pressure are a pretty lethal mix, especially for women. It might be worth giving her a second chance, but obviously if she did anything like this again broom her out the door.
This. I have to stop myself from sharing certain things here, even though i know i would get guaranteed (You)s from them.
Calm down Cromwell.
So wait did she twerk on a guys crotch or did she suck his dick? If it's the latter you should have dropped her there and then. Staying with her after that is literal cuckoldry
I once saw people sharing and laughing at an image of a girl I once met, really scared me.
Nice trips lad.
My ex gfs cousin used to fuck behind his back and say she was staying at her friends. Her friend used to do the same thing and they'd cover for her. One day my ex gf's cousin's mate got pregnant and was going to trick her bf into raising it.
Fucking disgusting.
Also, here's a stream about Italian weapons in WWI tbh
Been away without internet since Thursday lads, did I miss much?
Has Barth finally fucked off? Is the relentless tide of Pole/Yank shitposting over? Has there been any must-see OC?
Fuck behind her boyfriends back
I informed them both about it tbh
We lads have to stick together and not let girls get away with it tbh. It could be us one day tbh
Knew it was bullshit just when you listen to how pro-natal Leadsom is and how she genuinely cares in ensuring children growing up in this country get the best. She wants education to be great again, she wants them to be independent thinkers and initiative.
I could imagine married mens benefits coming back under a Leadsom government.
I really shouldn't be this optimistic and pleased for someone in the cuckservative party but she needs to win (and will). My allegiance is UKIP until the cuckservatives become conservative again like the monday club days or if Duncan, a paki, a quadroon nignog jew or miss saggy tits becomes UKIP leader.
Normie girls knowing that reverse image searching is a thing? No way.
Don't respond to her messages. Just call her and ask when she's available to meet up, and then let her say what she wants to say to your face lad.
My thoughts exactly.
This is making me feel ill.
I'm sick of the modern world.
UKIP gone to cuckservatives and now this.
Need something to turn back the tide.
Nuttall is literally the only thing that can save us now.
No, shitposting central still.
No, hes still an autistic cunt.
Yes sadly :(
Possibly, pic related.
You're setting yourself to get hurt even worse, lad…
Nuttall is/was the working man's hero.
May I ask what happened? Did she fuck a nigger or something?
u wot chum?
Load of shite he's not running.
Don't think I'll bother renewing my membership now.
Had a "small" party and played truth or dare (I fucking hate that game with a burning passion).
Someone dared her to twerk against a guy's crotch.
So she did it.
"For like two seconds".
Making me fucking angry thinking about it now.
It doesnt even matter, he's clearly okay with another man being intimate with this girl, his transformation into full fledged cuck is almost complete.
Do something about it
what the fuck, are you all 16 or something? smh
There was these ones too.
Helmer does not have the working class background and the political convictions necessary to argue for criminal justice reform.
Same. I'm still UKIP, but I'm optimistic and impressed with Leadsom. I'll wait to see how things flesh out in the long run and whether it's actually possible for the cuckservative party to un-cuck themselves. I have the same deeply ingrained reservations about them for the same reasons I do Labour. We'll see
But for now I'm happy to shill for Leadsom, the fact I'd root for anyone in the Cons is something I'd never thought would happen.
Just remembered lads. I saw a woman breastfeeding in the window of a fucking cafe when I was out too. What a triggering day I've had tbh
Got a nice suit and Rudyard Kipling poems though tbh
*not that their aren't some other decent Cons knocking about to be fair, Mogg etc, but you get what I mean
The overton window has shifted in that direction and they have to live up to this reality just to carry on competing with UKIP. Even May had to say that the position of EU migrants was "uncertain" for her to try and one up Leadsom.
Looking back over Leadsom's blog though, it seems she's a legitimate person who cares for this country. It's her time to shine. We must play practical politics if it ensures we get the best.
Country before party.
I'd kill a non white but they'd just use me as an example.
Create some new Jo cox.
And convincing other whites is pointless.
Because some Jew will always be there to slander you.
Think a lot about it though when I work out.
When there aren't any police left and society collapses we'll get to work. There'll be a collapse and during that collapse we'll be able to drag every rat in this filthy society writhing and screeching out of the sewer.
I know he wasn't and that's why I'd want Nuttall even if Farage was standing for leadership.
