Think about it…you never hear about "crazy dog ladies" or "crazy goldfish ladies". Never "crazy parakeet ladies" or "crazy guinea pig ladies".
pic related, it is your parents.
Think about it…you never hear about "crazy dog ladies" or "crazy goldfish ladies". Never "crazy parakeet ladies" or "crazy guinea pig ladies".
pic related, it is your parents.
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Why cats though?
That picture is making me hot. Post Moar!
dad's a crazy dog guy. mom's a nervous wreck religious lunatic that's already dead. you can appreciate cats without getting knee deep in "pussy"
I fuccing hate cats. Dogs are better than the rest
dogs are annoying, they bark at anything foreign and piss to mark their territory.
It's toxoplasmosis, my dude
Cats do the same, but their piss is a lot worse, btw, its relative to the house and owner, dogs are made for work, cats not.
Yea, cats totally don't piss and shit anywhere besides their litter box
Killing household vermin counts as work.
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Poopy poop poo
So you are saying when a dog kills a cat it counts as work…ok, I buy that.
True, but they don't leave headless mice next to your bed for you to step on with your bare feet first thing in the morning, and they don't jump up on the table while you are eating and stick their ass in your face.
But they arent made for that, its their instinct.
It's extremely easy to toilet train dogs, it took like two weeks to teach mine to go outside to do the business. Same thing with barking. Dogs are intelligent and willing to learn. Cats aren't so bad if you know how to take care of them, but don't act like dogs aren't the superior companion animal.
Because its only spread through cats
crazy bird ladies are pretty common. as are crazy guinea pig and rabbit ladies. fish require proper care.
You bet we are! But at least we're naked.
all of those, especially the first one, are benefits.
cats were very important back when the black death was rampant in europe in the 1300s. it was spread by rat fleas, which were spread by rats, which cats love to kill.
also, when your entire food supply is a huge bag of grain in your cellar, and rodents can eat significant portions of it, a cat is a good thing to have.
of course this is irrelevant nowadays, but if cats didn't exist at all then who knows. maybe the plague would have completely destroyed humanity in europe
My cat just goes and comes as he pleases. Eats bugs and mice. Everyone wins.
Are you retarded or something? Crazy dog ladies are common as fuck. You see and hear about them all the time, they dote on their dogs as if they were children.