For the last 2 years I was living off my savings, basically surfing the net, playing video games, socializing, traveling a bit and basically being on a vacation. But after 2 or 3 months I was bored, became lethargic and de-motivated to get anything done. Did have a gf cause I became comfortable being anti-social.
Anyway, last couple of months I got a busy job, (cause my funds were running low). I'm at work 10hours a day, tired most of the time, and don't get enough sleep until the weekend comes. But I feel way better, motivated, focused, feels like I'm actually using my time wisely and somehow I managed to get a girlfriend (just by being more social at work and on the weekends) and life is good. So far.
So if you're a dumb NEET who thinks being 'comfortable' all the time is the epitome of life, maybe think again. Putting your body to work and getting out of your comfort zone might be just what you need.
Andrew Edwards
only for the first few months then I hermit moded*
damn, too tired to write coherently. xD
Josiah Long
that's not life
Kevin Diaz
I only "work" 5-6hours of those 10 hours, the other hours are spent thinking/planning, lunch, internet or reading.
But I can't leave the compound until my shift is over, so I make the most of those 10hrs.
Colton Rivera
When I come home I have to cook, clean, and usually do a bit of laundry. I get "me" time from 6:30-10pm, but damn does it feel nice and rewarding.
Tyler Clark
i'd be okay with 5-6 hours a day
Landon Wood
how much money do you make? any potential dick receivers?
Samuel Powell
$4k/mo some nice girls at work. got a gf tho, so not looking for others.
Jacob Allen
Good job working like a slave to the jew only to waste all your money on a whore that willl divorce and make you pay alimony to Jamal's children first chance she gets.
Jacob Gutierrez
OP, I'm glad you have an actually decent-paying job but pay attention to . ~$50,000/year is just about the threshold where your welfare gets nullified but paying for kids will be too expensive. Be sure to NOT gf a single mom and always be sure to do some wrapping before tapping.
$50,000/year is plenty to live a comfortable life on your own though, I could probably get a house at that rate where I live, so enjoy.
Cooper Lee
well fyi, my gf is 5 years older than me, makes more money than me, and so far has spent more money on me than I have on her. she also makes me breakfast early in the morning (I have to wake up at 5am) and irons my shirts, and randomly cleans my apartment. I never ask her to do any of these things btw…
I don't plan on marrying her, but if she was 8-10 years younger I definitely would.
Henry Bell
Jonathan Sullivan
Henry Cook
Carter Cook
not just a pepe poster, but also a christian + moderate-nazi . Life is full of surprises.
Adam Gonzalez
What does that even mean? The Nazis don't exist anymore, you tryhard faggot.
Mason Roberts
how new are u
Camden Davis
There are only neo-Nazis, National Socialists or white nationalists, choose one. People who say "lol i'm a Nazi xDD" are either 14 or retarded.
Lincoln King
No thanks. Being a computer engineer sure is sweet. 82000 bucks my first year doing next to nothing. It's the closest you can get to being a NEET and still making good money.
Liam Watson
good on ya, faggot
Logan Hernandez
they're both
Colton Parker
Are you fucking retarded? When I was a wageslave I got up in 6AM, came home at 4PM on weekdays and only had 5 weeks of vacation per year. I would usually have free time from 5PM to 10PM. This means after 2.5 hours of shitposting and reading news on happenings I would have enough time to watch 1 movie or a few anime episodes. Playing videogames for less than 5 hours a day leaves me unmotivated because you can never finnish it this way.
Now as a student I have 3 months summer vacation and 2 months winter vacation. I am living off my savings from my first job so life is chill ATM. When I need sheckels again I will go back to the plantation and make another 50 grand in 4 years. Maybe I will go study something else by then in my mid 30s just for fun I actually enjoy school more than work even if I have to study for tests and do homework. If school goes well I will earn more, if it does not, I had a nice vacation.
Money is nothing worth without time
Landon Reed
Fuck off
Michael Myers
Run that treadmill of wage slavery!
Matthew Powell
also I am a yuropoor so gubmint pays my college bill.
Jace Morgan
Read books instead of sitting around doing nothing. Get tech certifications. Go fuck yourselves.
Anthony Morris
You were weak willed. Some of us neets actually have things that we do beyond shitposting of mongolian basket weaving forums.
Nicholas Moore
you use 3DPD measuring stick to determine success, and consider have a 3DPD as a gf as a milestone. You and I have very different value system, thus any life advice you give me is irrelevant, as it is coming from a perceptive that not even remotely close to my own.
Jacob Campbell
Enjoy your paper cuts and daydreams
Jordan Rodriguez
will do.
Enjoy your STDs and paying for children that aren't yours.
Oliver Walker
Sorry i am not that cucked. Rather see the whole country burn before i lift a finger. Not even feel a tiny bit of remorse or regret.
Jacob Myers
Tel Aviv ip?
Ryan James
Xavier Rivera
Can we use Kristian's?
Brayden Taylor
I wasn't being ironic. Christ is Lord.
Aiden Torres
Justin Brooks
Josiah Carter
good for you
Charles Gray
Yeah, sounds great, dude. epic
Benjamin Stewart
I stopped being a NEET last year, OP. But life goes on, and it was only by the blessing of God that I came out the other side tougher. The world almost fucking crushed me years ago, I can deal with things much easier now since I am an adult man. Life is so cruel.
I surprised myself that I was able to be physical and social at my work and function at full capacity. Being a NEET for that many years worried me that I had lost some abilities for good.
Blake Robinson
Sounds real fun, user. Been NEET for 8 years since I was 20. Can't turn back now.