Fucc marry kill

fucc marry kill

kill the yellow one and fucc the red one

according to that, you are closeted gay

WHat are those things called?


What happens to the fourth one, O.P? What happens to the fourth one?


I think we are not supposed to talk about what happened to that one.

you dont do anything to the fourth one, faggot

no worries

this is not fight club. its t-teletuclub

Red is like the least gay choice, user. Green and yellow are the choice for homos, just look at thier erect antennas.

Damn it! I want to do something to the fourth one,, don't give me pictures without options!

This thread is now about the fourth option in fucc, marry, kill.

Why has no posted the terrifying sun baby yet?

Tinky winky

thats why i said closeted

you are in denial

hush now grumps. sometimes you gotta accept things as they come

because its illimunati


No.. There were four figures in that picture. I need a fourth option. fucc, Marry, Kill,,,, What? What? What do I do?

there are four tubbies

you can do three things in total

and you cant do anything to the fourth teletubbie

Why is the fourth one there? Why? I refuse to waste anything.This thread needs a fourth option.

Damn it.. There are four,, four naked women. What does Holla Forums do with the fourth?

Far right. fucc and marry!

its my thread. i call the shots

Of course, you know what Tubby Custard was all along, don't you?


… how to kill a thread…

But what of the time honored customs of the internet? fucc, kill and marry is traditionally applied to three subjects. You are disregarding the autistic natural of the internet. You must provide a fourth option for the fourth teletubbie, or be guilty of internet heresy.

do i look like i give a fucc?


Behind your contempt for our customs lies a lack of imagination. Admit you cannot think of a fourth option and your perverted peers of Holla Forums shall provide one. Can your imagination provide us a fourth option or not?

Please elaborate. Do I run the fourth teletubbie over with the Truck or do I go on a road trip and drive to Denver to buy pot with the fourth teletubbie?

I was hoping it would be filtered into the lewder trucc.

and this guy leaves us with another extra. What do with all these naked women?

i claim the thread my property and as the landlord, i reserve the right to rule the pussy on the said land. which law school were you from again, you arm chair judge?

fucc marry kill

I claim the right to judge your thread because you posted it and I found it. You came here to amuse me and you have not provided a fourth option of perverse degradation for the fourth teletubie. You have failed me!

o am laffin

according to which contract exactly?

We have a social contract here. Holla Forums was intended to be amusing and fulfill certain needs. If you were not willing to participate in this contract you would have kept your fantasies of teletubbie murder and rape to yourself for a private fap.

You did not. You shared. Please honor this silent accord and provide a fourth option for the fourth teletubbie. or request that a fourth option be created.

jesus man..
fourth one will get a blowjob


Thank you for your compliance. If you had not complied I would have been forced to impose upon you the harshest penalty the internet allows. This has been averted. O.P. is not a faggot.

t-thanks satan


My identity has been revealed and now you know the true purpose of this thread.


sacrificing new born babies

You will be rewarded for your actions in the way that was promised to you.

a-always been a pleasure

(ill be waiting for the nightly call)

fucc yellow
marry purple
kill green

my reasoning is yellow is a good cumslut

purple has money, you can tell because purple is the color of the wealthy

green looks like a burn victim who will burn you to death in your sleep to relive the moment of the tragedy

how about the red baby?

she's a commie and lacks the thicc thighs of yelloww