redpill me about the 6666666 Get
Redpill me
If I get this get will you die?
It is the best thing Holla Forums has done. We are trying to get it during the oath for trump.
The OP is not the individual in the OP image.
it would be very painful
it would be extremely painful
You're a big goy
was getting caught part of your plan?
Of course!
What is this going on in this thread?
Was getting caught in this thread a part of your plan?
You're a retard, you have 2 days to make 24 thousand posts.
Have some faith in the spammers, user
wez gots dis fam
Give me a reason to believe. Spam your hearts out.
Calling all retards, we got a new thread to crash
I'll be monitoring, it's not looking good though.
we'll get there ~by the inauguration starts
6666666 get
You know garrison is a libertarian and hates being associated with the alt-right?
and i give 2 fucks why?
Because co-opting his image and pretending he does has ruined his career prospects?
well that sucks.
Your get will be stolen. Call it the curse of Ben Garrison.
i will remember you when i lose it.
The get will not happen on inauguration day.
i got it :DDDD
do you remember how you died?
37 hours remain and no-one is even spamming. It's like you don't even have convictions.
How do I do the temporary censor?
They are being OPs
Make 8SGA
Scroll up in this thread. It has a lot of images from many different posters.
delete system32