The Matrix 1 is the best movie ever made.
Deep story, action, and mindbending cgi.
Also we are all in the matrix.
Prove me wrong.
The Matrix
it was a good movie
scared the shit out of me when i was a kid though
the second renaissance part from the animatrix was kind of unsettling aswell
we all died @ Midnight 1999
Dubs of truth. Some twirly moustache faggot will still come in say it sucks, of course.
it sucks
sense8 is their legit best kino.
Good thing you have a chain on your wallet so it doesn't fall out when you're riding your vespa to starbucks amirite?
john wick is a fag and the 2nd movie should not have been made
That show was so pozzed that it started with trannies shoving dildos into each other.
for you
also for you, but i will agree it did do well in those three categories
impossible to prove but the possibility does exist
what if i don't want to?
How about I give you the finger?
lmao @ the triggered little bitches up in this thread, yes it is the first matrix movie, there were two more in the trilogy, they do exist, and pretending they don't doesn't make them go away
as a popcorn flick the Matrix is okay, but as a film adaptation of Grant Morrison's The Invisibles, it sucks. And that's what it is since every single idea in it was stolen from The Invisibles.
they would direct me to the nearest >>>/asylum/
webm pls
Prisoner of Azkaban is pure kino
The best movie was the first spiderman.
For what purpose?
It's probably meant to look romantic and normal, but because it was made by sodomites, it unintentionally looks boring, tasteless, and pornographic. Unsurprisingly, the background behind the trans lead was that she was an anti-theist hacker (aka "I like every religion except the Christian one" type) in San Fran who's trying to run away from her Christian parents because they want to lobotomize her. The lobotomy subplot seems like a thing that they tacked on last minute because they likely felt that she was a narcissistic asshole without it.
One of the black actors had some sense and left over "creative differences" because it was so damn gay.
Reload maybe a shity movie, but "orgasm cake" scene makes me solid hard every time.
The Matrix is a ripoff of Dark City.
Prove ME wrong.
Life is a simulation being controlled, formed, and held by aliens who manifest themselves in this very simulation, and we have to travel to their world, kill them, and turn off the system. Prove me wrong.
Also, the Matrix is a great movie. The Matrix Reloaded wasn't anywhere near as good, yet it had some excellently designed fight scenes in it.
We didn't get to see what those fights in the Matrix sequels actually should have looked like until Man of Steel
What happens if you have kids in the matrix? Does technology still advance in there? Did they mean to imply that deja vu and stories about werewolves and ghosts irl are actually evidence we're in the matrix right now?
I'm not proving you wrong because you're right. We are living in something along the lines of the Matrix. However, what's above isn't machines, but THE ALL.
Our reality is more than likely a simulation on some type of computer. Now to call this "the Matrix" or "the holodeck" would be incorrect. The Matrix implies we have physical bodies and we are simply in a dream state, and the holodeck implies again that we have physical bodies but instead our awake state is being tricked by technology to make our brain believe the untrue is happening.
Both of these are incorrect. What's actually going on is "we" are 1s and 0s on a computer running a program. We could be a child's videogame, we could be an attempt at a 1:1 life simulation. But we do not have physical bodies in reality of which the computer that is running the simulation exists.
Watched it again a while back. It still has high entertainment value, but too much of the story and the stuff that happens seems ridiculous now.
Solipsism is a thought experiment to evaluate the morals of a character. Nobody, including the Ancient Greeks, actually ever believed it to be a representation of reality.
I agree brudder!
Still think that freeway scene is godly.