So are you all really virgins? Pussy feels pretty good Holla Forumsros. What is stopping you from obtaining that...

So are you all really virgins? Pussy feels pretty good Holla Forumsros. What is stopping you from obtaining that? Are you all socially retarded or something?

Old school misfits are the only misfits!

jerking off feels, and makes me not want sex for awhile

How good could it feel? Sounds like fapping but with a wet smelly hand
Me being a general sperg, and really have no motivation to go socialize with 3Ds

im socially retarded

but that isnt really stopping me. what stops me are my hooribly ugly looks

good question.
I'm just nervous around people in general

me, myself, and I

Porn has killed young men and this civilization.

GG WP jews
gg wp

porn by its self isn't as good as sex with 3DPD.
It is the 3DPD that have made it porn better then sex with 3DPD

To elaborate…anytime I find myself getting romantic feelings for a girl, I more or less turn into a retarded asshole with no common sense. I say the stupidest things, make the stupidest demands, and generally make a fool of myself. Every minute I spend around them makes them like me less and less.

The Jews are why I can't get laid!

Can confirm pussy is fantastic, but it can be a massive pain to date successfully. Can't blame anyone for not jumping into the meat grinder, especially if you are not a natural at it.

Man that guy in the middle looks fucking gay


I'm gay and I hate women.

What? Gays and women are like the OTP of bffs.


Just waiting until she's old enough



I used to think that I'm too socially retarded/boring/ugly/poor or whatever, but it seams that i was wrong. These days i'm having pussy every day if i want it and my gf doesn't mind me being a neet, she even makes me meals before and after she gets back from work. She seams to be really impressed by my Dark Souls skills. Honestly i don't know whats wrong with her.


gays are fags


Sometimes i cook for her too, i consider myself a better cook.