As subject says this will be a Freestyle thread - both audio and text, you can drop bars or link audio of your bichon fristyles, use vocaroo if you link your own shit.
Drop keystyles, fucking whatever idc I'm not your dad
As subject says this will be a Freestyle thread - both audio and text, you can drop bars or link audio of your bichon fristyles, use vocaroo if you link your own shit.
Drop keystyles, fucking whatever idc I'm not your dad
I do freestyles by request normally but I'm on a shit laptop and can't atm, these are the 3 from a little while back when I last did a thread:
Topic: Public Masturbation Kebaberie:
Topic: A mother finds out her son uses 8ch and tries to report it to the FBI:
Topic: Neetlyfe:
Bumpin for Free Style General
thanks user feel free to drop anything of your own or comment on previous pieces - I'd also totally be down to drop some text bars back and forth while we've got this thing up. Might as well have some fun and share some OC!
I'm sittin' on Holla Forums droppin' the bars,
Singing like a siren on the top of car
Wailing behind never stoppin' to spar
I'm all about the escape, feel me "droppin' the chage"
C4 explosive and probably scars
for anybody that fucks with the product of stars
I'm a photon in flight, electro fuckin' magnetic
I'll rip an emcee into pieces like positron annihilation
I'm postin' in the thread and nobody can stop me
like japanese gettin' drenched in the middle of bukkake
you got me? I'm harder to catch than neutrinos when I target your snatch
I'mma fuck up any pussy that thinks they smarter than that
Einstein with fine rhymes my mind chimes on I-9, swervin' off the bourbon and side to side reversin' hittin' the gas before the crash as I'm burnin'
sheeet that went downhill and I died hahah
that was fun though drop some shit bros have some fun and write some shit
I remember the nettlife thread. That was pretty good.
I'd love to do more today but my main PC is KIA presently and haven't figured out precisely the cause, won't power on but when I jumped the 24pin cpu power connector from power on to ground all the mobo leds and fans and everything powered on so it almost makes me believe it is the processor to blame and I am so hesitant to buy a new one lol so I'm stuck using this shit fucking laptop with windows vista installed that apparently can't handle a DAW or any such thing, ridiculous
I don't think anyone would sweat the quality of the recording.
I mean, I can do Audacity probably, I imagine that is still possible, let me see if I can make it happen
Actually yeah, I probably can, I'm going to test it out in a minute here but got to walk my dogs first
How are you doing today user?
Just did one, no topic or anything just testing it out, the laptop was lagging a shit ton so a couple of times in it on my end it would just drop out, one spot it skipped the recording too, the Hilary Clinton bar the next rhyme was wet machete but it didn't record that, it's not perfect but it seems like it would at least work
I'm down to take requests for tomorrow if anyone is interested now that I have a viable means by which to do so. Post ITT with it and I will fill it as soon as I get the chance
"I cordially invite you to witness (rapper name) the menace, so tragic in the past but now surpassing his limits, word smith of correlation I announce this formal statement, reinstating my publicity as ill MC consistently, my teeth aint golden its my words that are glistening"
"Be careful what you wish, bubble gum bubble gum all up in the dish, the quick persist to death you shall accept these words of wisdom. Make your decision I chose to think outside the prism. Ignorance aint bliss its more a matrix, smarts are sacred. Enlightenment's essential let me tell you what's eventual, extinction of mankinds smart minds, dark times, no potential"
"Its not feasible for me to relinquish my logic/Diesel fuel in my noggin cant extinguish my neurologic/Positive charge on negative retards complete bars reach full charge"
That was honestly nice, 'dropping bars' like economy spikes! He's blowing up quick, like a bringing a bomb to a fight and if you guessed he was a beast then you're probably right! user throwin' heat incantin' fireball, magic caster blastin' on the tirewall, e-racin' the track like on a firewall, or alternatively 'going hard' like when desire calls!!