The perfect candidate to take advantage of a Corbynised Labour party.
So has that user with the cheatinng girlfriend promised to raise her mulatto babies yet?
What about Mike Hookem?
Ironically we seem to live in a matriarchal society, so much as criticising a woman's life choices sees you shut down.
I know just how you feel. Just last month I was hoping for the complete annihilation of the mainstream parties, but Leadsom - should she win - could potentially signal the start of the first conservative Conservative party in decades.
If he doesn't I will lad. Real men raise other people's kids. Especially based civic nationalism kids tbh
Unless you're going to shoot up a church full of welfare leeching niggers who push more civil rights crap and is visited by democrat politicians, an island of lefties, a GANG of paedophiles and drug dealers; or kill Soros, Rothschilds and Mandelson then it is pointless.
Nuttall must be being threatened, there's no logical reason why the favourite would drop out during such a golden opportunity. We're talking a complete wipe out of Labour in the North.
Either that or she's ousted before the next general election.
I'm not fussed about breast-feeding if I'm honest, keeps the baby strong and means they're not drinking that bottled shit.
leadsom sucks nigger cock m8.
Yeah, so kill white people? Good plan.
Also, GCHQ please leave.
Non-issue really.
Daily reminder that even niggers know how awful niggers are.
Her children are as white as your neighbours in the Falklands.
They're paid by the post, they arn't leaving anytime soon.
It's the only explanation, he is a keen orator, has a humble background and has solid convictions in the Country.
He is the Yid's nemesis.
Yeah. It is a good plan.
I'm not responsible for your actions.
What an informative post.
He is in a way. Some based user added the relevant quote to the OP but I'll just reproduce it here anyway.
I actively support breast feeding but doing it in public, especially in the era of breast pumps, is quite simply asking for trouble. Even if you don't want to use a breast pump just keep formula milk for the baby when you go on outings with it.
Doing it in public should be illegal tbh
When do you think the Clinton Foundation got to Nuttalls family?
Just a harmless set of boobs mate.
Don't be a prude. She can go in the corner or somewhere else if it's bothering other people.
We know that this doesn't count as entrapment, GCHQ, but there's no point in over-doing your shilling.
However what I don't understand is him cutting himself off from all social media until after the leadership contest. That is a bit odd…
Who's the agent here? I think I know how to do my job qithout being told by a pipsqueak thank you very much.
You do even shitposting poorly.
Lad, babies have been sucking on tits in public since the inhabitants of this island wondered around in woad hitting things with sticks.
Sorry, sir, I'll get back to work.
Not an argument
You'd know all about shtposting tbh so I'll take what you're saying at face value
They belong to her husband cuck
She can go home and do it but she wants to show her tits off and get attention so she sits in a shop window and does it, cuck
And now there's no need to do it outside the privacy of ones home; can you actually fathom that lad?
So feeding your baby proper nutrition and creating the important bond between mother and child while doing so is niggish? That's news to me.
Just do it in private holy shit
To play the devils advocate - that's the equivalent of saying sex and excretion in public are okay because they're 'natural'.
Something specifically to feed babies are for the husband.
Shut up.
PATRICK O'FLYNN: So to further prosper UKIP, under its next leader, needs to switch from being an avowed libertarian party to being a patriotic party of the common sense centre ground of politics.
Anyone who dreams of running healthcare via a private insurance model, of liberalising gun laws along US lines or of turning a blind eye to aggressive tax avoidance by fat cat corporates and mega-rich individuals should not find themselves indulged by our policy agenda.
You do know that babies do not wait until you're at home before they get hungry?
There is nothing sexual or erotic about feeding an infant.
There are these things called public bathrooms, or bathrooms in shops
It's almost like there are no breast pumps in existence at all cuck
'baby changing rooms'
Where did I claim there was?
Though some guys will definitely enjoy staring at tits, or be distracted by such.
Yes, they're sexual object as well as baby related just like a fanny lad.
Get a grip you cuck.
Can't you read? Just because you're being a sperg about it doesn't mean other people are going to be. It's up to the owners of the establishment whether they allow mothers to breastfeed or not.
You don't get to call people a cuck when you're acting like this is an actual issue when there are rape gangs and pakis even allowed to walk the street sof this country. If you're gonna get triggered then atleast get your priorities straight. Jesus christ.
