Other urls found in this thread: gay&src=typd

Was getting caught part of your plan?

That guy always tries to put on the Angry black man face even though he's a skinny manlet

He looks like he smokes cock.

he'll be out tomorrow and will never get charged

They should have put him down instead of barely arresting him.

It's about fucking time, even though it probably won't be for long.

Him, Lynch, Obama, most of fucking MSM, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton should be charged with inciting violence.

Soros should have a death penalty for funding international wars.

He does, in fact.
Most famous black men are.

fags, that is

Let's stop talking like cavemen.

That was grammatically sound given the context. Nigger.



What? Him should be charged? Me not know English. Me talk like black man from cave. Him not know words.

This nigger is Soros funded isn't he?

Hope he hangs himself in jail.


I was using proper grammar faggot.

Thanks satan. I enjoyed watching that gay nigger get his comeuppance. Also MUH NO SIDEWALK MEANS IT'S COOL TO WALK IN THE FUCKING ROAD


If I said 'he' then I would have said: He, Lynch, Obama, most of fucking MSM, Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton should be charged with inciting violence.

Maybe you're right, but that sounds wrong. Also the fucking MSM, or fucking MSM seems to be trite and overly nitpicky. If you're going to continue with the semantics it's only polite that you sage.

Good and all, but Soros shekels will get him out within 24 hours most likely. Hopefully they'll give him a parting gift as he walks.

That wouldn't be a problem in a libertarian society…

If you're a car and not a human bean, maybe.

Agreed. Can't get in the way of flying cars.


Kingpin. BLMAO!

He'll probably live.

No,him gramatically correct. Ung check dictionary and theasaurus. Bunga wife check too.

Long enough to do some damage and inflame the BLM incite them to do some violence.


Man, this blue vested faggot does such an incredible job at discrediting BLM into the fucking dirt I almost think he is a secret Holla Forums ally.

Jesus christ

The best part of it is the guy wouldn't have gotten arrested at all if he'd gone to the other side of the street where there's a sidewalk, they showed it on the stream

Not only that post number, but the subscriber count on that video's uploader is 666.

Kek demands attention here.

I thought it was common knowledge that walking on the hard shoulder is illegal


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Are you fucking stupid?

They're trying to make him a martyr, holy shit.

Ahahahaha look at that arrest picture.


more like DeGay amirite


This scene is almost a splitting image of the main guy from American History X being arrested.

This is photoshopped.
I swear it is.

He'll be out after about 15 minutes, unfortunately.

It looks like its staged and edited

No it doesn't.

accelerate it

it does actually

black mans face cut off

light source on white guys face versus background


Black cop's expression makes the picture so much funnier.

also look at the feet

the feet always tell


user why are you suggesting I go to /x/

I'm pointing out shoop properties

It looks l>>6650280
ike its staged and edited Picture is way to perfect in setting, down to the look on his face. He wasn't violently arrested if he had time to pose for the camera

All that was a mistake

He looks really happy to help start the race war and get martial law declared, police federalized, get elections suspended, and open the door for globalist tyranny. Its really weird how Alex Jones was so right all along. Who would have thought. I can't wait to see how horrific and brutal it will get in the future.

Was getting caught part of his plan?

His plan was to help create a fantasy for black people that the cops are indiscriminately killing them in any way he can. Once he got arrested he saw an opportunity to take a pic that will go in a history book.

that's not how shadows work

The best thing I saw tonight is this kid is resisting arrest and putting on a show, shouting, and he says "I got a knife in my pocket by the way you're welcome!"

moments later, the guy who is streaming takes note that the police are all holding guns and then says "we're all out here unarmed"

God help civilization.


He lives with a Soros board member. And yes, search at for documented proof

deray was streaming when he was arrested. go to 4:14 or so.

Do lots of people use periscope?

It seems so. I only heard of it recently because of Scott Adams. Watched a few early debates with him. Plenty of people on it.

Look at the guy behind the black cop. Look at his boot. Its clearly shooped.

HOL UP guys - stop arresting me so I can do this photo op

Look at the lips on the sheboon on the left. Gross

If he was arrested… THEN WHO WAS PHONE?

It's almost like Twitter is deliberately trending certain hashtags or topics to stir up racial tensions.

*(((pure coincidence)))*

Looks like he's floating. Wtf is that pic analyzer called, run it through that

looks like a patulous anus

Clothing choices and confirms it.

Definitely staged.

