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IDs are fucking cancer
IDs prevent cancer, the only people effected are those that want to samefag.
fuck you. there is nothing wrong with samefagging. if you can't handle it, go to reddit.
leftypol seem pretty happy with themselves rn
In what way does it makes this place better? Make a logical argument for samefaggotry. I'm happy to make a logical counter-argument, samefagging makes it possible to create a false consensus.
oftentimes you see a new thread and make a shitpost, but then a bit later there's real discussion going on in it and you want to make a serious contribution. with IDs, people will just point to the early shitpost you made and disregard your arguments
chans should be about what is spoken, not who is speaking
Maybe you shouldn't be shitposting if you want to join serious discussions?
samefagging is part of the price we pay for anonymous discussion; go to leddit if you don't like it
maybe it should be possible to do both?
do you hate fun?
How are you not anonymous due to tread specific IDs? Sure you can be tracked within a single thread but that is a positive if you actually want to have a discussion instead of just "lol so random" shitposts.
It is possible to do both, you think I aren't shitposting in shitposting threads right now?
Where is your trip faggot?
because having an ID means you're not anonymous; you are unidentifiable when you are anonymous; what you say is not tied to a name, pseudonym, ID, etc. and stands purely on it's own merit.
toasting in datamine thred
also why are you against shitposting? you are posting on the dedicated shitpost board
some times IDs are needed to fight false consensus or if there is suddenly a surge in spam.
ID are a response to a problem just like capatcha remember when there was no capatcha and it started and Inslip and stuff?
on a side note and to spice this thread up,
how long do you plan to be on the chans? I've been here (the b) for ten years on an off and was fear of it a few years before by ED and have been on the net since 96. I begin to wonder about how long is too long. will we still need b when we're fifty four? Should we spread the ways of MS paint into the middle of the stream and if we do will that help anything? I have question, you have answers?
Daily Reminder that this ID is a Jew and must be Purged by the Holy Inquisition!
Fuck you fucking nigger
I agree, that is why I only post on imageboards have have done so for over a decade. So long as your posts within a thread don't contain cognitive dissonance no one is going to treat you any different and the only reasons to post cognitive dissonance is a) you are that stupid or b) you are pretending to be that stupid.
It's this way of thinking that makes me want to finally leave imageboards once in awhile but there is nowhere like what imageboards were before this thinking permeated the culture.
I will gladly do it
I have been around for just over a decade and will only leave when there is somewhere better to get unfiltered opinions with minimal retards.
Claiming that anonymity is the reason you post on imageboards exclusively but also claiming IDs are a good feature for ibs to have is cognitive dissonance.
Good man!
Explain how? The reason other forums suck is because a single ID is used for every post and clicks form over time. With an ID that lasts a single thread this doesn't happen.
do you dispute my earlier description of anonymity? if not, it's cognitive dissonance, if so, explain why.
No, as there is an identifying feature (the thread ID) it could be argued to not be anonymity by definition, I will not argue this.
How so? As I said the primary benefit of anonymity is that clicks don't form and this isn't an issue with thread based IDs so don't counter the primary advantage of anonymity while avoiding one of it's pitfalls (samefags making low effort troll threads).
are you saying you want to go to a place with manufactured opinions to make you buy or do something? The rest of the world is like that all the time. This is our space to be free from all that.
yes, me too.
I think you mean Cliques
I'm saying that adding IDs to Holla Forums to prevent false consensus is like wearing a hardhat 24/7
Thanks user.
That's precisely what I'm saying; having thread IDs is not anonymity. It is an identifying feature and as such not anonymous.
And? While not "true" anonymity it doesn't bring any of the issues related to persistent identities and solves some of the issues that come with true anonymity.
It's the best of both worlds.
I wasn't saying we should have ID all the time but sometimes we should put on our hardharts to prevent shit from falling on us.
When we get raiding hard I would think ID would like people filter the spammers by ID. I don't really understand how to do anything other than greentext. KI never learned to triforce, mostly because while I respect Zelda/link/other people with green hats and bows and hand egg flutes I never really got a chance to play. started to once at friend house but "not good enough" to keep playing. had a genesis so not really a triforcer. that water temple sounds like bullshit. I'm a PC now and just tried to help someone on a console. children of a lesser god feels.
dubs and no problem.
that is what I enjoy about being online is being able to help people and be helped. I think we can get to that point and truly have world peace and get to space. But as we make old conditioning uneeded what culture do we replace it with. We need a new set of answers that work and don't bully or cheat or lie. I'd like to crowd source a belief system/cultural reference that is pure and without garbage in the code.