Excuse me while I drop a fat turd on the floor of the train
Yeah thats needs to be done in the middle of public. Go away.
I got a stiffy from seeing her nipple because tits are fucking sexy af lad. Baby attached to them or not. When your fat chinese wife is feeding her baby I'm going to remember what her tits look like and bang one out to her and you deserve every minute of it cuck
Just because tits can be doesn't automatically make breastfeeding the same.
False equivalent
Filtered you fucking autist lmao
Just shut up, you retard.
Note: I don't have a strong stance on this issue either way, but I'm sick of seeing people use the same tired rhetoric to defend public breastfeeding.
but babies are born out the fanny that means it belongs to them
Shouldn't that be "false equivalence"? Don't point out fallacies, come back with an argument.
I hope your wife gets raped brutally lad.
Your fetish not other peoples. Speaks more about you t.
Faggots in this thread will defend it because they get to see tits lad
Yeah lad not many men like tits tbh
How mature.
Moving from libertarian to patriotic on economic policy doesn't seem too bad to me tbh.
The gun thing is a bit cucked, but fuck having private health insurance as the only form of healthcare and fuck (((multinational corporations))) plundering our nation's wealth for their material benefit.
I don't see a problem with that outlay fam…
Not everyone is a mentally detached autist like you lad. If your bird is taking out her tits in public then you deserve everything. For me it's a green flag to go and grab them there and then tbh. Only le nature afterall and let's not pretend that's not what she's after cuck.
I thought for a second we'd got rid of all the spergs in brit/pol/. My mistake, will make more use of the filter again from now on.
Yeah, you're getting filtered Jamal.
Fine but that's a green flag for be to hit you.
It's like you enjoy /politics/ posters.
And you won't be able too because you're a limp wristed faggot who would let other lads look at his birds tits.
Jamal will do worse but you're OK with it because you're a cuck.
The fact you're comparing breast feeding to sex is argument enough. They are completely detacted from one another and yet retards on here think breastfeed equates to being invited to have sex.
Aside from the guns he's right.
Fuck me you sound like a retarded yank now filtered.
Do you reckon the fish and chippie will be open on a Sunday, lads? I'm fucking starving tbh and they don't have their opening hours on google.
I'm saying your argument for public breastfeeding opens the gateway for people to mention sex and open defecation as 'just natural lol' too.
What exactly is the drawback of breastfeeding in private? Why must people be disgusted, distracted or (for some) turned on by a public display?
Fish and chip shops are required by law to close on a sunday.
People are looking at your birds tits because she wants to be a special snow flake.
You're also trying to equate it to sex entirely because you know there is no argument for it to be public even though we've all agreed that it is a good thing if done it private.
Sounds like you're a cuck who let's other lads look at his birds tits
Don't even know why it's a debate again, Farage had the right stance.
That seems sensible.
Because bathrooms, pumps and formula for outings doesn't exist
These lads arguing for it get off on either seeing tits and public and want to defend it or they get off on others seeing their birds tits
Either way they are cucked af
UKIP hasn't been libertarian for a long time.
That's a brilliant environment to be feeding your child in, a pissy disabled toilet.
You do know that feeding from the breast releases hormones in the brain of the mother and the child allowing a stronger emotional connection, right? Not allowing this damages the relationship.
Hygene and common sense play a part here. I'm for the record indifferent and I don't think people go out looking to breast feed in public. But again equating feeding a baby and then people saying lets publicly fornicate sounds like a logical leap to me.
I'm shaking in my shoes
Who thinks that? Saying tits are sexual objects doesn't mean breastfeeding is being invited to have sex, merely that they're arousing. And that's all I'm feeding you, I swear.
I bet that's a euphemism.
This is why you're 22st, lad.
You're either a stupid cunt or you're taking the piss. Filtered. Seeing as I just addressed this very issue I wager both.
I hope your fat bitch of a wife gets rape with a broken bottle while a nigger stamps on your ugly baby tbh
This pretty degenerate of you to be honest. Freak.
Or they're self-righteous twats virtue signalling (pretending) that they totally wouldn't be affected by seeing titties in public.
Some spurge said he saw it as an invite to grab tit for fucksakes and the sad bit is I can't be sure if he's joking.
So lads do we think Leadsom has a good chance? I hope she can ride off the failures of May and May not really being too enthused about Brexit.