Obongo's pulling some high-level kikery here.

tfw there are too many people around to administer a well-deserved lethal choke hold

it ain't since twitter gave that BLM hashtag an automatic emote and its recent support towards that movement AT THE DAY OF THE SHOOTING

also arrested from the back, kinda weird, we don't see the cop approach him

Nope, looks real to me

shit, it cut off the bottom go here or upload them yourself for ELA

yes the kind of reform that lets niggers being niggers w/o being arrested

Oh Shieeeeeeet

tfw no race war. but the seeds were planned


seems like menu of the day is photosoup

And how does one interpret that image? Looks just like pixel mess to me.

Neutralized is normally a term used when a hostile has been terminated, e.g. killed.

This nigger's just gonna have more ammo when he gets out about 'da wacist poolice!' This is fucking nothing unless they give him a life sentence.

I never talked to that faggot lol. Apparently my account has finally made it to all popular blockbots.

gonna use this to make him popular with the celebs….mark my words Holla Forums

I'll also mark your digits.

This one's easier

Tell us more about your photoshop expertise. user.


They shoahed the replies of this tweet I'd bet is a Holla Forumsack.

Reminder that deray is gaysex partners with the head of twitter and that's why blm is invuln to twitter TOC

chuck Johnson uncovered it

DeRay, what were you doing so far away from your home at 1104 Bryn Mawr Road, Baltimore, MD, 21210? But wait:
His birthday. DeRay (born July 9, 1985) turned 31 yesterday, and spent it working for social justice in another state. Isn't that heartwarming? Maybe we should call him at (410)-960-6635 to wish him a happy belated birthday, and offer our hopes that he is released soon. Or maybe not, since police have likely confiscated his phone. Ho hum.

I'm sure that his landlady/housemate, Robin Woods, is proud of him; after all, she is a donor and member of the Board of Directors for George Soros' Open Society Initiative in Baltimore.

Why doesn't this strong, intelligent man of African descent have his own statue yet?

This is not an arrest. This is taken in protection custody.


In order to tell is you are using the correct form, drop the other words in your list.

"Her, Deray, and all other niggers should be shot."

The above sentence is grammatically incorrect.
To see why, delete the other words:

"Her should be shot."

See how you sound retarded? This also applies to using your own personal pronoun:

"Me, Deray, and most other people online don't know how to use grammar properly."

This sentence turns into:

"Me don't know how to use grammar properly."

See how this works?


A tangential topic but that's what the sage is for.

When I took adderall something peculiar changed. I was significantly more sexually deviant. Back then I would have called /hebe/ acceptable and been a hebe myself.

Back then I had positive thoughts and wants of having a MMF 3some.

Back then I jerked off every day.

Back then I jerked off to pizza.

Back then I jerked off to beastiality.

Then I stopped adderall because when Ferguson happened I found myself siding with the niggers. I hated niggers. Absolutely loathed them.

I started looking at all the prescriptions I was taking to get rid of the ones that caused worrisome side effects that at the time would have appeared to have caused the hate of police and siding with BLM.

Each of my meds essentially boiled down to;
- "rare chance": paranoia
- irritability notice how libshits are obnoxious and irritating as hell?
- feelings of restlessness notice how libshits are lazy as hell unless it's some paranoid privilege issue they then feel restless as shit about it

Then I stopped taking 100% of my prescriptions besides an as needed (PRN) one for migraines. Absolutely no deviancy left. Absolutely no libshit views left.

These medicines; namely adderall, cause the vas majority of libshit behavior. Not necessarily for the nogs, they're just libshit by nature. But the vast majority of white libshits are taking some form of anti-depressant / anti-anxiety / stimulant.

nigger looks like a goo gobbler

Homos take meth and it's legal alternative adderall for the expressed purpose of being more deviant. I remember that little gay kid from Who's the Boss back in the 80s with Leonardo DiCaprio said he took meth to "explore sexually" . Then there was that fake story about Matthew Shepard supposedly killed by gay bashing right wingers, turns out he was a meth head who stole a bunch of meth then got killed by other homos for not sharing it with them

So yea, speed is the devil.

Chuck Johnson even says he's Jack Dorsey's boyfriend.

While it may give some people "motivation". That motivation isn't necessarily directed at useful goals. Thus the degeneracy it causes. One thought of "oh I need to fap to that" and you WILL fap to that.

It looks like that the cop behind the one that's arresting wok-guy is carrying him like a bag.

And the black cop has a "I could be picking overtime cotton in the fields" on him.

What does #staywoke even mean?

Just going to throw this out there but it looks like Deray has some dick sucking nigger lips. I think he would make an excellent prison bitch.

Nigger speak for pay attention

looks fake

okay, "sounds wrong" is not among the rules for English grammar. similarly, that's not what "semantics" means. it's time to stop posting, you illiterate stooge.

GTFO you plebbit / tumblr / BLM faggot

"Stay woke" is a strictly nigger BLM libshit phrase and belongs no where near a white person.

