Why is she so perfect, Holla Forums?

why is she so perfect, Holla Forums?

I don't like Harley, but she is thick in this pic goddamn.


But this is BTAS Harley.

Whoa step the fuck back, OP.

Superior hot bitch coming through.

Holy shit Wu Ya is fucking thick.


jeez the edge.

I like her because she's fun but also tragic at the same time. kind of an emotional rollercoaster.

just out of curiosity if joker and harley had a baby would it have bone white skin too like the Joker?

I always assumed J's skin was bleached white by the toxic waste, like Michael Jackson. If the condition isn't genetic, he wouldn't pass it on.
Unless he dunked the baby in acid or something, which I wouldn't put past him.


She's not. She's irritating, crazy and overexposed. You have shit taste.

eh she used to be good on Btas and in some of her own comics in the early 2000's. After the new 52 and Batman arkham city she went to shit.



At least its not a feminist.

Yes it is. The feminists latched onto her and even made her in an actual lesbian relationship with Ivy. Not the 'sexy implied lesbos' kind of relationship, either.

dont they hate the fact she is associated with domestic abuse?


dude she used to be good in btas and the early 2000's only recently has she become female deadpool.

Who looks like a hooker. Don't forget to mention that.

Her charme and the hotness-factor of being fully clothed but skin tight are completely replaced with unsubtle sluttiness and horrible humor.

I found it hard to like Harley after that.

sorry to hear about your experience user.