Why do I always lose?
Make friends with girl from college's volleyball team
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cuz you're a footfag
What are "things that never happened"?
It did actually. She was grossed out that I licked them after practice but she said it felt like a massage so she was down.
There are a lot of women who 100% don't think "feet" activities are cheating and are into it but if you even HINT you want to do more they get all fucking pissed and shit
I had a co-worker a few years ago give me footjobs over the clothes (she'd rub my crotch through my slacks and I'd cum in my pants during work), let me sniff and massage her feet and legs up to her inner thigh, and when she was really excited I nibbled and sucked on her toes from time to time. All this while she was married with a man and had 3 kids by him
She didn't consider what she was doing as "cheating" since we were only "work buddies"
Then one day I up and fucking ruin it. I was massaging her calves and she had a dress on. Her pussy smell was incredible. She must have….idk. I'm a virgin but her pussy stench was really strong that day.
So I'm OBVIOUSLY sniffing her pussy. Like my face is an inch away from her panty while I'm rummaging my hands over her calves. This was during the last hour of work. Was a very slow day.
So I figure she's like…..in the mood or something so I whip my dick out through my fly and press it up against the sole of her foot. Mind you we had been teasing each other the whole day and flirting. Or at least I thought she was flirting
So as soon as my tip touches her sole she freaks the fuck out. She made such a ruckus I thought she was going to report me and I was going to get fired. THAT is how much she bitched and freaked out
So long story short from that day she kept to herself and I couldn't even put my arm around her anymore or "bump" into her at the fax machine anymore
She would quickly go back to her desk and not speak to me for the rest of the day
Then a few months later she moved departments. Then a few weeks after her move I saw her in passing and asked what was up? Why did she move all a sudden
She said that the reason was because of me. I was "too much" and that she couldn't work in that environment anymore and had to leave
I was like
btw it was her idea we start doing that.
Holla Forums isn't your personal literotica. Take this shit to a Word document.
It all started when she was sitting on my desk while I was typing out a report (as girls do)
She had a dress skirt on. Very conservative skirt. But she takes her shoes off (heels) when she walks around the office. She walks around barefoot
So I guess I just was kind of staring at her feet in front of me and didn't realize. All of a sudden I snap back into reality and she just kind of giggles and says
Uhhh..ohhh…Hmm? Nothing. Just typing. Concentrating
WHAT!??? Uhhh…uhhmm…. no fucking way LOL like ever. That shit is weird
So then she started swinging her foot in front of my face and kept going
So I just gave it a quick *smooch* and told her to shut up I just did it so she'd shut up about it
Then like a week later she sat on my desk again during a break and said her feet were "stinky stinky" and said if I liked stinky feet
I kept playing cool until she said
So I asked her what was up and what she was getting at. She told me I could smell them if I wanted to
I didn't. Then before she left work I said if I could. She laughed at me for that. Then we went back to my desk and I smelled her feet
That is what started it all
user who posted the kraut girl here. It's the same here. She had a bf all the while sending me feet videos.
My cock got larger reading this part.
Type more. NOW
At least its better than being a pedo
Isn't it??
Chads are regularly footfags so yeah I'd say so.
Now I don't blame you too much because you took your dick out at a time that seemed appropriate. Wasn't your fault there.
But YOU. You're having a bit of fun, got a good thing going and out of the blue "wanna be my gf?" Stop it you fuck, girls, especially in these situations want to feel in charge and normal.
While what they are doing is not normal at all, you've got to make accommodations for that by not stepping on her metaphorical toes.
What you get out of this is a fantasy jerk off session. I had this with a chick a few years back. She sucked my dick and I came on her thighs, I got to suck her tits and rub them all I wanted.
It didn't go south till she brought up the whole "so where is this going?" bullshit. To which I stupidly played along. You can't win in that case. Once a girl wants you to own up and start being a significant other, or you want to bring that up. Its basically over. You can say "sure we can be together" but even then, it only lasts for a little while longer. Because they do not see it the way we do. As guys we can just get off and go about our business, they always look at it as more than that…or they eventually do.
The best thing you can do is play it cool, get what you want and make her want it more than you want it. AS SOON as you show any more desire than she does, than you have effectively shown your hand and suddenly, she can trash you in her head to make you out to be some kind of utter freak.
You can be both
If you like any feet but children feet you're a sick fuck.
Get out pedofags.
thank you for spoiling the feet fags day blessed pedophile
Uhm, how could you NOT want to stick their little feetsies in your mouth?
1000000x better than gross rough adult feet.
Mature lady feet will always be superior to underdeveloped child feet.
Anyone who says otherwise is complete faggot.
They are in every way inferior to toddler feet, little girl feet, and even baby feet in every way.
Adult feet are longer, more bent, more rough, less soft, has more dead skin, uglier toe nails, often has hair, often bony, thick, etc.
They're fucking gross.
this. well kept 20-30 year old feet > all
Nope, you're a sick fuck.
non-preteen feet are:
And much much more, clearly seen in that picture. Gross!
Even worse, the people with the feet are fucking disgusting women who likely would look down on you for liking their feet, and is generally unpleasant.
Child feet are the opposite, as I've said, and they're amaaazing company, love their feet to be touched, kissed, and licked, and don't respond negatively, they always giggle and laugh.
so naive
how's it going lad.
cripples fetishizing about feet
I cook and eat feet with a bit of sweet chilli sauce
pretty terrible. I need $1500
I should have said something like that
Need it to pay tuition.
you are paying x15 what the baby boomers paid. and you will never advance to their level either.
Well I'm NEET until I pay it, and even if I don't I'd still need it to support myself.
Were you the one that made that one thread about needing to make cash in a few months?
No. I saw a thread of guy saying he was in massive debt though.
lol exactly what the fuck is massive? +80k?
Anyways what even happened with you and that german slut?
couldn't you chose a less obvious ending to this? I had gf's who are into this and no one ever refused kissing me afterwards. There is nothing wrong with body fluids.
Go drink some diarrhea then
Do you enjoy being a faggot or something?
Do you?
You could've totally fucked her if you hadn't been a huge sperg about it. Start slower.
How do es this come up in conversation?
This is what I was wondering. Sounds fake.