No. No it doesn't. You just circled two parts of that officer's leg that are completely normal looking.

Weren't the protests in Egypt a few years ago orchestrated via "Twitter" to get the Muslim brotherhood elected, who were later removed by the red pilled Egyptian army? Mossad/CIA keep using the same tricks manipulating social media.

Yes. Then twitter got shut down in the entire country.


(No archive because Chuck needs our support)

Are they really saying this is the arrest photo? this is the worst photoshop job ive ever seen.

Thanks for the info rachposter. Don't get why everyone is so autistic to you, you give such damn good intelligence.

I think he's referring to the light source. If the light was being cast from the front, wouldn't the side of the leg be the darkest part, not the brightest? Also, consider what said, where's the fucking shadow?


So many retards around here

in b4


The audacity of these niggers

Fuck them all. They can stay poor.


Come to think of it, I can't remember the last time that I've driven through a black niggerhood and have seen a nigger willfully using the sidewalk instead of the street

It's like sidewalks are nigger repellent

Want to start the race war? Shoot this nigger in the head. Make sure he's dead.

You're retarded or a shill if you think this wasn't staged.

That would work nicely

Every single thing about this entire ordeal, literally everything, has been staged from day one. This started back with trayvon , it was all planned to take over policing by the feds

wtf that face, looks like he WANTS to go to prison and get buttfucked. after all, he is a faggot

im talking about derays face btw, not feels

You false-flag fuckers are the most gullible buncha rubes on the planet.

We gotta just send these people a world IQ map.


Holy hell, he might as well have a #WeWuzKangs shirt.

This is flash photography. Shadows are nullified because the light source is the camera itself. You don't need to stage this shit because of course that nigger is going to pose for the camera. He's being made a martyr. He loves this.

He died-did-did-did

why was there opportunity for a photo op

this fucking subversive nigger plant

This is wrong.
This would make it grammatically correct.

Him be dead like doorknobs in cell of jail by suicide twice times


It only looks staged to the degree that Leroy is posing for the camera as if he practiced in the mirror

it's that easy


Nice try, Rach, but we all know it's you under a proxy Rachsponding to Rachself. Hidden and Rachported.


Wasnt he going to be leading the so called baton rouge purge last night? Shame that didn't actually happen. This might fuel other things though.

How do you view active posts? Is that only for mods?

Okay, listen here you stupid faggots. I hate people who disrespect the sanctity of the English language. I'm going to give you a little grammar lesson free of charge.

A sentence is typically structured subject -> verb, with any number of preposition clauses before, after, or within the main clause. This main clause is called the predicate.

John (S) went (V).

The above sentence is grammatically correct, although its not very communicative. This is where preposition clauses come into play.

(To the store) John went.
John went (to the store.)

One aspect of the predicate is that the subject and verb must be in agreement.

(He went) to the store.
Not: (Him went) to the store.

John and (I went) to the store.
Not: John and (me went) to the store.

John and I, having gone to the store many times in the last week, decided that we might shitpost on 8pol for the duration of the weekend; however, a car hit John and me on the way home and we died.


This may be true, but it doesn't indicate a "fake" or a "stage." It indicates that the police are being lenient with him.

Goebbels never tried to look tough when he wasn't. Why are you even in this thread?

"Him" in this case is a list entry "should all" refers to all entries in the list.
This is not grammatically correct.
This is grammatically correct.

Are we watching an English major btfo people?

It don't matters. Off yourselfs.

No, just a regular wikipedia-reading autist.

That's an optional addition which changes the nature of the sentence. While your edition is more pleasant, the principles of the basic sentence structure don't change without that optional alteration.

They shopped out a white cop and replaced him with a nigger. Anyone have the original? Wait until nigger twitter hears about this.

Wait is he dead or is that a hoax

Obama and he should be hanged… is grammatically correct, even though it sounds off.

It isn't a fucking shop. Here are two more angles.

There is a light near his leg, off-camera to the right.


That's a good idea. A bunk story trending and collapsing might take the wind out of their sails if he does ultimately get good in an effort to create a martyr.


Things of that nature.


Ah. The more you know I guess.

On a similar topic of language and shit. IIRC Noam Chomsky worked on a grammatically correct but meaningless language models.

hol up niigga u know that shit be faked Whitey be ohpressin us n sheeit dont us 2 no the trueth

he'll become the nelson mandela of our time if they give him jail time. just imagine how people will react when they draw that comparison - it'll probably be the beginning of the end for raysiss whitiey in america.

It's obvious that he's dead in the second picture. Look at the way they're holding him up stiff like a corpse. Someone contact analmoose; they must be informed!

fair enough.

