Are people complete beta faggots because
they are commies or are they commies
because they are beta faggots?
Both, they like being commie because it is edgy and their parents will be mad.
brainless hivemind
They want to be edgy and different; but not too edgy and different. No one ever really tells them socialism/Marxism is bad. On the contrary, the media and education system praises it constantly! And they've been taught about the holohoax, and the six-gorillion, and that the evil white cismale fascist oppresors are the reason everything is so bad! It has nothing to do with the Jews, I mean, race is a social construct anyways…
Thanks Marx.
says the Holla Forumstard XD
Everything in nature is a contest.
The sore losers sit around and whine about how it's never fair and everyone should get the same outcome.
You can see this behavior start at a very young age during the 'pre-ideological' stage of their life. Once they reach adolescence and begin trying to piece together how the world works, they are drawn to the ideology of weakness like flies to shit.
the commie triggering has just begun
still more work to do
Competition, testosterone, both things you'd probably find more often in Capitalists than Communists.
Please don't compare leftypol to actual communists. Faggots posting from their iPhone while wearing Che Guevara shirts would be ridiculed as harshly by Stalin as frogposting "PRAISE KEK! XDD" Trumpfaga would be by Hitler.
Commies don't like competition, something that requires high testosterone or self-accountability. They're either parasitic manlets or parasitic retards.
it is a mystery
One must distinguish between communists and lite communists.
Communists are the gun-toting union workers, the haggard rebels hiding out in the jungle, and the rugged individuals ready to tackle hard labor and violence.
Lite communists are what communists might call bourgeois-socialists. That is, they want all of the benefits of a socialist society (medical care, housing, access to resources, etc.) without any of the willingness to struggle for them.
For example, the lite communist would rather send messages on twitter and facebook than go attempt to unionize factories. They would rather hold signs for a few minutes than pick up arms and fight their ideological foes.
Make no mistake, the vast majority of socialists and Marxists in this day and age are listless, ineffectual faggots with no drive.
Don't think I sympathize with communism, it's a system that cannot work. Although Marx did make some decent critiques of capitalism.
As for betas, they can be found within almost every political faction.
Conservationism has its cuckservatives, liberalism is obvious, and so forth.
Even then, I'm not sure if "beta" would qualify, seeing as there's no solid definition of "beta". Some would call them "deltas" or "omegas", or even subdivide them into different kinds of betas.
There is no telling which causes which, but there is definitely a near 1:1 correlation.
If Hitler became acquainted with the digital age, he would have immediately understood the importance of meme culture. It is the best way to reach the lowest common denominator.
you have a point
where the fuck do you live? I think I'm moving there
Found the commie faggot
Primarily they're Commies because they're faggots. Science has show that people on the left, their brains are damaged in the portions that dictate long-term thought, repurcussions, and judging threats. Lefties literally can't help being morons, it's actually very tragic stuff.
F-fuccING DRUMPF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!