fuckk! i love freestyling. vocaroo wont work doe
why not? you can use whatever DAW record and then upload to vocaroo
ill try it
not liking the sound so i'll just post the text.
wayne wayne go away
we'd rather have the fuckin rain
you're such a mothafuckin pain
get out of my fuckin way
never to be seen again
every day's the fuckin same
goin insane cause im snortin so much cocaine
and i wanna put a shotgun to my brain like kurt cobain
it's amazing all the sheep are grazing
always craving crazing never
never fazing eyes are hazing
im over here stargazing.
looking forward to it! alternatively we can figure out a means by which we can do it in realtime, a few friends have been using discord but I don't know how I feel about using discord especially for use based in a chan lol but I'd be down to have a live cipher type thing if we can find a means by which to maintain anonymity
damn. anonymous realtime freestyling. that's the future. also yeah my raps shit, that's just what i recorded on the spot. I could take 10 minutes and write something decent but it's not a rap thread now is it
haha yeah, upload it once you get it done, I'm definitely going to give it a listen. I'll post up a response freestyle too
it's done. see
why didn't you upload the audio? that's half the fun haha I'll do a response in a sec once the dogs stop barking here
so drop that weight
at the top 'a the eighth
nother brain to slay
stab it in and twist it rain'd
see the forms or-ri-r-riginate
fluid motion through the pain
curb it round like the butchers kn'aif
fucker's think they got it all,I got me.
that's the way i count all of my blessings
bitch you've never been alone, im always home
I choose emptiness cuz no one's gonna work for gold
rather have monsters as friends
masks on masks on inn'alact
that's the way it goes around, when you drown in a turmoil of your own creation
throw down ya cards on the drawing board
monopoly money made for whores
pigs eating out of the trough
fingers down their throats vomit up
words on words on please shut up
doesn't sound very good. can't really hear the beat. i sound 12 also. if it was live i'd do it haha
the trough we're feedin' from,
tossed from eden n' dumb,
idiotic psychotic tendencies,
fits of product sales and malicious intentions we
grow like malignancy in tumors
consumers and in rumors
slaughtered pigs as they balloon us,
expanded in weight but always shrinking inside,
the war on our brains for the fiction we find,
a ball and a chain so constricted we're dying, defiance is silenced by a tyrannous siren, chasing down us all until our time is expirin', the lost lady liberty gone blind in the irises, defined in our timelessness we pay for oil and options with the auspice environments, changing season, betraying reason, dismay, malfeasance and a tray we're feeding from, say we're okay but slowly strayin' since we need the numb, until our regions come face to face with demon's sums, our words are worthless for the purpose of purchase when the first thing we're turning is our service in circus, ring leaders laugh while throw'n peanuts at our asses
download audacity, drag and drop instrumental in, record vocal with headset on so no feedback etc
Bring the game in to a state of pandemonium/ Product of chemical X overdose professor Utonioum/I'm music to your ears like I'm playing the euphonium
"Gomu Gomu brain elastic, my dialogue fantastic, hit it raw dog Im a dick but I aint wrapped in plastic"
I'm a virgin, but I say that for comedic effect. I even admit it in my other raps
haha checked
looots of skips recording it but fuck it
sucks having a shitshow laptop
also JIDF obvious malicious attack when I tried to make bar about the holohawxs
blind eyes try to mime what the actors do
five times lost lives so who the fuck are you?
as the register gets another dime
a quarter drawn out of my mind
the arcade aint worth our time
pinball, donkey kong, at best a game of pong
another troubled sigh knocking at my door
I could knock back but they'd ask for more
an empty stage surrounded by dust
the art cage filled with genius and nuts
the bars break, false dead, shadows on the wall
remake, constituate, givin out a (you)
demons take, no risk, play you for a fool
Walk away into shade, living life true
but the watchers blow wind and soil
Chase you through a tube.
best advice grab the knife, liberty is gone
don't try, lies and flies, eden is a zoo.