Idiot , they didn't "plan" trayvon but they did choose that case to make a big deal out of. Nigs are put down daily in confrontations like zimzam and traytray, but this one…this case gets all the way up to the President? NBC alters the 911 call, all the media coverage instantly, THAT is the part that was planned. There were a 1000 other similar cases of shooting in self defense but this one was chosen for the narrative

Oy vey, everyone has the right to receive the BBC.
Except israel of course

You should probably retweet the hell out of pic related alongside the Summer of Chaos stuff.

They now arguing over if he gay. gay&src=typd

And I'm now arguing over whether or not you're a nigger


Either retarded Holla Forums burner accounts or burner accounts posing at Holla Forumsacks. If it is Holla Forumsacks I'd be disappointed. The only reason to bring up Deray being a faggot or not would be to try and patch up the damage done between BLM and the LGBTQLMNOP communities after BLM have butted in twice, once during their mourning at Orlando, and the next when they stopped a gay pride parade in toronto for being "anti-black".

If anything, further accelerating the forming rift between libs and D&C'ing them should be one of the TOP PRIORITIES. If anything should come out of this, it's that trying to further that rift and tension by claiming Deray's gayness is more important than the lgbtqlmnop's gay community because he's black.

Throw a fox in the hen house. Jesus fucking christ. Has Trump's tactics not dawned on anyone it's much more entertaining and works wonders to get your opponents to do your work for you?

if he's not dead he will be soon




"woke" is just nigger for "redpilled"

No worse than whoever got himself painted and hung on the wall in that conference room.

Also, that vest has become kind of like his uniform. He wears it for most public appearances, Skype interviews, etc.


Reminded my of CIA a bit

That clothing color, holy shit.

Negro has zero class.

I think niggers judge clothes based on how gaudy they are. Most of them dress like that.

lol, nice evidence friendly FBI friend.

I like the bit where the sloppy magic wand photoshop work garbled up a bit and you see a fucking street light through the guys head in the first pic.

And the blur tool isn't a good substitute for blending the edges properly. It's too deterministic.

I understand you're under time constraints here and have to work fast, but all in all with the inconsistent lighting, strange shadows, blur tool outlines and sloppy cutting… it just won't do.

If you didn't want this to look like four guys being shot in a studio and pasted onto a street scene you should hire some new guys for this.

Don't you know, these are marked with black skin for the heinous acts of their ancestors?

Just kidding, he probably got burnt or some shit.

There's a lot of lighting everywhere which is why it looks weird. Camera flashes from the front, car flashes from the back. It's not really ingenuine.

He was claiming he got hacked a while back. Again?


But they use it wrong! They are all still fucking retarded and blame whitey for all of their Jew related problems and ones they cause themselves.

Сall his hоme and tell them :^)



Not the right dox, CIATFBI. Get >>>/out/ now.

The right dox were posted a while ago, here:

Wrong, nice try kike. Don't bother posting your candidate document either.

That's not how you get promotions.

Not an argument.


Not real dox. :^)

who is this maddow and why does this kike keep posting her?

yeah see i forgot my kike pic with that post

that's the exact phrasing they would hear in order for this to be organized

newfag pls go


Most likely it is one of our own compromised staff.


Can't the cities involved charge Soros for the cost of policing these riots?

keep trying, friendo. You're only embarrassing yourself.


So, is BLM Derayled?

Well maybe if he didn't incite violence and murder, he would not have been penned.

This is great. I wish everyone here all used ASCII more and not just ASCII horsecock.

It's not ascii, there's Jap characters in that picture.


Of course!

It's in his nature.


We've got to spray the gay away fam.

only legal actions, of course, so NSA & FBI no bully


Well… for this info…
I guess you can not drown yourself in semen this time. t-thanks
Still drown yourself in semen


he's not neutralized until he hangs

Holy shit indeed. Well i guess if there is enough soap you can wash the niggerness of a nigger away. Well that's one hell off a soap if you ask me.

He slams heroin

Get this nigger faggot out of here

What do you make of this?

t. Based policeman

Nigger got what was coming. I hope he gets beaten up in jail.

Why do these spooks look like they're from a future black business leaders of America high school program. This is the fucking AG ffs. Why does dude between problem glasses forever 21 smart white girl graph tee and hamplanet auburn extensions look like he mom bought him a black on black suit for his school project?

There's a copper toxicity joke in there somewhere.

The degrees of separation…

Your privilege, Hans. It needs checking.

mein sides

Holy shit. How the actual fuck did that kid get so fucking ripped?


Time to take a break if a simple joke looks like bait to you



So has deray been released into the arms of his secret lover yet? I would think Soros would pony up the bail right quick.