They are:
Prove him wrong, if you can.
You can't
They are:
Prove him wrong, if you can.
You can't
I.m married i have four children and i'm a business owner …i voted for Trump
I'm neither a trump or hillary supporter but I sure as hell fap to anime and if you don't then you're a fucking dingus.
You forgot to mention they won.
He didn't even say unemployed.
Is he seriously saying you must have children in order to be relevant to the economy and politics?
He could get a lot of shit for that, both from the right wing and left wing, but of course lefties will only care about their party.
What does this even mean?
No dude I live in the mall like an adult!
So wait, if Trump supporters have no children, live at home, and fap to anime…
Does this mean Hillary supporters are baby making machines who live under a bridge and fap to magazines?
It sounds like you're saying Hillary supporters are niggers
The Florida State bib is a nice touch.
It's like, my daughter gave me a nigger grandchild, but at least she's educated.
Isn't it better than rape real cartoons?
That's a lot of basements.
/r/ the tweet where Wilson was gloating at like 6pm election night about Trump losing
I remember the dumb cuck hadn't deleted it the next day.
I'm single, and childless, but at my age it's not un-normal to not have a child, and I don't masturbate to anime. I masturbate to ponies.
As in: with the parents and haven't moved out yet.
Hey I don't even disagree. I'm semi-NEET myself, but even if I worked full-time and made good money, I'd stay home with the parents and save my money.
They just want people to buy homes and go into debt. It's great for the banks, that's all.
I dont fap to anime, i cant get hard with that, btw, mostly women are into hentai.
Game can't keep up much longer.
Are you gay?
He might have been right back then but today Trump supporters are the majority of Americans
what, then?
i don't find that attractive
It's not possible to be 'semi-NEET'.
You're either in education, employment or training or you are
Not in
Employment or
You're all washed up, Rick. Become trans-dead.
You are literally gay.
the majority of americans did not vote in the presidential election.
What is that suppose to be a insult? I don't feel like being tied down with a kid like every other miserable guy I know.
Atleast I don't fap to cp like alot of these democrats seem to do.
Cheaper to stay at home instead of living in a dorm while going to school for my BA. I pay my folks rent every month,buy my own food,clothes, ect. I'm not a freeloader.
Also Trump won and this faggot and the cia got trolled by halfchan so who's the bitch now?
Seriously? No wonder the US is going to shit if people can't even be bothered voting in an election as contentious as the last.
I don't find that attractive either
t. not gay
Alot of remain supporters didn't vote for brexit either.
Their hugbox told them them the UK had no chance of leaving so alot of them didn't bother to vote. Same thing happened here. Hillary was like 98% favored to win so idiots drank the kool-aid and didn't vote as much where EVERYONE who wanted Trump showed up at the polls.
2D > 3D
Lol neither is he.
what do you expect from a meme ideology?
With few exceptions hentai is mostly bad drawings with monster proportions poorly animated, filled with ugly scenes. You dont have a ton of mezzo forte or urotsukidoji style animations or drawings like bloodlunch with realistic sex (premature ejaculation isnt normal).
Most money go to yaoi, gang bangs or fag crap llike that.
BTW, i am not a virgin and most women get aroused with hentai, with few exceptions i cant get hard with that or even cum (five seconds or less in animation, or just a couple of pages of decent hot drawings showing some sense).
What does that say about the other side if this is the opponent you lost to?
Also, there is literally nothing wrong with fapping to anime. I bet you like 3dpd skanks you cuck.
I never said that, i presented arguments against most hentai out there.
I'm neet, live with my parents and masturbate to cartoons but I also have a bachelors degree and voted for Clinton. It's almost like the things are totally unrelated.
hentai is just porn. It isn't trying to do anything, if you saying that most hentai is shit, then just watch the good shit
No, just a few of them, most hentai is a normal history with short sex scenes.
I talked about good shit, again, just a few of them, mostly old stuff and some new that looks like flash, games are better.
Even the reptilians are scared
This post deserve dubs.
where else can someone who can afford an internet connection live?
I actually fap to Hentai and once my downloads finish you're gonna see some wild spam.
Where else would I live? The street?
well, he aint wrong
As in not homeless?
Good for them.
God taste user
At least that means we're moving on to step 2
They also vote in larger numbers than anyone realized, apparently. Because they won.
I voted for TRUMP and I don't have a kid. I live at home. I fap to anime cause 2D > 3DPD.