Holla Forums to block google crawlers

codemonkey is threatening to block Holla Forums from google search completely because hes butthurt that they wont completely reinstate the site sooner


So fucking what?

You expect to find sympathy on Holla Forums "everything is botnet!"

Normally I'd care, but Holla Forums isn't even completely blocked from Google anyways, if you Google Holla Forums + [board name] you still get relevant results

thats the point. he wants to get rid of all results because hes going thru a rebellious phase

Good. There's no reason we should be on Jewgle.

Based codemonkey

Who cares what a third-world asian shithole company, the one that attempts to assert sole copyright ownership of software they didn't write, and steal software from community developers to close it up, does?
Wow, codemonkey is making a threat to change robots.txt, news at fucking 11. The site is already basically blocked.









ban yahoo and bing too
based codemonkey

Redirect google referrers to DDG

Putting this here because the other more relevant Google threads are e0001 or whatever error

I just thought this was "funny"

Was searching for "Bone Thugs" to get the Bone Thugs and Harmony wikipedia page or similar shit. No results at all. Click the link at the bottom though and it goes to regular results. What the fuck is google doing?

No, I don't use google as my everyday driver but do use it randomly here and there

Oh, it also gives regular results if you enable javascript before the search...

And I should care why?


that post is from 15 days ago.

Chodemonkey has abandoned 8ch and the rules he created are not inforced.

Say goodbye to the normalfags, they are the cancer of the internet.

no man, you dont understand
the op int that thread is a skype that wants to put us back there

It's just Pajeet doing his work.


Google will scan the site regardless, the only difference is whether the public gets access to the searchable data or not.

Nah, google respects robots.txt

They SAY they respect it.

Do they actually, and can you tell the difference between them and a bot spoofing itself as a regular user?

I'm OK with this idea.





cumming ยป

stop this