kill m pls
Hard drive just fried
Hope you have backups.
Was it Seagate or WD?
thanks for reminding me to do a backup
still shitposting
wew lad
Don't leave your array in a degraded state for too long.
get an SSD, you double nigger
Unless you have a lot of money, SSDs are too expensive for storing a lot of data.
You can afford 12TB of SSD's?
probably not, but no one needs 12TB
Well once you put it into raid1 then you're down to 6TB. That's not a lot of storage, really.
raid1? whats that
I have 2TB and have never come close to running out
also this
thats what you get for dropping your hard drive on a hot pan filled with oil
it is when you run SSDs as one, meaning 2 250gb become 500gb
this what you get for rubbing salt and soy milk on your hard drive
i miss twitch raids
Everyone on Holla Forums is too grown up for raids now a days.
>mfw in 3 years its gonna be 30 years since the 90s
everyone here is either 16 years old or 36 years old.
i want my Holla Forums back
it's always been like that