Hey Holla Forums, what's your favorite anime?
Mine is Kill la Gumball
Hey Holla Forums, what's your favorite anime?
Mine is Kill la Gumball
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on a side note, if this wasn't outsourced, the french are getting pretty god tier with animation.
Holla Forums is now open to anime and cartoon posting. If you have any discontent with Holla Forums then you are welcome to post there.
I was really impressed with how well done the animation of the Dofus movie was
agreed, though Wakfu is sort of a technical marvel in general.
I wanna fuck that cloud lady.
All I know about Gumball is this and that one porn animation. I have to assume the show doesn't do this kinda crazy thing often.
Didn't the French help out with Cybersix? I figure they have to have at least a few people who work on action stuff often.
No one cares
what episode is this?
It's a good reaction face mine that unlike Steven Universe, isn't desperate to pop up in a Tumblr dash.
Why do people still do this?
Great, now I wanted to see Nicole looking like something out Fist of the North Star now.
wait, that's from the actual show?
It's not from that guy who does animated Nicole Watterson porn?
Yup, that was from the actual show.
but regardless, i hate anime
from the tubey arms to the overly layered hair to the dinner plate eyes. the average anime knows as much about human anatomy as I do about having a social life
As far as I could find, Cybersix was produced in Canada/Argentina with outsourced Japanese animation. Not sure if France helped.
A lot?
i'm on a chan board. what do you think
Probably FLCL
A lot.
I can't watch this scene, or most animes really, without it being painful. They think they look cool, but they're always doing something idiotic like cheerleaders shooting lasers that destroy half the earth or something. At least Spongebob knows it's stupid.
Either Holla Forums overrates it to much or you're the same user from Holla Forums.
i did post this on Holla Forums
You do know what parody is right?
Oh never mind.
Nigger do you bitch about catoonists not knowing shit about human anatomy because they draw eyes as giant circles with just little black dots? Should Tartovsky go back to art school because he drew Samurai Jack with a literally square chin?
Wait, this is real?
At first I thought this was Mike Inel just doing a fanimation and actually making his stuff look like anime, but as it went on I realized he couldn't imitate it that well.
so do I
The Fury.
I'd argue that he was drawing it to fit a certain art style, but regardless of that I never said all cartoons had great anatomy
the anatomical retardation of your precious nippon aside, there's dozens of other reasons I hate anime. from the molasses speed of the pacing through the horribly choppy animation to the shitty fight scenes and ending on the obsession on underage girls' panties, I'd say that we should send a dozen or so more nukes to japan just to wipe this trend out and hopefully allow our art to evolve beyond this cheaply made derivative of the superior western cartoons and art style
You missed my point, you autistic faggot. You don't get to talk about animation like you're an expert if you can't even understand stylization. You can tell the difference between some faggy kid drawing anime who never learned anatomy, and actual people who understand anatomy.
Sometimes people who make anime and cartoons don't understand it, but shit like tiny waists and big eyes does not mean that it has 'bad anatomy.'
You already know he's autistic, just ignore him. All he wants is attention, just like that lolcow who pretended to hack the board a while ago.
I really like Gravity Monogatari.
anime nicole doesn't have big enough tits.
The implied incest/lesbian love triangle was a little much, though.
(Check Check Check'd)
That's not possible.
They're still not as good at it, and neither is anyone else. There's variables other than how long an industry has been around.
The anatomy is normal, it's just the heads that are stylized. And it's not because they don't understand what human heads look like.
Anime is not limited to just 1000 episode long daytime shounen shows.
Anime is not just Disney animation with the framerate cranked down, it's a completely different system.
They're the best fight scenes you'll find anywhere.
And yet if a live action movie has scene where an "underage" character is having sex or getting brutally raped, you people say nothing and you're totally fine with it.
Underage doesn't even mean anything in anime.
What's stopping you from "evolving" it right now?
Anime has surpassed Western animation.
all this f/a/ggotry, go cry into your pillow waifus you autists
western supremacy forever
Anime has surpassed Western animation and no amount of delusional butthurt ultra-nationalist shitposting is going to change that.
Both animation styles have there positives and negatives.
Western Animation is has more flow, but the designs are more "simple", while Eastern Animation has more detailed frames but is more limited in movement.
The real question is why can't we find a middle ground for both?
because you touche yourself at night
anime is shit and you're shit for liking it
Anime could go for the middle ground by simplifying its designs, drawings and layouts, but they've elected not to do that. A lot would be lost but nothing would really be gained. Movement is overrated in animation. It made sense for cartoons and Disney movies to have very fluid and consistent movements (and they were shorts and movies, not TV shows), but not all animation has to follow in their footsteps.
And what's with some people calling it "Eastern animation" when it's obviously just Japanese animation?
You are just upset because it has superceded Western animation.
