What programming language has the most poo inside it?

What programming language has the most poo inside it?

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What's it matter to you? You're not a programmer.


all me xD

He He He ! X D

Visual J++.

Java, PHP, C++.

* #J


Reported xD

Le same fag xxxd



Java is the language of outsourcing. There is no match for the amount of poo it contains.

Java and C#. Indians trying to mater C++ is just sad to watch.

(Those Indians can probably spell better than me though)

Visual Basic




Please respond of urgent matter very important concern. C++ memory allocation does not follow spec of java guide and must find bug in 15K LOC project which compile mostly but with many error. email me expressly [email protected]/* */

Easy, Java. They worship it over everything.

Java or whatever shit MS has been pushing recently.
Try explaining to an Indian that Java is a horrible language, it's one of the shortest routes to insanity.


Actually, try to explain why Java 8 is bad to an European guy.

Haskell because it has currying.

Java, C#, PHP


This was true but now we have Golang. The next poo language.

That'll be a step backwards without at least the type safety of Java.

take a guess

All me


Visual A(ss)

Oh, this sense of satisfaction! It's simply delightful!

No one will use golang other than the same people who used ruby.

Java and every other language for retards and interweb (php, html, etc)

Korn obviously

Did you know Sanskrit has over 100 words for shit?