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who /marxist/ here
Too bad feminists support islamic patriarchy as long the mooslems that tell them what to do isnt white. Femininsts will ruin everything in the name of equality, its so fucking sad.
what a stupid fucking comment
how so?
Do you even know anything about Rojava?
Yea that helps the kurds, what about us westerners?
Well the people you're opposing are basically giant fucking strawmen
What feminist lit have you read?
havent read anything feminist related ever tbh
Exactly, so how can you make a claim as outlandish as you did with a straight face?
It's channelers not channers
Is this a meme?
Have some DDR
Deutsch, Deutsch, Revolution.
where's the first one from?
I'd die for seeing how corbyn seizes the state and set us free from this bourgeois democracy
source? that's amazing
So what is it with Holla Forums posting hard as shit on Holla Forums over the past few months?
Because we're coming to take your toothbrush and kill all the white people. Deal with it, faggot
leftism is now officially counterculture again
I'm black and I agree with every point in your video.
Sounds like a jew to me.
fuccin commie garbage
This is your brain on autism
goddam marxists.
fucc off, gommie scum.
huh i could be friends with those dudes, before the crowd thing ofc.
mick compilation
B-b-but i was born poor so it's not fair, i want my share for FREE!
What is a sound business plan?
What is a credit/loan option?
What is learning to talk and to convince capital investors to invest in your idea?
Getting capital has never been so easy in the entire history of the world. Plenty of people with capital prefer to invest it and taking a risk then to let it sit in the bank.
When you have an education system that doesn't really teach critical thought, you get commies.
Any source on that?
The richest brother made the most because he worked the hardest.
Banks will be required by law to fork out your money to niggers user.
We have gone full-circle. you need to start burrying your money if you want to have a good investent.
I've always wanted to trap Black Friday shoppers.
I'm a fan of capatalism, but there are downsides. God Bless Amazon.
I'm drunk. My spelling sucks. Call the cops, faggot
I will, how's it feel to know your ass is going to get buttraped by Jamal
Why the fug aren't they dong this to Black Liver Matter niggers?
Who said anything about buttrape? I know squealing pigs when I see them. They should be slaughtered for delicious bacon.