i literally can't stop laughing at this
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This needs to be captioned. "Do not want."
KëK! I'm a liberal and I can't stop laughing at this shit.
In their commie dreams they will be shot in the nape.
Saw this on Sargoy's stream, can't find one with sound though.
Just try with prayers to Christ in any building and the real chimpout will start nigga.
Looks staged, but that face is just too happy.
That guy literally can't even
mmm this is music in my ears
What do you mean "how"?
I prefer the term "progressive" these days, but they basically mean the same thing. Unfortunately, the bleeding-heart mental patients have spread their cancer pretty far and wide.
The first step to loving yourself is being able to laugh at your own mistakes. Good for you, Holla Forums, you're slowly moving onto the correct path.
I know this feel…..life long democrat and i voted for TRUMP
Are you sure progressive is the right word? I'm guessing when you say liberal you mean kind of like most in the sceptic™ community, but progressive (for me at least) has even more far left wing connotations unless you're from Holla Forums in which case it's different all together
From the footage that I saw probably half of the people getting tear-gassed were people trying to record people throwing rocks at stuff. It's hilarious to me that people are so obsessed with recording things that they can't just sit back and lul at things from a safe distance.
how is that staged? The libshits would not do anything anyway except chant their nursery rhymes when confronted with someone running around and spitting on them
You haven't had much exposure to the behavior of most progressives have you?
Hahaha! Oh wow, it does not get much better than this.
Not "Holla Forums". Take a break from Holla Forums, m8.
Really? I was a Sanders supporter and I hope TRUMP is assassinated sooner than later.
It's easy to get lost in all the different interpretations and it really comes down to semantics, but I think of "progressivism" as simply accepting the fact that there is a maelstrom of perspectives and acknowledging the fact that they're ultimately subjective; thus, the best way forward is to adapt to unforseen circumstances and, within reason, accept people's differences/lifestyles so long as they don't infringe upon mine.
I hope you get choked to death on nigger cock you fuccing nutjob.
Mike "50,000 electoral vaults" Pence is now president
way to go, retard
You supported a fake candidate with 0 intention of actually becoming president
The funny thing is: As soon as TRUMP is assassinated, his Vice President will be in power and he is WORSE from the vantage point of the people that want to assassinate TRUMP. So if you assassinate TRUMP you just make it worse.
Yet I bet if he gets assassinated it will be some black lives matter affiliated group and they won't even understand that.
fuccing disgraceful.
I don't care. As irrational as it may be, my hatred for TRUMP surpasses any logic. I mean, I literally hate him more than any human being on the planet.
Most people would be saying the same about TRUMP if he didn't get the Republican nomination. In fact, I think you should recall that discussion taking place quite often.
Drumpf is not my president.
You know what I think is the most painful part of this?
These people actually believe they're being revolutionaries. Like the same freedom-fighting men and women from their history books. These people aren't revolutionaries at all. They are literally token hipster leftists, all clad in hoodies, and hipster glasses, and scarfs. Do they not realize they all represent a token group of conformists themselves?
Please, you're not fooling anyone. No one on this site is allowed to act morally superior.
Btw, you forgot the quotations for "democratically elected"
Who says? You? Ha! As if you're some authority.
Sorry for being a retard, but could you elaborate further?
I don't need to be an expert on hipsters to know that there's a good chance I'll be surrounded by them in Brooklyn.
Well, it's a republic in which individuals and corporations can make unlimited donations and bribery (aka lobbying) is literally legal. And the electoral mess needs to be done away with; in fact, before he was elected, your God Emperor totally agreed.
shame on you, user. this is Holla Forums.
free speech is a thing round here
He means "How in the age of information can you be such a fuccing retard?"
I agree, however, I was saying that he was elected democratically if you just pinpoint the elections down to the red and blue (which is how it was, will, and continue to be).
That's a weird analogy (if it even is).
I have just as much capacity to say how their behaviour is disgraceful. I am not implying nor would I support the silencing of him nor the people who advocate for the assassination. But as stated, I should be able to voice my opinion.
Nuh uh, you are
I mean it's no secret that Holla Forums is filled with unsavory characters who embody racism, sexism, homophobia etc. etc. And on top of that, you have pedos and trolls.
This is why I don't take any user seriously who engages in moral posturing,
So much grasping at straws tbh
I get your point now. I concede.
Good, I'm glad
Really? I was a Sanders supporter and I hope TRUMP is assassinated sooner than later.
How tolerant how brave!…..and you wonder why you lost smh
Homophobia and Racism are not grey, they are at the very end of the spectrum; that being a bold black. Extremism is either black or white, you cannot have grey extremism.
Wait a minute is that Patton aswalt?