That's why it is cognitive dissonance; you cannot claim to be in favour of imageboard anonymity while suggesting that imageboards are better when not "truely anonymous."
huh what?
I cannot count the number of times that some of the very best discussions were had on the chans because I, or someone else, started the argument with several Anonymous alter-egos. Same-faggotry often sucks, especially when not done with artistic talent and finesse; but it is absolutely an essential part of anonymous image board culture, and it must be protected as the free speech that it is.
Fuck your rules and your IDs!
We're not on Reddit for a reason.
Besides, even your thread-specific ID idea cannot stop samefagging by people using VPNs, etc. And, if you can't samefag in the same thread, what's the fucking point!
You don't belong here.
t. 50 yr old channer since 2004
Sadly the only people that would be open to trying it are those that aren't busy making the world a worse place.
It seems you are caught up with semantics rather than an intellectual argument about the pros and cons of various forum structures.
To clarify I hate the pitfalls of persistent identities more than I hate the pitfalls of anonymity but see IDs as a "best of both worlds" solution that don't suffer the cons of either system.
Did you forget where you are?
That's what we do here!
If you don't like it, GTFO!
Who gives a fuck about the concensus of a bunch of faggots on 8ch? If you are so easily swayed by someone samefagging you shouldn't be here to begin with.
Correct, I'm not arguing pros and cons, I'm arguing anonymity or not, which it seems you have some sort of animosity toward, which I find odd considering you claim to have been posting for a decade.
I suck big dicks
Dubs does not lie.
do you really think I have been saying we need IDs all the time? Do you really not get that I am just saying sometimes IDs should be used then gotten rid of when no longer needed?
of course. they would lose power and luxuries. I think that has been part of the backlash. People are afraid when ideas move without their control or understanding. I do think we will get there without them noticing though and just be a better answer. maybe not. maybe boot on face forever wins.
Hi samefag, fuck you.
Also, as I haven't seen it mentioned here yet, IDs don't stop samefagging, heard of VPNs?
bring back ids
samefagging is getting out of control
Whoa, people have biases against trolls now?!
Dubs checked, oldfag.
Thanks, saved.
But you aren't, you are simply arguing semantics and ignoring the point I have made several times that thread IDs don't have the negative impact that persistent IDs do.
Those that are competent will always find a way around any system, the idea is to stop the incompetent masses.
I begin to worry he may be pretending to be retarded. Or too dense or contrarian to ever see your point.
Fuck You!
Samefag ID wanter!
But I am though, and I was never arguing pros and cons of anonymity, just that IDs destroy anonymity, which you acknowledged when you said
When you said that I achieved all that I wanted in that argument, and I'm not about to begin another one.
yeah communism is fine until you get to the death squads. They don't talk about that but they all secretly want that. It can be very fun to bait Stalinist into sperging out and ruining any conversions they were about to make.
pic related
Forgot this.
you suck
fuck you some more.
thread trashed by squabbling tards.
k. it was shit anyway
damn that is one ugly little girl
So you can't come up with an argument for why thread IDs are bad so are just sticking with "it's not anonymous"? Each to their own, have fun with that.
thanks again. how can you use the internet on a phone? doesn't that feel so, yucky?
keep it going with your unique contribution trips of threes.
It was mentioned here , and it's a good point.
I stand by the anonymous nature that imageboards were founded on, that's all that I am going to argue for at this point in time.
and then somone else said it kept most from doing it and yes it couldn't stop VPNs but that was ok.
and no one was arguing against that here at all.
Not really as the argument is that smart and creative OPs can samefag to bootstrap a thread, these same people should have no problem getting around thread IDs while a 15yo "troll" using the term loosely will be stopped by it.
Except for that.
Well… Ever heard of a smart phone?
Yes. I do not even consider this to be a 'real' device. It is, after all, iOS! Nonetheless, it does work better to access the Internet than a slice of moldy bread, and it cost me nothing whatsoever.