Not really, I believe the more orgainic an animation is, the more believable it can be and eye catching. The characters don't have to be too detailed or realistic for that either. As subjective as it is, it can help amplify a show or movie in quailty.
You are thinking of animation as just animation, not as cinema. When you think of animation as cinema there are a lot of considerations besides the amount of animation.
That third gif is terrible by the way. The speed and timing are completely messed up.
this ain't those semen encrusted reverse-comic-books you call entertainment, it doesn't matter how detailed something is if it doesn't fucking move
the thing about animation is that it's supposed to be, and here's the keyword, animated
you can show me the most detailed pictures together in a slideshow, but I won't call it good animation because it's not well animated
Or is it even a meme? Maybe it should more appropriately be called a lie. It's especially ridiculous today, when the production quality of TV anime has advanced by leaps and bounds since the 90s.
Also, you did what I was just talking about: considering animation only as animation, with no regard to anything else.
gee, why would i do that? get bent, retard
Because your understanding of animation is very limited.
yes. why should I think animation should be animation? I see the error of my ways
how does it feel being retarded?
You're the one who's retarded here. There is no reason why animation should rely exclusively on animation.
no one ever said that, dumbass
what I did say is that animation SHOULD have good animation
You already did:
you're right, i change my mind. anime is dogshit because it doesn't use animation right
it might as well be a dramatic reading of the manga pages for you little faggots. it'll revive the books on tape genre and you'll all have something more discrete to blow your load to
It uses it very well.
So what you're saying is that you're deeply upset because anime is better than Western animation?
well i liked jojo part 4
oh, go cry into your manga you weebshit and just submit that the pinnacle of anime isn't worthy to lick the boots of even the mediocre western animation
How can anime even compete?
It's been months of this shit and people are still falling for the anti-anime sperg's bait.
What makes you think it's bait? Imageboards are filled with people who hate anime.
it's great that you only choose low budget comedy and kids shows to make your point. it's like me comparing the DCAU to Hamtaro
"The pinnacle of anime isn't worthy to lick the boots of even the mediocre western animation," but now I'm accused of unfair cherry-picking.
Comedy and children's shows in anime look better too, and have lower budgets.
This is an educational morning show that started this season:
It looks mediocre by anime standards.
looks steven universe-tier to me, faggot
I agree King of the Hill does blow all that crap out of the water
It doesn't.
It doesn't.
Behead those who insult king of the hill
Nice try, faggot.
Nice try at what? I wasn't trying anything.
it does
yes. and you know it
I agree
To be honest I'm not sure what we are talking about anymore.
I've seen less pathetic arguing over "MY THING IS BETTER THAN YOUR THING" on cuck/v/ 2010+ console wars/sales threads. Even those threads didn't devolve into "nuh-uhs" and "uh-huhs".
Can you fucks just turn down the autism?
You people sicken me.
Anime has waifus though.
So do Cartoons
God help us if Holla Forums decides to invade Holla Forums like they did with Holla Forums.
Action on CN is dead.
Gumball always outdid Steven Universe.
In everything!
Oh, people agree on that?
Guess there isn't ONLY tumblr cancer on the web nowadays.
Gumball is seriously so fucking good what is it doing on TV in 2016 it belongs in cartoon valhalla with Chowder and Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack
Waifu doesn't mean "attractive female character."
You can say you have a waifu when making something like this starts to seem like a good idea:
American animation has very little potential for causing that kind of a response.
I wouldn't really say cowder at least anyting past the first season.
More like
Steven Universe claims to have a lot of anime influence, but you can tell almost all of it is surface level. This was actually kind of neat, and felt like people who actually enjoyed anime had the idea to do this particular episode.
Steven Universe wishes it looked remotely as good as that.
Gumball is a lot better than either of those shows. Especially in terms of art design.
Good first season, bad everything else. They dropped the ball, hard, and even forgot basic premises of the show foods and ingredients are sometimes referred to by their real names after the first season.
Only good if you like cringe and gross out humor. It's mostly there to shock you into laughing with grotesque imagery.
Gumball is a quality show with quality writing. It's only real flaw is just how assholish all the characters are, especially in the first series.
What the hell is the "steven's penis" joke even mean, or is it muh randum thumor?
Did they outsource that? It seriously looks like something Trigger would make.
To me it looks a little off, almost but not quite what you would expect from anime.
I heard they asked Trigger to do it, but Trigger was already busy doing something else so they went with Studio 4c.
Either Luluco or that new Little Witch academia series, I pressume
Fun fact: Eddy's jap VA also voices Okuyasu in the animu
Probably making fun of how Steven's the only male gem. And maybe because they make a big deal out of the gender?
It's Pearl's Character Arc. She begins the series being a lesbian whose idol and lover was transformed into a fat child with a penis.
Over time Pearl learned to care for and love Steven and to appreciate his penis. Thank God for Steven's penis.
Thank God this shitty show is over now and we can all just forget it ever existed.