I can guarantee you that is what Jamal and Mohammed are thinking either way I'm going to masturbate to some lads wife's tits tonight because I know exactly what they look like
I'm actually 10st 3 mate.
Hygiene and common sense would dictate that you don't reveal sexual organs in public and release fluids from them, would they not?
Which is easily done if she's feeding my child in a disabled toilet and would be very difficult to do if she's feeding in a public place. Then again, maybe Britain will one day be Shariah compliant as you seem to want, Ahmed. Also, the fact that you want this seems to be like you're a degenerate shit-skin who gets off at the image of women getting raped, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm honest as you seemed to be one step away from posting scripture from the Qur'an.
Later, Ahmed.
Who knows the house could be dirtier.
Call the police on them lad. This is literally a racial hate crime!
Some autist on cuckchan, wasn't us lad.
it was a cuckchanner>>6654484
Ah well, I'm just playing the devils advocate as I said. I couldn't care less about public breastfeeding.
I don't think anyone actually takes Raheem Kassam serious as a leadership candidate so his examples of what leader not to choose is a red herring of instructions that were obvious to everyone.
The most important and disagreeable part for me was "[switching to the] centre ground"
What does he mean by the 'centre' if not policies of the egalitarian, social and morally liberal? Almost no one would describe Corbyn, Peter, Farage, Thatcher, Powell, Jacob Rees-Mogg (to indicate what the massive list of anti-Blairites looks like) as of the centre. On the other hand make a list of politicians widely understood to be on the 'centre' of politics – how many would you want actually leading UKIP?
Same. I got annoyed when I wass accused of virtue signalling though as if anyone gives a shit what others think of them on an anonymous imageboard. Retards.
Is it true that breast milk has cured cancer? I hear that said and I've never really believed it.
That seems sensible. We should be more like Labour.
How much corperate tax is paid verse how much they should pay if they weren't evading?
I assume he means policies which are unaffiliated with any "wing" of thinking, but instead offer the best outcome for the people of the UK (hence patriotic, common-sense).
Why are we being flooded with dumb wankers today?
You don't seem like an mummy poster at all.
Any and all talk of the 'centre ground' or being 'moderate' makes me immediately switch off. If UKIP is truly going to remodel itself after Cameron's Tories I'm out. They'll fail to win Northern voters with this rhetoric.
Yeah fuck british politics and maymays and all that shit, lets use this board to discuss our relationship problems!
All the university kids just sound English now. I know a lot of them were English but they all couldn't be
Thanks for your politics related contribution.
In his defence he kept it small and only posted in the other thread when it was on the last 10 to 20 posts or so.
NHS is the most wasteful, corrupt program in existance. It is impossible to reform and needs to be abolished.
It sparked multiple discussions on a range of political topics concerning women lad
At least I posted an ebin maymay and didnt whinge on about my whore of a gf playing a pink oboe that wasnt mine
How do you think I feel lad? Leeds, Yorkshire is the double of any soulless American city at this point. Shitskins everywhere and the students all have the most obnoxious southern accents.
Roughly twenty per cent of our budget is NHS fam
You mean nationalized healthcare. We're nationalists lad, not libertarians.
The world has fallen apart too much to simply tear the government down as if it was no longer useful.
I know its bad in England but I honestly didn't think it could affect Scotland to this extent, none of them say any Scottish words, its like London just moved up here overnight, I'm fucking scared because we're a population of 5 million, you could kill our accents in 1 generation.
In the southern accents defence it's only as obnoxious as they choose to make it. Usually because it's accompanied by baseless opinions.
Don't let it happen lad, regenal accents are what make this island grand.
Alba/Northumbria alliance when?
Come take my overcrowded shithole from me, I dare ya.
It'll be you're problem then
Oh I certainly didn't mean all Southern accents but I can't pin-point the region. It's really snooty and fits so well with the typical art college students' character that it's difficult to believe they're not emphasising it in some way.
To think I almost attended Leeds College of Art, shudder.
more like englishmen, welshmen and ulstermen purge londonistanis, scotcuks and tagis
Corbyn is credible on all these issues.
We need someone like Nuttall to appeal to a sentiment which Corbyn can't, which comes from holding political convictions on social conservatism, patriotism and resisting mass immigration, expanding the issues covered by UKIP.
We won't win by moving UKIP away from its base.
