how do you feel about this idea ?
just as websites have been re-hashed for mobile, command line applications would have to be, too
Command line watch
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That's a terrible idea. Trust me, I regularly (try to) use command lines on my phone.
And how would you input text on it?
just configure the one button as a 4 baud serial input :^)
Great idea, let's get on it Holla Forums! Any ideas for a logo?
A penis thrusting into a rotten apple
I fail to see any utility in this, at all.
Why the fuck would I want to use a command line on my watch? Please provide at least one non-stupid use case.
You're in the shower or on the toilet while cops bust in and you need to send a command to your computer to flush your keys.
At the very least, you could unmount any encrypted partitions when you step away
Wasn't some user on the /baph/ board here killed awhile back while sitting at his computer trying to reach his killswitch when the cops broke in?
When they have a gun aimed at you frantically entering commands isn't a good idea. They'd probably overlook a smartwatch(especially a thin round one) just as they allowed a very cooperative and pleasant torrent site owner to make a call on his phone during his arrest which ended up wiping his remote servers.
With practice you could enter a short command in under 3 seconds.
Why not just have some kind of panic button for that, though? That's even faster than SSHing into your computer and entering a short command.
(a panic button on the watch, I mean)
There are better keyboards for small devices.
I could see using a modified speech to text program that understood what things like "sudo"l meant.
or you could like, you know, not be a criminal?
It's clear that you don't belong here.
You can't wear that, it's not an alternative.
I'm sure there are FLOSS wearables out there.
Wait until we get an efficient method to type and manipulate text like we do with a proper keyboard but on mobile devices.
That's illegal in the US.
you're missing the point, I'm saying mindless consumerism, anti-functional technology is degenerate, and harmful to both the consumer and the progress of useful technologies. i wasn't talking about floss per se non-floss watch also harmful, it's the fundamental concept of these devices that's flawed.
as said, provide an actually useful non-dubious use-case for a command line watch.
i didn't say you could wear pyra, i said it's a less harmful alternative. the only motivation i imagine for a command line watch is ultra-portable computing. pyra already does this in probably the smallest reasonable form factor as limited by human dexterity manipulating small devices.
even with pyra, the ultra-mobile compute anywhere meme needs to die, just do like stallman and stick with a laptop
also this.
Enjoy wrist cancer
The only time you should be away from the desk is when you have to open the door for the pizza guy. At least until we figure out how to 3D print pizza.
You have to go back.
All of the heathens will be ignited in the starfires of the chosen one and shall burn to mere ashes which shall nourish the believers' pastures.
still tho, fuck off with that wrist cancer shitpost :-D
Cool RPing. Now go back.
I bet you still use windows 10 and have facebook open right now. Show some respect to your technological superiors!
I bet you use wireless mouse too.
You're not a superior anything to anyone. You're just some meme spouting 13 year old from 4chan or KnowYourMeme. Now take your le praise kek memes back there.
Wew, some nice dox you dig up, may i ask where did you find these personal info?
I don't even have to find dox when you're going out of your way to make it so abundantly apparent.
Wasn't me though :-)
That was a ruse. Vince is still alive. Now if he actually does get killed in such a situation, it won't be believable due to their stupidity.
really though, voice terminal would be hell. too many symbols involved.