Racist Anita Sarkeesian Exposed?!


Anita Sarkeesian has apparently been exposed as a racist along with Sam Hyde by HuffPo endorsed website HelloRacist. Thanks, HelloRacist!

"Being able to interview the anonymous founder of HelloRacist, was an opportunity to understand why a platform like HelloRacist continues to be necessary today."

Good point, Nancy. I'm sure thousands of people will share the info about the racists on this site far and wide.

Other urls found in this thread:


Why for the love of God do they stamp their logo over the content?

Well, I guess they really want you to know that HelloRacist.com is the website that exposed Anita and Sam first.

I hear they are working on a MoonMan hitpiece next. No racists will be safe.

Wow, she's so beautiful! I'd take her strap-on for hours, prep her bulls, raise her children, and massage her butthole with my tongue to help her sleep.

Pick one.

You don't deserve those dubs.

Hop off into the nearest oven at your earliest convenience, degenerate.

you know, most shills at least try to blend in…

Dubs again confirm everything I said.

Fucking Kikes.

Kek bless me with 1488 for prepping the bull!

Kek bless me with 1488 for prepping the bull! !!!


i wanna hatefuck anita so bad

Maybe next time little goy..

This is owned by a Holla Forumsack.


I just realised.

We can turn this into a "racism against white people" site.

I don't think so. You don't get sites like HuffPo to promote you randomly. They had connections, so they are probably actual SJWs.

I think that either they didn't check the content submitted to them closely enough or they were hacked. Either way, lol.

Nice idea. If Holla Forums would be clean of shills i would endorse that.

Nah. They approve all content manually sadly.

You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villain.


right back at you

Villains are usually more cool than heroes.


This isn't real.

Oh no , next they'll go after Hitler. We need to keep his veneer of the stately old gentleman who loves dogs up until he can go full Sam Hyde.

It actually says

Holla Forums shilling confirmed. And since when did HuffPo actually check facts, if you are saying "the right" things on the surface, you're golden.

Anyway, Gamergame rumoured, but never proved, that Josh 'n Annie were PUA's before they were feminists. They were just chasing the easy money.
One of them will discover a holocaust survivor in the family tree next.

so what's the catch, throwing anita under the bus just like that?


Based Slav

There isn't a catch; the left survives by eating itself alive.

Bumping with OC

To hide the facts that the racists are exposing, obviously.

Notice how the stamp is smack in the middle of the statistics in the Sam Hide picture.


They are basicly redpilling their visitors by giving a platform fo based comments from ordinary people. I want to see more of this.

- A seed of doubt planted in the back of the normie mind.


Someone should take the right image (the Sam one) join it with a print screen of the actual FBI statistics (with the URL on the image in some manner, of course).
Then, the resulting image can be spammed to show how the statistics are true (and can be checked via the link).
In addition, red highlighting of the "black on white" isn't rape bit would be useful.

FALSE: archive.is/42KcV

Did the idiot archive?

Thanks. It's fake

It seems like this site will post any bullshit without verifying it. Who else can we get them to accuse? It seems all we have to do is make a fake screenshot. The site owner is either one of us trolling, or a severely autistic listen and believe SJW.

God, of all the kikey/niggery little phrases out of America, this one has to trigger me the most.
Why can't these people even put up a good pretense of being human? No normal human is ever going to take another seriously, who sees great intellectual virtue in denouncing others for not 'owning their' opinions.

Slav stronk

"I actually find it quite refreshing when people own their slaves."


Ahaha, so they will not submit 'racism' (dumb buzzword) against whites?

Isn't that 'racist' in and of itself?

Literally who is this ugly person?

racism is power plus privilege
so white people cannot be racist

!!!not my opinion btw, desu!!!

"He tried to claim that black men are rping white women ( AS IF THAT WOULD EVEN BE CONSIDERED RAPE SMH) whoever runs this website is fucking nigger