I know what Northumbria is and I know it's based m8, but Alba isn't purging anyone soon
I'm at the tip of Northumbria lad
The kids in the primary school still have my county's accent and all, but the cities are the first place to go usually, it was like looking into the future.
Yea become women just roll around in piss, how could piss get on their tit lmao
Northumbria covers the east coast lowlands of Scotland lad.
What's new, east coast accent is fuckin terrible almost as bad as the high pitched weegie accent
Yeah I know the type luckily my area is poor, in response they slowly moving in through gentrification.
kek calm down lad yer setting the dogs off
East Coast best coast lad, its just how it is. not that there will be a difference once the SNP mongrelise us
They want to turn us into cultureless amorphous blobs.
u fckn wot m8 cunt?
The Foole doth thinke he is wise, but the wise man knowes himselfe to be a Foole.
East coast all sound like stuck up halfbreeds mate ye should sound like a bottom feeding inbreeds like us westerners lad ;)
don't get me started on snp lad there fuckin bams
First in line for cleanisng
Lads, can I have some book recommendations?
Want some fact crammed books on history relating to the Arab Spring.
If it makes you feel better it's starting to happen up here in Newcastle too, lad.
My accent has been almost entirely erased, you would never in a million years guess I'm even from the North let alone from Newcastle. Most people think I sound like some generic American.
You two will have a film called "The last of the Scotish patriots" after we reclaim the UK.
the geordie accent is kinda awesome as well that's a damn shame user
kek it'll just be all the jocks from brit/pol/ ranting n raving about the muds , I'd watch it
Is Pokemon Go degenerate lads?
Scotch* tbh
Thats the way it should be tbh, Glasgow is known for its violent neds and Edinburgh is known for how boring it is. Ever been to America, they fawn over any Scottish accent more than any English one, not that they can understand you mind
fackin hell im not even fat and make my own food
voocaroo? I knew a geordie, could not understand a fucking word when he was drunk.
Have you lads watched Hornblower yet?
"England expects every man to do his duty, which is to watch Hornblower"
Lord Admiral Fellatio Nelson - (1805)
A low traffic board where people dump fashy pdf's doesn't help my question at all.
I'm looking for a book recommendation not a pdf.
Do you need a bloke from England as a translater?
I just start to talk like how famous scots do, with the accent but say no Scottish words, its shameful tbh
What does National Action do lad?
Someone needs to edit their logo for a Carswell approved 'civic national action' tbh.
Hornblower memeing is a very moral development tbh
Will this do lad?
My scotish slang is probably pretty poor tbh
Too close to the existing one but good effort.
Where is he now?
Indeed. Hornblower is even more moral than sharpe because hes more of a gentleman and doesnt muh dick every woman he comes across.
He dropped off the radar after betraying us.
Feeding Carswell with Tory instructions of how to destabilise UKIP.
Sorry it's hard enough to keep up with the 5 new slang words invented in my corner of London everyday.
Hornblower is a handsome chap.
Neither is as bad as the "Glasgow Yooni" accent
You live in London, that's pretty dire lad, must take a tole on you. I didn't really mean slang i meant typical words we use like ken, dinnae, here you instead of hey you.
With everyone saying people who enjoyed sharpe will enjoy this, might as well
No idea what you're on about lad, this accent is music to my ears :^)
How come that video plays like a .mp4?
Hornblowerposting is the freshest new meme on this board and moral to boot.
We should be using that vid is psychological warfare.
stobbit or your looking for another Travis/Barth dump.
Can they just get the fuck away.
Blame the Uni there mate.
The UK isn't like America, sooner or later they're going to be set upon by a group of lads.
Except hornblower is a worthy meme for this board unlike that other shit.
He deserves his place along side sharpe here in our hearts of oak are our ships
We don't even have the same stupid race baiting problems we have our own stupid race baiting problems to deal with. Now we have to deal withh an American puppet group.
I think you're right, lad.
Really makes you think.
You can bet Barfposter is going to try and claim the Battle of Hastings/William the Conqueror thread.
Also this graph for house effects is useful for how badly different pollsters overestimated or underestimated each vote.
are are* tbh
It sure would scare off the yanks and english filling the cities tbh. maybe even the muds filling up Glasgow, its scaring to think how mixed Glasgow is now
I don't ever remember the BBC being this bad as a kid.
shitty forced meme, have some certified rare Barth/Travis memes.