No, you're inferring. I fully accept the fact that morality is an abstract matter of perception… and from my perception, many anons are morally questionable at best.
From my perspective, it's wrong when generalizations (however accurate some stereotypes may be) lead to such unbridled hatred for them, or lead one to literally consider groups of people to be "subhuman".
Well I hope you like electroshock therapy as trust me that's what you're going to get. I wonder will it be like a recreation on the Nazi camps but with homos?
Yeah, having an aversion to people who spread disease, such terrible people!
Yeah, fucc my race! We must all be multicultural!
That is extremism. You can try to justify it, and good luck to ya!
It is so like you to conjure up this conjecture. No, you do not need to be a racist to have an aversion to multiculturalism. If you would like me to explain, I will do so, but at your request, if you're having trouble understanding.
Whoa, slow down there, pal
How are those things working out so far? How do you like your God Emperor's new proposal for universal health care? How about the tax breaks that will never trickle down to peasants like us? Sooner or later you'll realize that Emperor TRUMP was just a slimy plutocrat who wanted to stick it to liberals for a few years.
Heterosexuals spread disease all the time. And if you're referring to HIV, for the most part, they only spread it amongst themselves.
As far as your taxes go, the cost isn't even worthy of consideration. However, the money we spend on medication in the US absolutely IS worthy of consideration.
Why does everything always come down to a fuccing race war with everyone these days? I wouldn't say that it's "extremism", but then again, that depends on how you let your racist tendencies manifest themselves.
Wow….this is hilarious. I think I missed comedy gold today. Does anyone have the full video?
How can you realistically, as an adult, do something like this and pretend you're a mature, rational human being? This is, verbatim, what a child does in the toy aisle when they don't get what they want.
Këk. It's embarrassing, but let's not pretend there wouldn't be some cringey shit from Republicans had TRUMP lost.
It's easy to look at this and say, "duuuh, typical liberal", but this is a very small group of SJW stereotypes.
And that very small group is currently looting, burning, and trashing everything in sight, and the man has barely been president more than a few hours.
I'm gonna need a source on that
Yeah, like those times Republicans rioted in the streets after Obama won or when Bill Clinton one and OH WAIT that didn't fuccing happen. In fact, this isn't the first time Dems rioted over them losing, people protested when Bush won too. Protesting is inherently a leftist social democrat thing. Republicans don't protest, they actually learn to play politics
Bush proved himself to be impetuous and dangerous, and TRUMP and his gaggle of cronies will almost undoubtedly leave a wake of destruction in their path – seems like a decent reason to protest to me.
Perhaps you disapprove of it because you're a bootlicker.
How do YOU like it?
Typical leftist us vs them rage against the machine mentality. fuccing kill yourself
TRUMP obviously lacks strong convictions, so I take any statement/promise he makes with a pretty yuuge grain of salt. If he manages to put in place a new-and-improved universal healthcare system, then I'll be ready to give credit where it's due.
It's ironic that people like you use the term "cuck".
fair enough
I'm unlike other TRUMP supporters in many ways, and for a long time I've believed that a populist republican with a strong desire to leave a legacy i.e. TRUMP is america's most likely path to universal health care
can you literally not even?
Some one please end his misery.
This is depressing as fucc.
how about dentist hunt?
Not as impetuous as the mob of people that didn't vote starting riots and burning shit down because the man America elected president said mean things about the stereotypes they resemble.
I really hope that faggot needed surgery for his face too
thats a guy? what the fucc happened to this world.
lel they are like kiddies someone took candy away
its the american way
but only for presidents that don't do what they're told to
I've got a ticket for you…
What terrible editing, why do they cut at the best part? I wanted to see the result of him getting his face stomped and the aftermath.
This election really is the gift that keeps giving, every time I think the salt mine has run dry we hit another vein.
Can it really last 8 years?
cuck crywalker
I want this as an installation in my living room. It's fuccing beautiful.
Longer than 8, friend
jeez, and the retards just stood there and took it
You can feel all the horror going through her head as she scream; The Lolocaust, The Napkin rape and the the HoGreat Old Oneomor, all at once.
looks like you no longer can call a afag afag on Holla Forums….
so Holla Forums i got an exclusive interview with the Black Israelite's. plz listen to this and reflect. They really do advocate for a race war. sendspace.com
does that download come with a free virus?
nah its a regular mp3. The, Das rite is profound in that call
upload it to youtube or post it here if you want anyone to listen to it (convert it to a webm or mp4)
ok i did it
ty ill watch it later
eeeeeeeyyyy, MAGA-rena… aight!
i uploaded wrong hold on ppls
bleh i cant youtube it, its over 15min long
part 1 and part 2
it'll do it later, unless another fgt wants to do it. BLACK POWER white boi