Hi /b, Yesterday I've stabbed a classmate in the face with a broken umbrella,I have been bullied by him, but now the people Think I'm a monster, why?
Hi /b, Yesterday I've stabbed a classmate in the face with a broken umbrella,I have been bullied by him...
You're a monster, Harry.
Don't worry about it. Fear = respect
You probably got respect from it. You did a good job user. You probably will get suspended though.
Stab them in the face with a broken umbrella too.
Stab them all, user.
Fuck what the cowards say, you did well.
also this
Start going to school naked to show them who's boss now.
Because people are stupid.
Everything was pitted against you since the day you dared to slide out of your mothers cunt. now you're forced to stab people in the face to shake up the arbitrary social strata. This doesn't fit their preconceptions of how people are supposed to act, and they're trying to figure out how they can once again elivate themselves above you.
There is nothing wrong with being a monster, same thing happened to me before. Turns out beating everyone faces to pulp gets you respect. I used to pick fight 1 vs 5 and i would win because the guys i fought were humans and the they experience fear. Eventually everyone will come to fear you and respect you. Just dont regret doing the right thing even if that mean you will be alone. Dont be scared of teachers and parent.
As bruce lee once said, "be waterfall my friend, and let it flow".
OP read enders game
I mean, let's be honest with ourselves here… when was the last time you came inside your kid sister?
Welcome to the modern world OP. Bullies are even more adept because they will jump at the chance to cry bloody mirder when they finally get hot back. Since you finally defended yourself, you are now the monster.
I suggest deciding if you want to twist the knife more or make it perfectly obvious to everyone else that they're faggots and probably would have let themselves stay bullied or would have done the same. Be loud and clear if you go that route. But no matter what you do you will always remember how cucked people are. That fighting back is taboo.
Because you are now stronger and braver than they are. You have grown past their petty slave morality and have reached a higher level of existence. Beyond nicety, above mercy. You are now as Man should be. The apex predator. You are finally free.
ain't nobody be messin' wit OP from now on.
he a faggot, but he a crazy faggot
good job OP I'm proud of you.
you elevated yourself to alpha status by using your brain to beat brawn with a tool, a sharp stick.
Don't be surprised if you find beta females all over your dick when your suspension is over. The alpha females are now available too , for your dick if you pursue hard enough.
Depending on how high up the social ladder you just climbed you might have to fight off those lower than you to keep your position.
you're dumb. if someone demeans you, and you just take it without verbally massacring them or physically reminding them that they aint shit, you're a bitch. OP is in the right.
Because you retaliated with too much too soon.
They fear you user. Dont listen to the other anons in this thread, they are just trying to get you to finish what sandy hills started.
Give the crowd time to forget. Meet with bully and apoligize. Bully is conformist like the rest of the school and does not want to be denied acceptance. You are no different seeing how you are bothered by what they call you.
You are now at a crossroads in your life user. Choose wisely:
Go down the path of fear. Continue your violent path and become the sociopath we all wish we had the guts to be. Become a symbol of violence and fear. All will hate you and rue you, but few will act against you.
Go down the path of feels. You will be denied by society, but you will not fight back. You will accept your fate like a man and move on with your life to mature and blossom into a tower. Those who look for consoltation will come ott you, and you will be loved by many. Those with hardened hearts will despise you, but their acts of violence will only bring them denial by everyone else. They will be crippled by their own imaturity and everyone's hatred of them will surface into the amalgamate of war.
The path you choose will be difficult to stop.. The train has no brakes once it starts.
Choose wisely user. Do you want to be loved or feared?
I want to be respected as a human being, equal and no different than anyone else without being judged by people for doing me. fucc being loved. fucc being feared. Just respect me for who i am, and I'll respect you… don't try to manipulate or use me, Or ill manipulate and use you. Don't insult me Or I'll insult you. if someone wants to engage in such activites, they can leave me the fucc alone.
My philosophy is React, don't incite.
Both give respect, but are different in their own right.
The path of hate makes people respect you, and follows the eye for an eye philosophy of violence. If a guy talks shit about you, you beat him to a pulp, if he shoves you, you make him bleed, etc.
The path of feels allows people to respect you, and follows the turn the other cheek philosophy of violence. If a guy talks shit about you, you talk it out with a friend, if he shoves you, you walk away, etc.
Thats not how life works user. People will judge you, you judge people. Its how the human mind operates.
So you want to be another nobody?
Face it user. The ones who make something of themselves stood for what they beleived in and did not give a shit about what others though of them.
You obviously care too much about what others think.
Now go join the flock and be another sheep user. Unless, of course, you want to be someone. Then heed my advice and start standing up for something worthwhile that you truly believe in. Social acceptance be damned.
You did good OP. The might fear you now but if you hold your head high and just act normal after you come back you should be fine. No one should mess with you anymore and you won.
Your words really makes me think user