How did you know?
I already have some Hastings Barth OC lined up for that thread.
I don't remember the BBC being this bad until a year or so ago, recently they've been on overdrive. I think this was all planned for years from now.
god you're so fucking sad
Not to be too morbid but I would like to see a Scotish mulatto before I die.
Whats wrong with those memes?
You're just going to have it stolen back off of you again.
You're the reason I want nazi mods.
Well I guess deadlines are apporaching and the people arn't as brainwashed as they would like.
I only really noticed a year ago as well, I always praised the BBC on being a relatively unbiased news-source until then. I think that's what they were building up, a level of trust between viewers and the news so that people would not think of it as biased.
Why can't we have a dedicated brit/pol/ mod
you don't understand memes m8.
Because I think seeing a half caste with a squeeky Scotish accent would be hilarious.
As it hasnt been posted in a day or two, let us again indulge in the owen jones song
They exist lad and its a bizarre to hear them speak. But it is morbid lad, i want to stay a homogeneous nation tbh.
Could just be the people they're hiring now.
Anyone know if diversity has infected the Isle of Man?
Don't be so naive, people's complaints about the BBC go way back.
I feel ill
I'm sure most Scots will realise the reasons we will burn Bradford to the ground when the time comes. Either that or the SNP invades to save the muslims.
How far is way back?
Disgusting tbh. Hornblower would not only disapprove, he would tie you to the mast head and order your back flogged raw for such cancerous and rampant faggotry.
did you make that image?
It's trash, install GIMP.
I don't think it has, not to be mean but its too shit, immigrants want to move to places that are rich and attractive. (to them, ie cities) Don't get me wrong mann is good, but its not good to them.
You and i know scots are probably the most racist people on this island, they just like to keep it to themselves. Once the SNP is gone hopefully an actual nationalist party rises.
Why are you surprised we have a statue of Gandi in parliament square.
Important poal
I'm sure there are even earlier examples but I can't be bothered sifting through my books for the evidence.
That's terrible lad, but at least Gandhi has some sort of connection to Britain, if only as its enemy . Malcom X is just imported nigger shit which has absolutely nothing to do with us
we need another series like Hornblower tbh. I remember liking it as a kid tbh. No bullies
what does that even meme nigga?
there's nothing wrong with my memes, I don't see how it's faggotry.
Lad we can never have a series like Sharpe or Hornblower until we cleanse this land. Anyone else seen the last 2 episodes of Sharpe, they were horrible and you know exactly why.
I'd be interested to know which nation is the most racist, actually.
>>>Holla Forums5930716
>>>Holla Forums5962549
tbh lads
To be fair the BBC had to be much more cautious back then because of the Cold War. Didn't want MI5 blackbagging employees as potential infiltraitors. Although MI5 probably should have
not watched Sharpe tbh. Don't be a bully and spoiler it.
Somewhere in Asia probably or Africa
You could say American legacy is indirectly UK legacy I suppose.
Birmingham has also got uppity nogs with pieces of cardboard.
The irony now that MI5 has more than likely been infiltrated by Yids/Yanks.
**Basically the last 2 episodes were pozzed because they were made in 20
Impossible to calculate sadly.
I meant out of our little Isles.
Yids, Yanks, what's the difference?
2008* fucked the spoiler up tbh.
What is sharpe?
Are you SA, that image is the stuff SA would post.
your ignorance is astounding and your mannerisms crude and unbecoming of a supposed Englishman. You should consider doing the honorable thing sir and ending your wretched life.
hornblowerposting will always be infinitely superior to shitty barthcancer
Good post.
Shoot the ungrateful fucks tbh.
Better yet, give in to their demands and segregate them from white people and stop police patrols in their neighbourhoods, see how quickly they all kill eachother.
Why did no one have the political will to maintain separation from this fucking farce.
Based Barth to be fairly honest with you
I could have guessed tbh. We already have a historical drama with a black queen smh
Anyone got a link where I can download Sharpe?
Wew, Barth BTFO yet again. Nobody wants that loser's stench here.
Congratulations to Tim Murray for winning his second Wimbleydom Womble cup.
Now, who should I support in the final, lads?
Fuck me are the NEETs getting away scot free again. Probably because they're the only ones that bother to vote tbh.
