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All she will get is slap on the wrist, while man would be jailed for multiple years if he did the same to women.
Good, male workers are cancer.
Wasn't she the one who swooped in, let the company die, and then bailed in a golden parachute?
Why is she still there if so?
It's hard to identify a single accomplishment of Yahoo under Meyer's tenure.
The Board of Y! was so eager to find a female token CEO they failed to use normal metrics to identify a candidate.
If your company does business with the government (which Yahoo presumably does), you're required to implement a whole shitton of "Affirmative Action" and other bullshit policies:
She should volunteer to refund her golden parachute, and hang herself.
Why even live
Wasnt there some guy that got off her laughter
This is why we need feminism.
Maybe you're confusing her with Carly Fiorina? The female CEOs are hard to tell apart.
This is why we need to destroy capitalism.
fuck off Holla Forums
And.... this is why I am a tri-gendered pyro-fox
That's a good point.
So this women was hired for the mere fact that she was a female, for propaganda purposes, not for merit's sake. The decision to hire her was very obviously not profit driven, her purge of male employees was clearly not profit driven either, yet this is somehow capitalism's fault?
I formatted my phone but forgot to re-filter you again. Thanks for reminding.
It's not that they didn't gain a profit, it's that this wasn't done for a profit motive, it wasn't done with the intention of gaining capital. Is capitalism just anything you don't like? Are you retarded?
If you forget something so simple, what else are you forgetting?
Well... yeah. It's identity political agenda shit. Female quotas in the work place aren't "capitalism", they are an ideological assault on capitalism, one of the socialist exceptions "enlightened" White nations make in their mental self-flogging over leftist White guilt.
Having women in the work force generally allows wage dumping so I'll allow the argument that capitalists to some extent pushed the suffragette shit. More workers, lower wages, sure. Blame capitalism for "bring your daughter to work day" and for the rampant propaganda for promiscuity and many other things. But forced QUOTAS have never ever resulted in a profit for any company so you really can't construct an argument where ultimately, even though it makes them lose profits, companies want to have quotas forced upon them. That's bullshit.
Average Holla Forums mindset:
I should point out one more thing:
Ironically this quota shit is to blame on DEMOCRACY. Female job quotas exist as pandering to female voters in a democracy. See also: Letting women vote was a mistake.
The 2008 market crash wasn't capatalism's fault, it was the fault of the leftists. They pushed government to back obscenely large home loans for high risk (read: nigger) borrowers, junk loans the government wouldn't previously allow, as Tyrone not being able to afford a $200k house on the money he makes reselling soda from EBT is obviously institutional racism. Unsurprisingly that didn't work out, and they chimped out and trashed the homes when evicted rather than be embarrassed they were unable to meet their obligations which destroyed a lot of real value and accelerated the crash.
And we're preparing to have an even worse repeat of 2008 for the same reasons: leftists have pushed government to give them obscenely large student loans for high risk (read: gommie) borrowers, junk loans the government wouldn't previously allow, as they're sure they absolutely must have a postgraduate degree in gender studies for their exciting career bagging groceries or that they can't get hired in tech without one despite how anyone with a non-garbage open source project gets headhunter emails. Nearly half of these loans are already in default or postponed, but I'm sure they will say this is the fault of government for not giving them even more rope to hang us all with and that I should pay to bail their retarded asses out.
Fuck you, Holla Forums faggots. If this country ever has a period where government breaks down, which I'm sure you will cause, know that all the people out there with those guns you hate and a stockpile of ammo are going on a purge.
You have your own board to discuss this. This board is for technology.
lol burgerclaps
ITT: Highschool dropouts try to argue economics
Nice argument.
Was it government lending programs that broke the economy or private banks (excluding administering government programs)? Can you do it? Can you manage an independent thought? I believe in you, user!
Nah, kys
Now I've truly read everything.
You mean literally every CEO?
The 20th century called, it wants its tired memes back.
Stone age called, it questioned how your genes still survived
"Free" healthcare and "free" education is cheaper than privatized corporate trash.
Also, the main reason we're in debt is because of right-wingers. It's funny how conservatives have forgotten 8 years of what Bush wrought: warmongering that insisted we get into wars in the middle east and never pull out, even after objective was complete; tax cuts for the rich and for big businesses that have increased wealth disparity; anti-science rhetoric that pushes profit over long term environmental cost leading to messes (oil spills, fracking earthquakes, etc.) that that tax payers are left to clean up; anti-science rhetoric that lead to poor health and sex education leading to unwanted pregnancies,STDs spreading, and the USA falling behind on stem cell research.
You are truly delusional if you think Holla Forums are against guns.
sage for off topic
If there had been no war and no tax cuts, would the subprime mortgage crisis have not been a crisis? The economy did spectacularly well during 6 years of war and tax cuts, by the way.
'Climate change' is a globalist scheme to get America to handicap itself. Unless you have every nation on board with limits and are prepared to go to war with countries that step out of line then any 'clean energy' legislation artificially raises our energy cost and the surplus energy is still used by another country. Most right-wing leaders are fully aware that increased human activity is changing the climate (see: the US and Russia staking claim to the polar regions they expect will be opened up by warming accelerating) but they have to lie to you like a child about that because they don't believe you would understand and would do something childish like insist on America sacrificing out of "fairness".
This gets done intentionally to counter the Jewish poison in the '60s having destroyed our birth rate. That super low birth rate is why we're now forced to import millions of young male "refugees" who hate us and will try to kill us because otherwise most services that rely on continuous growth will collapse (ex: social security) and take out not only the economy but also destabilize society. Leaders from either wing are aware of this which is why you don't get offered a choice on refugees (if Trump gets elected, his fan club is in for a surprise).
This one's entirely on the left with its bug-chasing faggots and slutwalks.
Where did you hear this? Rhetorical question as I know where, and why. But we hold almost every relevant patent.
I've never met a leftist at the range other than for the week after Pulse and I live in a college town in California. They'd be no match.
marisa's been a bad girl
Stop sending liberals and SJW to Holla Forums
We hate them as much as you do.
Actually it's because our currency system has been subverted by corrupt politicians and private companies. Our spending is irrelevant under this system because it's not made for us to actually pay it back. Our debt will continue to increase exponentially until we overhaul the system regardless of who is in power.
But keep playing the partisan game, I'm sure eventually it will all fix itself.