I see you weren't lying when you said "that's all that I am going to argue for at this point in time".
Grow some balls and make an argument to support your case or find a hugbox that fits so your ideas won't be questioned.
Holla Forums doesn't have IDs, so I guess it's the perfect "hugbox" for me.
you are one dense prick aren't you?
Is that a picture of you using your phone on a timer?
Not an argument.
Not really as I keep questioning your ideas and you keep refusing to make any attempt to defend them with logic.
correct, you are not making an argument. You could try. or is this really Babby's first troll?
Have an ID you filthy pedophiles. You are only marginally better than political autists.
Well I'm sorry that when posting on an anonymous imageboard I want to be anonymous. You can go to reddit and make anew account for every thread if you like, it will be just what you're looking for.
this thread had opportunity for lulz until some fag decided to argue for id's like normiechan
Political autists are great, sadly they can only be found on /k/ these days.
giv id plessssssssssssssssssssee
Faggots getting triggered by Holla Forums kek.
get fucking rekt.
your pic related is propaganda. CAPITALIST BTFO
good observation, faggot. it wasn't an argument, it was a statement of fact.
how do you post on an (((iphone)))?
There is nothing wrong with the death squads, you have to exterminate all the traitors and pro capitalist pigs.
Purge the Enemy.
then why the fuck are you worried about people dismissing your post because of an earlier shitpost?
nobody that is important is going to give a shit anyway
i can dump memes that suit my political agenda too, i must be right
Ayy you forgot that the Soviet Union won WW2 and liberated Berlin.
Ayy capitalist cuck defending theft and slavery.
"An"craps will never learn.
fuck off kike
itt: two donkeys lock horns over a bale of rotten hay.
Do comminists cum red?
get fucking rekt you faggot.
lefty pol needs to die
As though all posts were not underrated; especially this one.
Faggots getting triggered by lefties.
What part of "given to me" do you not understand?
fuck those commies
Finally it's happened again and you retards haven't gone over there and started shitposting, and then when getting banned for it becoming outraged and ban evading, then becoming confused as to why the user count keeps increasing and cooking up conspiracy theories.
If trips communism will lose
if trips communism will win
kill yourself degenerate.
Are you fuckerdumb?
fuck you socialist scum
educate yo self nig
What are you, some kind of person who has recently joined this great community? I'd chance that you're a homosexual as well.
Faggots have no place in life.
I just wanted to say something and figured this sticky thread wi the palce place to say it:
Thank you for your interest.
You probably would chance.
ignorant people who have never read any marx but like to masquerade as though they know shit about communism even though it's painfully obvious they have no idea
gulag for all of you
You will be destroyed, along with the rest of your kind.
Dubs does not lie.
You are a nigger.
Communists BTFO!
What's wrong with edits if it's to ensure posts reflect reality?
It doesn't.[
but it does, communism will never win - the trips confirm it
jerking off to traps isn't gay
Communism failure rate 100%
you literally have to be retarded to be a communist
i live nig
i nig live
i love the mods they are funny and cool
communism is gay tbh
They're being raided m8
not really. reddit hate us and because they had increasing number of "uncomfortable opinions" because they banned our catgirl drawfag so they tried to push everything bad on us. But they are incompetent, nothing extra happened, I saw maybe two threads.
Feels good to be commie scum tbh fam. First some shitty Taiwanese soapbox board then the world!
It doesn't matter, yesterday you were down to ~750 UIDs at around this exact time
Kulaks deserved it
They have tox people!!!
Someone accept an invite and datamine these stupid proxy spamming niggers and dox em.
Oh fuck.
I think we broke something.
Then why do people call out samefags?
Actually, it is 890.
IDs encourage internet celebrities,attention whores and special snowflake syndrome.
If you are looking for cancer look no further,I would take samefags over the above any day.
I remember a time when ids on Holla Forums was "temporary"
if politics taught us anything is that authorities never got rid of measures implanted for emergencies, they keep the emergencies going and the people scared. it's how people are controlled through fear.
I don't believe Id's are important or relevant under any circumstances.
and obviously adding them to image boards was a mistake.
Oh, the wishful thinking.
tripfag gtfo
not me