UK cars get Brexit treatment as drivers cover EU symbols
Good grief, SON, what on earth happened to you?
You can't ban ALL Mummy posting, it's a part of Brit/pol/ culture.
this is what happens when you bully people.
Why not a Union Flag sticker?
The poo-in-the-loo episodes?
They werent terrible but they were certainly inferior to the previous napoleonic era episodes. I wonder if they will ever make the final book (shapes devil) which is set in Chile and has sharpe reunite with Blas Vivar and also meets the exiled Napoleon.
Very nice, it'll be good to start seeing our fair flag again
George Orwell wrote of a contempt for the indigenous from the intelligentsia. I assume it has something to do with superiority complexes and stroking their own egos… It's a good read though:
Things have gotten so bad that the NEETs are the least of our problems. It's a sign of the times tbh.
Who are you, copyanon?
end your life.
NEETs are the monks of KEK doing their part to spread meme magic to the corners of the internet
Christ, what a cuck. Couldn't light it for his own wife.
A group of nationalists that have never worked.
You and your wasted dubs can go get fucked mummies boy.
Dad this is me
Based Stupot
The only copies are quite blurry and shite tbh, i got a DVD collection off amazon for £5 and the image quality was much better.
My plate looks like pic related tbh.
The quality was such a massive drop, barely got through them tbh. remember scenes were the Sargent was making fun of the Indian soldiers for being muslims, thats the kind of poz im on about lad
>A Tory mum’s recipe for a perfect British society
smh. Guess I'll never watch it.
Top kek lads
For fuck's sake. This is their fucking dream. Can't wait until we're all brown and living in this idyllic society that will certainly come about. smh SMH
I want off this ride
that hurt to watch
She is almost certainly taking the piss, "Whisk with two tablespoonsful of military respect for authority" confirmed it.
Your lack of banter is cringe worthy lad, you're obviously not British.
muh white Evropa faggots talk like Labour voters tbqh
Haha Scandinavian barbarians and Slavs can't into railroads
Fucking animals.
They're just not shown on that map mate.
Wew lads I didn't know PJW was a cuckold
Yea he's become a tool of Alex "the Nazi NWO" Jones
He also calls George Soros a "white billionaire".
Funny how that works, isn't it?
pls trend #NotAllLivesMatter
I know this to be false, are we sure it isn't tongue in cheek to some extent?
You're sounding abit looney lad, have you been using your water filters and taking your Super Male Vitality TM* pills?
It's very tongue in cheek, I guarantee it. Mummy Leadsom wouldn't do this to us.
I suppose Sharpes Peril was a bit virtue signally in parts but it did at least have a village of based sikhs who btfo'd the muslim cavalry at the end.
Sharpes challenge wass bretty good though imo. It had a 'temple of doom' tier villan indian prince as the bad guy (he had spikes driven into british soldiers heads) and it also had a self serving ex east india company officer (Dodd) and that cold calcutlating indian consort bitch as the main antagonists and the british army (bar the corrupt useless toff brass that are always a feature of sharpe) as the good guys and not some ebil colonial oppressor.
Granted, Peril was a bit shit but challenge was ok.
GCHQ, you're dedicated, I like that. Have you got any apprenticeships open by the way?
Break up with her and post the nudes. My penis demands it.
Nah lad I heard water turned the frogs gay. I don't want to end up like the French.
Don't you see what she's doing here?
She's done something people haven't done for generations - named the Anglo-Saxon as an ethnic group.
This is a good thing for us.
Don't see a problem
I want to know his recipe for LSD.
It's on my to watch list. Wage slave here, taking Wednesday off so will watch it then.
I don't want a mongrelised culture, lad, especially not one which considers Muslims the go to when learning about respect for the family.
You've got a point there lad. Shame it's only the determination she mentions.
Still, we should meme ANGLO-SAXON DETERMINATION.
That's not a joke lads, there are plenty of blacks and Arabs on the pitch - but what's more, the white players are all Slavic.
Must have been taking the piss, Muslim respect for family boils down to throwing acid in the face of kids who disobey them.
She's just saying that we should return to these values we have lost
I don;t know what you're on about lad, i see loads of proud frenchmen on the field.
Le Afrique
Listen up you morons! i keep hearing "it's the jooz it's the jooz" It's not! anyone with half a brain could work this out, your just trying to find a group to blame for you not being successful, When actually it's the freakin Saudis allied with the damn Globalist Nazis!
