Daily Reminder That Japan Need More Diversity.
Japan needs more DIVERSITY
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Anime is already pretty redpilled, we don't need your shilling bullshit on here.
Kill yourself OP
Kikes wouldn't normally care about non-white gooks, but they're making homogeneity and pride of your people and nation trendy. Can't have that, nosiree.
Nice to see you defend degeneracy when it suits your narrative.
Japan is one of the last pure blood nations. Anime for you weebs would be much different if japan wasnt as pure blood as it is. Please don't ruin this op you fucking cuck.
Hang yourself
continued: even if you are being ironic op you are a faggot for even advertising his new channel. From the looks of it this faggot is a virgin who nobody wanted to fuck so he is taking it out on his nation by encouraging foreigners to fuck his country.
Yes anime is actually more redpilled than you think. aside from some of the cringe weeb quotes that are at fault of some translators, anime generally has no filter regarding SJW standard and is the reason alot of sjws and ebin media critics like anita complain about it in the first place. rarely do you ever see a nigger or foreigner in anime and when you do that character is often ridiculed as unintelligent along with elementary level engrish.
The only diversity Japan needs is the diversity of tit sizes on their women. Commit suicide, OP, it'd make the world a better place.
the comments are pretty good though
Have you seen this Anime, user?
Seems extremely bluepilled to me.
Also: Code Geass.
I wouldn't necessarily call code geass blue pilled just more of a story of overthrowing a diabolical government of inbread monarchs. also does anyone remember how japan responded to the UN when they suggested they ban content that is deemed "harmful to women"? didnt go so well.
It's like the sweaty man saying Trump is not going to win.
Also the fact that Lelouch goes from being a rebellious bluepill to understanding the necessity and role of rulers.
they already have 'diversity' things
and polite sage
The south japanese are basically niggers.
It certainly isn't going to happen as fast as some people want it, however the longer shit like this is spewed and spread around the more important people will actually listen. As redpilled as japan is, they are more vulnerable to flip flopping to the blue pill due to how frequent japan has the opportunities to change governments.
yeah you get it. that isnt blue pill propaganda thats called character development and maturity.
The economy of course my good goy!
It has nothing to do with destroying all cultures and nations until there's nothing left but a mix of brown and yellow slave workers that will be monitored by google's latest military zogbots.
yeah, aka "koreans and chinks"
Gee I wonder who is behind that post.
What good is the economy if there's no people?
did you even read my post? I said as fast as SOME people want it. meaning the lefties, the sjws, the progressives. ar you trying to twist my words to make me sound like a jew or are you that retarded? I dont think anything in that post could be even considered jewish. get off the computer, go downstairs (or upstairs you basement dwelling faggot) and take your meds.
Asians are pretty smart therefore a threat.
Holy shit, where are you getting this from? Fucking america's homicide rate is 3.9. Japan's is 0.3. The only murder rate in double digits in America is that of niggers. I'm going to need a source.
kikepedia gives 0.3 but
oh the source, science!
Also, hory shit, that's Akita.
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Very interesting article.
Akita-ken, best 'ken'.
Except the fact that almost every single anime character is White, you rarely see an Asian ironically.
And if they're not White then Japs have major white envy and draw themselves with White features.
You hang yourself, faggot.
Also OP is a confirmed shill. He posted this a few days ago.
you hang yourself, weebshit.
He's showing that tumblrcucks like anime too.
it isn't redpilled, it's just annoying. your fetish is shit tier. stop posting your degeneracy on Holla Forums.
This thread is about Japan anyway. Why does that always mean you weebcucks have to inject your shit taste and escapist fantasies into everything? Go back to gamergoy, losers.
Anime doesn't turn anyone into a NEET. That doesn't even make any sense.
I've seen probably over 400 anime series and I have no idea what you're talking about.
They aren't, and these images you think are "proof" are just agenda-driven cherry-picked horseshit.
Tumblr isn't just a hangout for SJWs, it's a generic site and there's all kinds of shit there.
Why are you opposed to an anti-SJW movement?