We used to do all that shit without having to look to other cultures as an example. We were paragons of those virtues once upon a time.
Haven't heard that expression used in a while.
No shit, and now we dont, so we should return to those values. Attaching an ethnicity to them will only help her ethnic vote.
Feels indifferent tbh lads
Giroud and Lloris are French at least, possible Griezmann also. Still pretty bad though.
We're becoming swamped with Americanisms and I despise it.
I never got this. Surely if you hate yourself that's taunting, not helping?
God damn it some of you people are thick as pig shit.
Still buy into being a trap though.
Pretty based comments.
You don't get a lot of things you mentally ill faggot
The only thing you're getting is a Taig version tbh
Yeah, they're idiots. White nationalism at this stage is pretty much leftism but whites only. "oh we can't hurt any other white's feelings". Almost makes me cringe as much as when they used to say "we're not supremacists, each race has something they're superior in compared to others, we're JUST for self-determination"
Crap tbh.
This is just an excuse for them to have a notting hill type of carnival for a few days with some brixton tier riots for good measure. Anything to get out of signing on or looking after the kids they shit out…
I like it when nignogs chimp out, it reminds people that they'll ALL have to go one day.
It also makes no sense because whenever we criticise it they begin calling Brits subhuman crypto-Kikes.
BLM hates robots.
But it says Derry when you type it into google =)
I miss Paisley tbh.
ban transphobes tbh
We all do lad
Dubs of truth tbh.
Hurts tbh
Stupid fucking niggers. I'm sure inconveniencing people because of something that has nothing to do with this country will endear people to their cause. Let them chimp.
Commies using nogs to start a revolution
I'm just messing around lad.
tfw you're 9 inches shorter than him
How can I be a transphobe is transexuality isnt real?
Millennial Wews, is that you?
He's like 4'10 lad.
Some people don't understand that gender is a choice.
No apologies. We're not sorry.
I'll be the first to support any successful nationalist movement in Europe or one with potential, that's why I love Golden Dawn and Front Nationale, I also love Serbia. But let's be clear that I don't want all of these European people here, they're not British and have their own wants and needs which will not always be the same as ours, or even be so most of the time. The odd one here and there willing to give his upmost for this country while they're here I'm fine with, but fuck these entitled cunts just because they share a similar phenotype and have some genes in common.
Appently this makes us little-Englanders though.
Nothing new with that. It's pretty much standard procedure.
The boys need to learn
This has been going on for YEARS in the US since civil rights era.
the total madman
Is that Angela Eagle?
I heard he was 3'8".
He's the size of a garden gate.
That's a big fucking guy,
I believe he could legit commit a mass shooting at this point, nobody would believe it was him and he'd get away.
Suspected killer of 5 police officers and master false-flag tactician ex-mossad ex-federal police man Sam Hyde
Fucking spoiler that, jesus lad.
Oh, you mean Boston Ross?
UUUU tbh
I'm not gay
kek #Triggered
Good new thread
Just what a faggot would say, faggot nonce
Nonce faggot tbh.
>>>Holla Forums
Indeed, this is well documented and happens in multiple countries, destabilisation and subversion via controlling black agitators and 'movements'.
I don't quite know how to describe how irritating and pathetic these people are. They probably think they're such brave little revolutionaries too.
Segregation will happen in 40 years time if not deportation, mark my words.
Where are NA now? This is the opportunity for a race war that they've been waiting for is it not? That's right, they're full of shit. Even EDL didn't put up with this kind of nonsense when the London riots were on.
They don't start violence or the group would be banned as terrorists INSTANTLY
wow, really induces a brainwave…
They can do what Choudhary and co do and rename.
Lad football was a staple of victorian britain
I wish we could just go back to all-white teams and comfy games against our commonwealth bros.
It's a Scotch Midget!
Haha fags
No, you're a cuck for painting the nogs as physically intimidating rather than dumb cunts who base their career options off of kicking a ball.
Funny fact, american indians living on shitty reservations with crippling alcohol problems outperform niggers in school and life. They also don't like blacks.
Blacks are pussy boys who just got enslaved by everybody. American Indians fucking scalped their enemies and fought back so that they weren't enslaved.
Wrong thread number.
You gotta at least put some effort in lad.
you should suck my dick tbh